Reincarnation New Age Opposing Views Religion and Spirituality
This category contains sites that either directly oppose or openly question concepts, teachers or groups uniquely identified with New Age views on reincarnation. Reincarnation means: consciousness surviving the death of one physical body and experiencing rebirth in another physical body. Belief in reincarnation is common among many cultures and major religions.
Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Opposing Views: New Age
- Will You Return to This World After Death? - A Sufi contention against the New Age belief in reincarnation.
- Catholic Answers: Reincarnation - Refutes the New Age assertion that the Bible teaches reincarnation.
- Reincarnation: Satan's Second-Biggest Lie - Contends that New Age concepts of reincarnation are satanic.
- Is Reincarnation Biblical? - A response to the claim that reincarnation can be found opposing views in the Bible.
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