Canada Local Churches Church of Scientology

The Scientology church in the city of Edmonton provides information about its Scientology introductory services including lectures, films and Sunday Service.

    Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Scientology: Church of Scientology: Local Churches


See Also:
Editor's Picks:

Church of Scientology of Toronto* - Provides news and events listing from the senior continental local church in Canada. Includes an invitations to attend Sunday service and other introductory services.

  • Church of Scientology of Kitchener - Describes the Scientology church of Kitchener, in Southwestern church of scientology local churches Ontario, including the books and services that available church of scientology local churches and answers to frequently asked questions.
  • Church of Scientology of British Columbia - The local Scientology church in Vancouver, provides information on Scientology, church of scientology Dianetics and church founder, L. Ron Hubbard.
  • Church of Scientology of Winnipeg - The local church in city of Winnipeg offers information about free introductory training and counseling services available. Provides location and hours and basic information about Dianetics and Scientology.
  • Church of Scientology of Ottawa - The Scientology church in Ottawa presents information about church of scientology its introductory services and a description of Scientology church of scientology and Dianetics books and services that are available, church of scientology as well as a profile of Scientology\\'s founder, church of scientology L. Ron Hubbard.
  • Church of Scientology of Edmonton - The Scientology church in the city of Edmonton provides information canada about its Scientology introductory services including lectures, films and Sunday canada Service.

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