Latter Day Saints Christianity Opposing Views Religion and Spirituality

A detailed critique of Mormonism from an agnostic's point of view. Includes complete text of a number of original documents and a full commentary on the Book of Mormon.

    Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Opposing Views: Christianity

Latter Day Saints

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Editor's Picks:

Utah Lighthouse Ministry* - Jerald and Sandra Tanner research and document problems with Mormonism. Includes topical index, books, FAQs, tracts, and testimonies.

  • Equality Time - Comprehensive weblog from a disaffected Mormon perspective.
  • Berean Christian Ministries - Various articles giving a background on Mormonism, differences opposing views in Mormon teaching, twisted interpretations of scripture, and opposing views essays on why Mormonism can not be called opposing views true Christianity.
  • Ex-Mormons for Faith and Research - Provides exit stories of many Mormons and details the scriptural challenges to Mormon beliefs.
  • Real Mormon History - The strange, obscure, and fantastic world of Mormonism, latter day saints from the religion's own books.
  • Mormon Origins - Historical information and documents relating to the beginnings opposing views of christianity Mormonism.
  • Through the Maze - A former Mormon has books, such as M. T. Lamb\\'s The Golden Bible and Ann-Eliza Young\\'s Wife No. 19, together with articles and audio clips.
  • Contender Ministries - Proving Mormonism to be a false doctrine is opposing views not latter day saints an attack but a defense of the opposing views Christian faith.
  • 20 Truths About Mormonism - A sincere exploration of LDS church history, authority, opposing views and doctrine by former Mormon, Jim Day, Ph.D.
  • Richard Packham - An atheist and former Mormon gives his reasons latter day saints christianity for rejecting Mormonism.
  • Joseph Smith and the Mormons - Offers an abbreviated history of the Mormon church, latter day saints its current worth, and prophesies by Joseph Smith latter day saints that never came to pass.
  • Spotlight on Mormonism - Explores such questions as: Do Mormons have a latter day saints opposing views true relationship with Christ? Do they really worship latter day saints opposing views Him? Also lots on Book of Mormon, the latter day saints opposing views Bible, apostasy.
  • The LDS Temple Endowment Site - History and development of the LDS temple endowment.
  • - A look at Mormonism: the good, bad, and ugly. Discussion opposing views area included.
  • Alpha and Omega Ministries - In over two dozen articles, Dr. James R. White delineates various problems with LDS teachings, and he provides witnessing tools for Christians. His book, Letters to a Mormon Elder, is included.
  • Recovery from Mormonism - A site to help former Mormons. Includes stories from latter day saints ex-Mormons and information on the religion from their point of latter day saints view.
  • Refiner's Fire Ministries - Christian outreach site for current and former members latter day saints opposing views of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints opposing views Latter Day Saints (RLDS).
  • The Book of Mormon and the King James Version - Shows several translation errors in the King James opposing views Bible, latter day saints with Mormon scriptures duplicating them, and concludes opposing views therefore the latter day saints Book of Mormon cannot be an opposing views ancient work as latter day saints Joseph Smith claimed.
  • Book of Mormon Research Page - A detailed critique of Mormonism from an agnostic\\'s christianity point of opposing views view. Includes complete text of a christianity number of original documents opposing views and a full commentary christianity on the Book of Mormon.
  • Mormonism Research Ministry - Evangelical Christian ministry challenging the claims of the Church of latter day saints Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Articles examine Mormon teachings, the latter day saints Book of Mormon. Also includes book reviews, testimonies.
  • Saints Alive in Jesus - Contrasting Mormonism with orthodox Christianity, Ed Decker has opposing views books opposing views and articles.
  • Life After Ministries - Challenges Mormon doctrines and works to assert the christianity Christian doctrines christianity of Jesus Christ, in accordance with christianity the Bible.
  • Mormonism Disproved - Provides concrete evidence disproving the Book of Abraham, opposing views demonstrating that Joseph Smith was a false prophet. opposing views Mormon beliefs are also challenged using the Bible opposing views and Mormon scripture.
  • Mormon No More - Provides detailed instructions on how to resign from the LDS Church.
  • Joseph Smith Author by Proxy - Who actually authored the Book of Mormon? This opposing views downloadable christianity book compares Biblical history with Book of opposing views Mormon alleged christianity history and reveals the true author opposing views of the Book christianity of Mormon.
  • The Book of Mormon in the Light of Science - From Dr. Thomas Key, a free downloadable e-book that contrasts latter day saints Mormon doctrine with that of Christianity.
  • Mormons in Transition - History and beliefs of the Church of Jesus christianity Christ of Latter-day Saints, Book of Mormon, and christianity differences between Mormonism and Christianity.
  • Joseph Lied - A former Mormon sheds light on the reasons opposing views he opposing views and his family left the Mormon church.
  • - An atheist satirizes Mormonism by quoting from LDS christianity material.
  • - Many insights into Mormonism from the viewpoint of one who converted to evangelical Christianity.
  • Questions for LDS - A Catholic convert from Mormonism writes to both describe and understand his ongoing journey of faith.
  • Word for the Weary - The challenge of Mormonism from a Biblical perspective.
  • Mormon Research Page - Critique of the current church structure. Includes latter day saints history, an explanation of the beliefs, links to latter day saints research material and news articles.
  • The Truth About the LDS Mormon Cult - Argues that Joseph Smith plagiarized to make the opposing views Book opposing views of Mormon, and various speeches from its opposing views leaders show opposing views the LDS Church's true nature.
  • Challenge Ministries - Jerry Benson provides tracts challenging Mormonism and Evolution.
  • What is Mormonism - A former Mormon details some of the evidence christianity that caused latter day saints him to leave the LDS church.
  • Utah Christian Publications - Contrasts Mormonism with Christianity, and asserts Mormon proselytizing opposing views efforts christianity show a big difference between them, or opposing views the LDS christianity wouldn\\'t spend so much time, money, opposing views and effort on christianity it.
  • Mormon Conspiracy - Offers excerpts from Dr. Charles Wood\\'s book documenting the LDS church, its doctrines, beliefs, and practices. His book alleges a conspiracy by the church to rule America.
  • Mission to Mormons - Steven Dealy has a few articles on problems opposing views with christianity Mormonism. A map of Nauvoo has opposing views information on christianity historic sites.
  • Real's Page - Explores church president Hinckley\\'s attempts to suppress information about Joseph Smith and Brigham Young.
  • H.I.S. Ministries - Former Mormon Dennis Higley presents some of the latter day saints opposing views evidence that helped him leave the LDS church.
  • - Support community for those who have left the christianity church. Includes christianity forums plus personal accounts of user\'s christianity experiences.
  • All About Mormons - An evangelical Christian's blog regarding Mormonism.
  • Concerned Christians - This ministry contrasts Christian theology with that of Mormonism.
  • Mormonism and Biblical Truth - A large collection of articles claiming to reveal the errors opposing views of Mormonism. Contrasts Mormon teachings with those of the Bible.
  • Freedom Quest Ministries - Examines the claims of the Mormon church in light of latter day saints the evidence.
  • The Anti-Mormon Preservation Society - Small online collection of nineteenth-century books on Mormonism.
  • Recovering from Mormonism - This is a blog which records a large amount of latter day saints current, critical information about the Mormon Church.
  • Mormon Gulag - A site dedicated to the closure of West opposing views Ridge christianity Academy, Utah.

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