Schools and Instruction Silat Martial Arts
Led by master teacher Yana. Data on the schools' history, books and videos, photo gallery, message board, school and projects info, map of Indonesia, contact facility.
Top: Sports: Martial Arts: Silat
Schools and Instruction
See Also:
- Sindo Self Defence - The school combines traditional Indonesian martial art with schools and instruction schools and instruction modern streetwise self defence. It further specialises in schools and instruction schools and instruction the art of developing inner energy. Information on schools and instruction schools and instruction methodology, training organisation and targets, photo and video schools and instruction schools and instruction galleries, members boa
- Manyang - Way of the Hornet - Instruction in Penjak Silat in San Jose, California. Includes history, schools and instruction training, and course schedule for children and adults.
- Pukulan Cimande Pusaka - This Cimande style based school, headed by master silat teacher William schools and instruction Sanders, gives emphasis on the ethics silat and history of traditional schools and instruction Cimande heritage. The site silat provides information on media, seminars, instructors, schools and instruction and articles silat related to Pencak Silat cultur
- Pukulan Pentjak Silat Mustika Kweetang - Mustika Kweetang style as taught by master teacher martial arts Jim Ingram. Information on the development of Pencak martial arts Silat in USA, Indonesia and worldwide, on biography, martial arts martial arts philosophy, contact and training facilities, and martial arts on upcoming events.
- Twin Dragon Martial Arts - The school in Miami USA provides specialized training martial arts for adults and children based on Kuntao and martial arts Pentjak Silat. Information on philosophy, history, health and martial arts healing, a bulletin board, contact.
- Pencak Silat Mande Muda - Founded by master teacher Uyuh Suwanda in Bandung, martial arts West martial arts Java, the school is currently organized by martial arts his daughter martial arts Rita. The headquarters\\' site gives information martial arts on the Mande martial arts Muda school, the Pencak Silat martial arts Association of the U.S.A., martial arts and the Suwanda Academy.
- Pandeka Mihar G Sentak - Teaching traditional Indonesian Silek. Includes background of style, gallery and schools and instruction related information. [English/German/Hungarian/Indonesian]
- Perguruan Pencak Silat Padjadjaran - The official Dutch branch of the traditional school silat from Bogor, silat West Java, led by master teachers silat Eric Bovelander and Leo silat Lindeman. Many Pencak Silat silat related links. Languages: Dutch, English, and silat Bahasa Indonesia.
- Gerakan Suci Perguruan Pencak Silat - School is based on Satria Naga style. Information martial arts on schools and instruction teaching staff, style, classes in Santa Cruz martial arts and San schools and instruction Francisco, California, curriculum, on Sufism based martial arts on the teachings schools and instruction of the Tarikat Qadiri-Rifai, philosophy, martial arts links.
- Combat Silat - 21st Century Combatives - The school near Orlando, Florida comprises teachings of Pentjak Silat, schools and instruction Hok Kuntao, Arnis, Kali, Escrima, and Garrote Larense. Site provides schools and instruction info on movement repertoire, training methods, photos, dictionary, and schools and instruction forum. [JavaScript]
- Pencak Silat Austria - Information on history, the trainer and the schools and instruction silat curriculum of the school directed by master teacher schools and instruction silat Eduard Linhart in Vienna, Austria. Contact facilities, photo schools and instruction silat gallery, glossary of Indonesian terms. Languages are English, schools and instruction silat German and Italian.
- VDT Academy Pentjak Silat Serak - Led by master teachers Victor deThouars and Robert Vanatta, the silat school is located in Bellflower, CA. Its site provides detailed silat information on activities of the school and its community, its silat ethics, history and teaching staff.
- Inner Wave Pencak Silat Union - Based on Madurese and Central Javanese techniques, this schools and instruction schools and instruction school is located in Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. schools and instruction schools and instruction Site provides information on master teacher Daniel Prasetya\\'s schools and instruction schools and instruction profile, history, contact facility, and a picture gallery.
- Pencak Silat Ular Sendok Netherlands - Master teacher Michiel Geurtzen teaches Pencak Silat Ular Sendok ("Cobra martial arts Style") in Ulft, Netherlands. Site provides data on the history martial arts of this style, its teachers, a multimedia gallery, a guest martial arts book, and contact information. [Flash Intro]
- Cliff Stewart WAR - Within Arms Reach - Master teacher of Pukulan Pentjak Silat Serak Bukti schools and instruction Negara. Information on biography, lineage,martial arts repertoire, videos, schools and instruction books, and seminars.
- Je Du-Too School of Martial Arts - Teaching Chinese Kuntao, Indonesian Pentjak Silat and Filipino martial arts martial arts, the schools\\' emphasis is on practical martial arts self-defense. Site lists systems, Denver Colorado school martial arts details, timetable and general information.
- Keluarga Silat Perisai Diri Australia - The official site of Perisai Diri Silat in Australia. This style was founded in 1955 in the city of Surabaya, by Raden Mas Soebandiman Dirdjoatmodjo. Provides history, philosophy, information on techniques, classes, and events, and a photo gallery.
- Harimau Belgium - Pencak Silat Pukulan Bongkot - Gives information on Silat in general, teachers and training in silat Belgium, curriculum, style development, data on competitions and organizations, silat links and pictures.
- Pencak Silat Tapak Suci Amsterdam West - An introduction to the Dutch schools of this schools and instruction martial arts Central Javanese style. Site provides information on history, schools and instruction martial arts belt system, examinations, characteristics, and contact facilities. Languages schools and instruction martial arts are Dutch and English.
- Silat White Crane (PGB) - International working school, founded by master teacher Subur Rahardja. Site schools and instruction provides Information on the schools organisation and development, on training, schools and instruction news, and a photo gallery. Languages are English, German and schools and instruction French.
- Liu Seong Combat Arts - Chinese Indonesian Filipino Martial Arts system put together schools and instruction by the late master teacher Willem Reeders. schools and instruction Filipino Garimot system of Gat Puno Abon baet.
- Clear's Silat - Master teacher Richard Clear teaches Silat, Kung Fu, schools and instruction silat and Taiji. Site offers articles, school and instructor schools and instruction silat information, online shop for instructional videos, photo schools and instruction silat gallery and video files. Located in Maryville, Tennessee.
- Silat Perisai Diri USA - Led by master teacher Yana. Data on the schools\\' history, martial arts books and videos, photo gallery, message board, school and projects martial arts info, map of Indonesia, contact facility.
- Asian Fighting Arts - Several schools in Ohio, US, teaching a curriculum consisting of schools and instruction classes in Pentjak Silat, Kun Tao Silat, Filipino Kali, Doce schools and instruction Pares. Site offers information on schools, programs, announcements, events, photo schools and instruction album, links, and a guest book.
- Pencak Silat Pamor Badai - Indonesian Martial Art based on the teachings of silat master teacher A.D. Nelson as they are taught silat in Belgium. Information on Pencak Silat history, schools, silat curriculum, picture gallery, and contact facilities.
- Poekoelan Tjimindie Tulen Martial Arts Community - Founded by master teacher Willy Wetzel, this school is now martial arts under the direction of master teacher Barbara Niggel. Information on martial arts schedules, classes and workshops for adults and children, and contact martial arts to branches across the U.S. and Europe.
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