Personal Pages Female to Male Transgendered
Rob is an everyday guy in Syracuse, NY, who happens to be transgendered. Personal photos, information on his life, links to transgender resources.
Top: Society: Transgendered: Female to Male
Personal Pages
See Also:
- The Ramblings of an FTM - Writings that deal honestly with hopes, fears, and female to male transgendered real-life issues during transition. Chest surgery photos, 2-year female to male transgendered T journal.
- A Life About Transition - A personal blog about a Canadian transboi and hys life female to male in the US.
- Zander Keig - Vice president of FTM International, community organizer, author, trainer, speaker, facilitator and coach.
- Dubbing It... Info for Trans Guys - An exploration of self and trans from a personal pages UK transgendered guy, with a comprehensive guide to resources personal pages on and transgendered off the net for FTMs on personal pages both sides of transgendered the Atlantic.
- TrannyPop - An FTM father talks about being a stay-at-home female to male personal pages dad. Stories, photos, links and information on trans female to male personal pages families, homeschooling, and disabilities.
- Dael's Queerdo Page - A young Saskatchewan FTM. Photos, diary, T journal, personal pages Canadian female to male resources, and lots of diversions.
- FtM Doctor - A UK doctor blogs about practicing medicine and transgendered being transsexual.
- Becoming Spencer - A young Australian transguy documenting the process of his transition.
- Kevin's Transgender Page - A Rhode Island FTM documents the beginning of transgendered his transition. Photos, transgender resource links.
- Bryan XY - Formerly Project XY, a personal and comprehensive website female to male on female to male transitioning.
- FTM Diary - An anonymous Bostoner's two-year-long diary.
- Changing Me - Lots of photos showing changes from testosterone and female to male chest surgery. Also voice clips, journal, resources, and female to male tips.
- Hayden - A transman with a BDSM twist. Writings, pics, and butch-femme links.
- Ryan Scott Kennedy - FTM\\'s blog about music, spirituality, environmentalism, politics, New transgendered Zealand life, transgendered and being transgender.
- The Final Nightmare - Ryan describes his journey of healing from gender dysphoria. T-journal, voice clips, personal essays.
- Robalo - Rob is an everyday guy in Syracuse, NY, who happens to be transgendered. Personal photos, information on his life, links to transgender resources.
- Thank Heaven for Tranny Boys - Gender-bender Johnny\\'s detailed journal and transition photos; voice clips on personal pages request. Contains some explicit and graphic content concerning eating disorders personal pages and sexuality.
- Queer Haven - Essays on FTMs and feminism, Trans for Doofuses, transgendered and other writings.
- Jamie - An FTM truck driver from New Jersey shares female to male his story.
- Phoenix Rising FTM - Photos, transgender resources, personal and political writings from personal pages Alex.
- FTM Transition - Ethan\\'s a college student in Vermont. You\\'ll find lots of transgendered artistic and documentary photos here, plus information on chest surgery, transgendered hysterectomy, and body modification.
- Sam and Bethie - A transman and his partner. Their site chronicles his transition with details of testosterone effects and chest surgery.
- Spirit Under Transsexual Cover - A transguy\\'s personal explorations of identity, spirituality, psychology, philosophy and transgendered culture.
- Alex - An older site from a young FTM. Features poetry and personal pages other writings, plus passing tips and links.
- FTM: Scouting the Unknown - Ryan is a Midwestern boy documenting his transition with pics, transgendered a journal, and information about his experience as an FTM.
- Razi Michael - A UCLA student explains the process of coming to terms transgendered with his FTM identity. Photos, links.
- The Transitional Blog - A weblog intended as a resource for anyone thinking of transitioning or who wants insight into the life of an FTM.
- Numbers in 1080 - Eli, from Fargo, North Dakota, talks about being female to male trans/queer, feminism, mental health issues, tattoos, and recipes. female to male Includes testosterone information and transition photos.
- Joshua Bastian Cole - Josh is a young FTM and drag king performer. Lots of photos, plus voice clips, T journal, and other writings.
- Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore - An article about Alex, the now-famous FTM student transgendered at Harvard.
- James Halleman - An FTM steelworker talks about his transition, surgery, transgendered and issues in the workplace. Photos and biographical transgendered info.
- Bailey's Pad - A queer transguy in a small Ohio college personal pages town.
