Shortwave MP3's

Radiodiffusion Télévision Gabonaise
Libréville, Gabon
1979?     4777 kHz
French     100 kW
Music, talk, ID in French. Time and actual date unknown, possibly 1979.

Duration:   25:04
Filename:  19790000_-_Radiodiffusion-Television-Gabonaise_Gabon_4777.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio RSA
Meyerton, South Africa
1979-12-31     2153 GMT     15380/17805 kHz
Radio RSA's 3rd annual New Year's Eve live call in program. I called in at 2320 GMT (separate cut on recoding, 19 minutes in). I was 13 years old at the time. You can hear my voice right before that cut, and again at the very end of the recording.

Duration:   46:15
Filename:  19791231_2153_Radio-RSA_South-Africa_15380.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Botswana
Sebele, Botswana
1981-01-02     0357 GMT     4845 kHz
10 kW
Cow bells and cows mooing interval signal.

Duration:   0:58
Filename:  19810102_0357_Radio-Botswana_Botswana_4845.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Lesotho
Lancer's Gap, Lesotho
1981-01-24     0356 GMT     4800 kHz
SeSotho     100 kW
Starting at 0359:50 GMT a national anthem can be heard, although this may be the Russian regional station's (underneath). AT 0401 GMT a woman can be heard to give an ID (possible mention of Lesotho and Maseru). At 0403 GMT there is music, then at 0403:30 GMT there is a man possibly reading Koran, this continues until 0405 GMT. The language here is probably SeSotho. The "Moscow Nights" and Kremlin chimes can also be heard from the Russian regional station.

Duration:   8:16
Filename:  19810124_0356_Radio-Lesotho_Lesotho_4800.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Voice of the People of Burma (Clandestine)
Yunnan?, China
1981-02-21     1210 GMT     7570 kHz
Woman talking in an Asian language. Static towards the end of recording.

Duration:   4:52
Filename:  19810221_1210_Voice-of-the-People-of-Burma-(Clandestine)_China_7570.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Lesotho
Lancer's Gap, Lesotho
1981-02-22     0400 GMT     4800 kHz
SeSotho     100 kW
National anthem by a marching band, man giving frequencies and their corresponding meter bands: 891 KHZ and 4800 KHZ are announced. At 0402 GMT there is a church service with hymns and preaching by a man. At 0411 GMT there is disco music. Recording ends at 0415 GMT. Best heard to date.

Duration:   14:20
Filename:  19810222_0400_Radio-Lesotho_Lesotho_4800.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Zambia Broadcasting Service
Lusaka, Zambia
1981-03-07     0346 GMT     4910 kHz

"Call of the Fish Eagle" (seagulls) interval signal heard under a low and powerful het. No other programming noted, even after 0349 GMT. Every so often the seagull interval signal will break through the het. Best heard to date.

Duration:   3:14
Filename:  19810307_0346_Zambia-Broadcasting-Service_Zambia_4910.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radiodiffusion Télévision Congolaise
Brazzaville, Congo
1981-06-02     2254 GMT     15190 kHz
French     50 kW
High-life music, at 2256 GMT man with full ID: "...La Voix de la Révolution Congolaise, emettant de Brazzaville." Frequencies are announced, followed by a short melody on a native instrument, a man making a speech to a crowd, and the national anthem. Sign-off at 2300:30 GMT.

Duration:   6:26
Filename:  19810602_2254_Radiodiffusion-Television-Congolaise_Congo_15190.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Cook Islands
Rarotonga, Cook Islands
1981-06-03     0829 GMT     11760 kHz
English     500 watts
Woman talking, possibly saying "...Radio Cook Islands". After 0830 GMT, there is a program of U.S. pop music, with the woman announcing the songs.

Duration:   5:24
Filename:  19810603_0829_Radio-Cook-Islands_Cook-Islands_11760.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Cook Islands
Rarotonga, Cook Islands
19810927     0650 GMT     11760 kHz
English     500 watts
ID & pop music.

Duration:   31:34
Filename:  19810927_0650_Radio-Cook-Islands_Cook-Islands_11760.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Sutatenza
Bogotá, Colombia
1981-10-11     2359 GMT     5095 kHz
Full ID and time check with promos, then news read by a man.

