Vedic Astrology Divination Religion and Spirituality
Educational organization dedicated to promoting the art and science of Vedic Astrology -- Jyotish -- founded in November 1993. Information and upcoming events.
Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Divination: Astrology
- - Consultancy and education on Vedic Astrology. Astrological books, periodicals, magazines, directories.
- Vedic Astrology and Predictions - Free online Vedic Astrology charts and reading. Ancient astrology Vedic texts. vedic Tips for life. Body indicates. Dream astrology interpretations. Nature signs. Vastu. vedic Love in female's life.
- AstroPalmistry - Uses Vedic Astrology and Hindu Palmistry for events divination in life astrology with actual dates of occurrence.
- Cosmic Synergy - Vedic (Indian) Astrology consultants, providing predictions according to vedic the science of cosmic synergy.
- The American Council of Vedic Astrology - Educational organization dedicated to promoting the art and science of Vedic Astrology -- Jyotish -- founded in November 1993. Information and upcoming events.
- - Free predictions based on Lagna-rashi, free chart. Case vedic studies on divination profession, health, progeny, marital, education and vedic remedies. Paid courses through divination email.
- Kalchakra - Vedic astrology and numerology, compatibiality repots.
- Harish P. Goswami - Astrologer, author, and software developer.
- - Astrology on the basis of Empirical Research.
- Astroview - Features Vedic astrology, business and personal counseling service.
- Vedic Astrologer Shyamasundara Dasa - Offers consultations in vedic astrology, educational articles and training in vedic astrology.
- Sri Jagannath Center - Center for Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) and Spirituality guided by pandit astrology Sanjay Rath.
- Vedic Hindu Astrology - Information on Vedic astrology: planets, houses, charts and basic information.
- - Zodiac signs and horoscopes.
- Birth Time - The influence of incorrect birth times on astrological astrology predictions.
- Astropoint - Vedic astrology consultants from India - includes consultation, astrology horoscope analysis astrology services, computerized horoscopes, charts and compatibility.
- Astro Predictions - Astrology, numerology and horoscope readings from India.
- Astrogyan - Vedic Astrology: birth charts, match making and predictions divination based on the traditional Indian astrological methods developed divination by Ashwini Kumar Sharma. Panchanga online, Events and divination Festivals, Questions and Answers, Lost and Found, Herbal divination (ayurvedic) Cure, Man
- - Astrology predictions, articles, services.
- Astro World - Introduction to Jyotisha. Accepts simple online queries, consultations vedic through prior appointment.
- British Association for Vedic Astrology - Provides a European forum for Vedic astrology including divination monthly meetings divination and international conferences.
- Sre Kagabujandar Nadi Astrological Research Centre - Offering both free and paid predictions and remedial astrology services, with vedic background information.
- Krishna Shenoy - Vedic astrologer from Bangalore, India. Predictions, matching, consultancy.
- Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) Yagyas - Yagyas to bring positive influences and avert negativity vedic by Vedic astrology astrologers. Jyotish consultations and Yagya services.
- Doug Riemer - Certified Vedic astrologer from Sedona, Arizona. Readings with Vedic remedies vedic and astrocartography, lectures and classes.
- Vedic Shaktis Astrology - Information on Vedic Astrology with examples.
- - Vedic health and spirituality with related services and forums.
- - Features interactive lessons, features and tips, with details of consultations available.
- Jai Maharaj - Some information on Vedic Astrology.
- - Treatment of diseases through Vedic Medical Astrology.
- Indian System of Astrology - Astrology based on Nakshatras -- Moon's constellations.
- Aryabhatt Astrology Services - The portal for astrology and occult science: Vedic astrology (Indian) Astrology, vedic Numerology, birth chart consultancy, Astrology books.
- J.J. Enterprises - Astrological center in Jaipur, India, providing online consultation, astrology computerised horoscope calculations. Also online courses in Jyotish.
- Eastro Vedica - Details of consultancy and software services, plus gemology, astrology electional, mundane astrology and horary astrology, with practitioner profile.
- Jyotish Information and Research - Information about Jyotish and astrological research under the astrology supervision of Rohini Ranjan. Free articles, materials for astrology beginners, and links on Vedic Astrology.
- An Astro Journey to the Zodiac Secrets - Articles, horoscopes and Rudraksha information.
- Dirah Academy International - Information about the astrology of India, the Hindu divination Lunar Zodiac, yogas and astrology, ayurveda and astrology.
- Sai Sree Vedic Astrology Center - Prepares and analyzes horoscopes using Vedic methods.
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