Personalities Powerlifting Strength Sports

Personal bio of drug free powerlifter and current world bench press record holder Jennifer Thompson. Includes: training, nutrition,meet results,pictures and links to powerlifting organizations.

    Top: Sports: Strength Sports: Powerlifting


See Also:
  • Ielja Strik - Information about the bodybuilding and powerlifting career of strength sports Ielja. Dutch Strongest Women.
  • Julie Havelka - Includes photos, contest history, biography, inspirational quotes, coach information, and related links.
  • Fred Hatfield - Information on powerlifting, weightlifting, and training in general.
  • Robert O. Smith - Photos, original cartoons and animation, and events commentary.
  • Lynne Nelson - Includes routines, competition background, and a personal lifting personalities history.
  • Gene "The Machine" Bell - Profile of thirteen time National and nine time personalities World Champion personalities Powerlifter. Includes titles and accomplishments, photos, personalities as well as training personalities routines.
  • 132 Pound Powerlifter Jennifer Thompson - Personal bio of drug free powerlifter and current world bench powerlifting press record holder Jennifer Thompson. Includes: training, nutrition,meet results,pictures powerlifting and links to powerlifting organizations.
  • Kathy Roberts - Kathy speaks to youth about the dangers of steroids, other strength sports drugs and alcohol. Biography and other information.
  • Walter "Truck" Ferguson - Photos of Ferguson in action and an interview.
  • Powerlifting Website of Wim Wamsteeker - Provides profile, photos, and related links. Also provides powerlifting Dutch powerlifting strength sports results, records, events, and history.

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