Duration:   3:50
Filename:  19811011_2359_Radio-Sutatenza_Colombia_5095.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Africa Number One
Moyabi-Moanda, Gabon
1981-10-24     1958 GMT     11755 kHz
Hi-life music, ID by a man, also mentioned Gabon.

Duration:   2:56
Filename:  19811024_1958_Africa-Number-One_Gabon_11755.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Clarin
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
1981-10-25     2328 GMT     11700 kHz
Spanish     50 kW
Man mentioned 45,753 "paraticos(?)", followed by other numbers. Mentions of Dominicana and Santo Domingo.

Duration:   2:58
Filename:  19811025_2328_Radio-Clarin_Dominican-Republic_11700.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Inconfidencia
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
1981-10-26     2328 GMT     6000 kHz
Portuguese     25 kW
Brazilian pop music, frequencies, ID given by man, time pips, time check, more mentions of "Inconfidencia", and talk by a man.

Duration:   3:05
Filename:  19811026_2328_Radio-Inconfidencia_Brazil_6000.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Luxembourg
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
1981-11-08     2128 GMT     15350 kHz
French rock music, Russian "woodpecker" over the horizon radar can be heard over music. Possible ads or promos, then man talking in French over Devo's song "Working in a Coal Mine".

Duration:   3:43
Filename:  19811108_2128_Radio-Luxembourg_Luxembourg_15350.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Free Grenada
Mourne Rouge, Grenada
1981-11-13     2341 GMT     15045 kHz
Man reading local news and sports, then at 2358 cut of typical easy-listening music played by this station.

Duration:   3:20
Filename:  19811113_2341_Radio-Free-Grenada_Grenada_15045.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Tezulutlán
Cobán, Guatemala
1981-11-14     0029 GMT     4835 kHz
Man talking, marimba music. Followed by ID as "Radio Tezulutlán.... programa". Then program announcement, with more marimba music.

Duration:   3:27
Filename:  19811114_0029_Radio-Tezulutlan_Guatemala_4835.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


La Voz de Nicaragua
Managua, Nicaragua
1981-11-14     0129 GMT     5950 kHz
Spanish song (about mothers in law?), then man said "...musica nativo americana, en la..... internacional de La Voz de Nicaragua." Then a woman talking.

Duration:   2:10
Filename:  19811114_0129_La-Voz-de-Nicaragua_Nicaragua_5950.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Icelandic State Broadcasting Service - Rikisutvarpid
Reykjavik, Iceland
1981-11-15     2059 GMT     13797 kHz
Broadcast of a sporting event; crowd cheering and some sort of siren. Mentions of "Gonzalez". Then a Nov. 28, 1981 cut of a woman talking, bells on the hour, ID by a woman "...Reykjavik...", then news read by a man.

Duration:   3:52
Filename:  19811115_2059_Icelandic-State-Broadcasting-Service-Rikisutvarpid_Iceland_13797.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radiodiffusion Television Marocaine
Tanger, Morocco
1981-11-15     2359 GMT     17705 kHz
Arabic music, talk by man (with very faint KTWR Guam interval signal underneath), then Arabic guitar music, talk, mentions of "Arabiyah"; possibly news.

Duration:   2:50
Filename:  19811115_2359_Radiodiffusion-Television-Marocaine_Morocco_17705.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriyah Broadcasting Corporation
Libya, Libya
1981-11-16     2159 GMT     17930 kHz
Speech, mentions of either "Arabiyah" or "Libyah" by man, Arabic music. Then at 2203 GMT cut of woman talking: mentions "Arabiyah" and "Elshaabia".

Duration:   3:59
Filename:  19811116_2159_Socialist-Peoples-Libyan-Arab-Jamahiriyah-Broadcasting-Corporation_Libya_17930.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Juventud
Barquisimeto, Venezuela
1981-11-18     0159 GMT     4900 kHz
Spanish music, time check, ID as "Juventud Radio", ads and promos.