- The Adventures of a Small Guy - A bold statement from a small guy, with transgendered personal photos, writings, resource links, and original artwork.
- Stealth Queer, Inc. - Josh is a Midwesterner, student, and a Cubs female to male female to male fan. Personal info, photos, and lots of links female to male female to male related to his interests.
- About a Boi - A dad becoming a man. 22-year-old FTM, looking female to male to help fellow FTMs with info and resources, female to male and looking for advice.
- Boy Afraid - Rock \\'n\\' roll mayhem and humorous bits from female to male personal pages Nick, plus transition info, journal, and chest surgery female to male personal pages pics.
- Eryc avery Daddy boi - An FTM couple describes their Daddy/boi relationship and their individual transitions.
- Loren's Doodle of the Day - This art student\\'s expressive drawings graphically illustrate the paradoxes of female to male FTM identity, some with narrative text. LiveJournal and other links.
- Gender Outlaw - Transition journal of a transman from British Columbia, Canada. Blog female to male entries, photos, video updates.
- boy wheelin' by - Young Australian FTM\\'s weblog, with photos, T diary, queer performance art.
- Loren Cameron - FTM photographer, author of Body Alchemy and Man Tool. Biographical personal pages info and gallery of selected photos.
- Becoming a Man - Follows the journey of a 21-year-old FTM: coming female to male out to family, graduating college, finding a job, female to male and transitioning. Journal, links and resources, FAQ and female to male terms to know, trans related quotes.
- Devin's World - An offbeat, upbeat FTM site. Links to resources personal pages for TG spirituality, medical info, and general FTM personal pages topics. Personal diary and T journal.
- Zander's Place - Photos, journal, and voice clips documenting physical, emotional, transgendered and social female to male transition of a Midwesterner on the transgendered East Coast.
- Lando Thomas - A SoCal FTM and businessman. Links to video transgendered of television appearances, transgender resources.
- Another Transboy Page - A Tennessee transboy talks about transitioning as a personal pages teen. personal pages Writings, journal, personal photos and chest surgery personal pages pics.
- A Life Story - Look in the left margin for links to Eric\\'s bio, female to male weblog entries, transition journal, family snapshots, and FTM health info.
- The Edge of Nowhere - Nick\\'s animated site features transition and chest surgery photos, voice clips, FTM tips and resources, and multimedia.
- Drew's Domain - Southern hospitality from an original Tarheel Transman. Photos, transman tips, personal pages top surgery journal and eclectic links.
- Dr. Olof - English-language version of a Swedish transman\\'s site. Details transgendered of his transition and his opinion of why transgendered it is worthwhile to change one\'s sex. Swedish transgendered and German versions also.
- Devon - An FTM beginning his transition. Journal, photos, transgendered poetry, resource transgendered links.
- Angel's Club - This Latino transman knocks you upside the head with a personal pages Fight Club-inspired site. Online journal, testosterone info, resource links.
- TransFemme - The femme partner of an FTM in east Tennessee. Includes personal pages bio, photos, links, and information on how to join the personal pages author\'s mailing list for femme SOFFAs.
- Finding the Means - Just a regular guy finding the means to transition, documenting personal pages the personal alchemy of his journey. Photos, T-journal, voice clips, personal pages resources.
- The Wonderful World of CJ - A Michigan trans boi and activist. Personal and transition photos, resource links, info on TransGender Michigan.
- Dragonsani Renteria - An activist and founder of the national Deaf Queer Resource Center.
- I Am Anonymous - An update to the widely read diary of an anonymous female to male Boston FTM. Now in Connecticut and post-transition, he still struggles female to male with life, love and the meaning of things. Includes FTM female to male FAQ and link to the original '90s journal.
- T Power UK - Chris from Southampton gives us a slice of FTM life transgendered in England, complete with his thoughts on transition, T journal, transgendered photos, and resource links.
- TRANS∙pose: A Journal of Movement - Gender identity and transition through the eyes of transgendered a genderqueer personal pages transman in Los Angeles.
- Neil's Transition - Transition photos, voice clips, blog and artwork from a New personal pages York State painter.
- Bryce - A Two-Spirit transman\\'s personal journey. Voice clips, photos, written insights personal pages on transition.
XML Feeds:
- Every Journey Begins With a Single Step - A documentation of transition in blog format, with pictures, voice clips, and written accounts.[RSS]
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