Islam Opposing Views Religion and Spirituality
An account of the rise and historical development of Islam, written from a Baha'i perspective including emphasis on the Shi'ite lineage from which the Baha'i religion sprang.
Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Opposing Views
See Also:
- Mypetjawa - A weblog comparing Muslims to Jawas and containing criticism and religion and spirituality satire of Islamic traditions and beliefs.
- Jihad Watch - Weblog dedicated to bringing public attention to the opposing views role opposing views that jihad theology and ideology plays opposing views in the opposing views modern world, correcting popular misconceptions opposing views about the role opposing views of jihad and religion in opposing views modern-day conflicts, and opposing views alerting people to the opposing views nature of
- The Prevailing Myth - Proof of internal inconsistency of Islamic dogma and opposing views an opposing views estimate of its true nature by an opposing views Atheist.
- History of Islam - An account of the rise and historical development of Islam, written from a Baha\\'i perspective including emphasis on the Shi\\'ite lineage from which the Baha'i religion sprang.
- Foundation for Freedom of Expression - Organization established by Ayaan Hirsi Ali to support and protect people critical of Islam, and promote the free exchange of ideas. Includes a brief biography of Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
- Understanding the Concept of Jihad - Following the attacks of 11 Sept, this website islam asserts that islam Islam teaches violence.
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