Duration:   2:57
Filename:  19811118_0159_Radio-Juventud_Venezuela_4900.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Apintie
Paramaribo, Surinam
1981-11-19     0126 GMT     5006 kHz
Dutch     50 watts
Talk, music, then correspondent who mentioned "Robin Hood", "Suriname", and "Suriname Estaadio(?).

Duration:   2:07
Filename:  19811119_0126_Radio-Apintie_Surinam_5006.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio San'a
San'a, Yemen Arab Republic
1981-11-21     0429 GMT     9780 kHz
Arabic     50 kW
Music, ID by man as "Idha'at al Jumhuriyah al Arabiyah al Yamaniyah." Then possible national anthem, ID, and possible news.

Duration:   2:09
Filename:  19811121_0429_Radio-Sana_Yemen-Arab-Republic_9780.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radiotelevisione Italiana (RAI)
Caltanissetta, Sicily
1981-11-21     0529 GMT     7175 kHz
Italian     5 kW?
Faint music, under ham radio operators, 6 time pips (..... .) Possible mentions by woman of Caltanissetta, man talking, music. Under Radio Moscow towards the end.

Duration:   1:58
Filename:  19811121_0529_Radiotelevisione-Italiana-(RAI)_Sicily_7175.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Caribbean Beacon
Anguilla, Anguilla
1981-11-26     0104 GMT     1610 kHz
News, time check for GMT -4 hours, commercial for "____ Royale" ocean liner. Mentions "The Beacon Station". Splash from 1600 KHz and UTE QRM. Then 0203 cut of promo for a Christmas card contest.

Duration:   3:58
Filename:  19811126_0104_Caribbean-Beacon_Anguilla_1610.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radiotelevisione Italiana (RAI)
Caltanisetta, Sicily
1981-11-27     0500 GMT     7175 kHz
Italian     5 kW
Usual RAI bells signature tune. Then at 0500:45 GMT a woman talking with possible ID, music and then a man and woman possibly announcing program with man talking. The RAI bells are what really ID this recording. Assume language is Italian. Probably Home Service "Radiodue" (2nd program) - if so, power is 5 KW. Severe amateur radio operator interference.

Duration:   2:54
Filename:  19811127_0500_Radiotelevisione-Italiana-(RAI)_Sicily_7175.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel - LRA36
Base de Ejercito Esperanza, Antarctica
1981-11-27     2358 GMT     15476 kHz
Spanish     1.5 kW
Woman giving frequencies in the 49, 25(?), and 19(?) meter bands. Opera music, ID as "Radio San Gabriel" at 0000 GMT. Parallel to 6030 KHz. Date of reception noted is local, not GMT. 1st time heard.

Duration:   2:59
Filename:  19811127_2358_Radio-Nacional-Arcangel-San-Gabriel_Antarctica_15476.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Pyongyang
Radio Pyongyang, North Korea
1981-11-28     1159 GMT     9977 kHz
Korean music, ID, then usual one-side news.

Duration:   2:59
Filename:  19811128_1159_Radio-Pyongyang_North-Korea_9977.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting
Kalamabad, Iran
1981-11-28     1559 GMT     15084 kHz
Music, talk, "patriotic" music. ID as "Inja Tehran ast Sedaye Jomhouriye Islamie Iran". Middle Eastern music. Home Service 1st program in Farsi.

Duration:   3:06
Filename:  19811128_1559_Islamic-Republic-of-Iran-Broadcasting_Iran_15084.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radiodiffusion Ivorienne
Abidjan, Ivory Coast
1981-11-28     2028 GMT     11920 kHz
French     100 kW
Man talking, 1-minute commercial for Nescafé coffee, and then man talking. No ID heard.

Duration:   2:54
Filename:  19811128_2028_Radiodiffusion-Ivorienne_Ivory-Coast_11920.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation
Colombo, Sri Lanka
1981-11-29     1229 GMT     11800 kHz
Music, 6 time pips (6pm their local), possible ID, news. Then 1257 cut of more music. Tamil foreign service.

Duration:   2:58
Filename:  19811129_1229_Sri-Lanka-Broadcasting-Corporation_Sri-Lanka_11800.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Australian Broadcasting Corporation - VLW9
Wanneroo, Australia
1981-11-29     1358 GMT     9610 kHz
Promo for tapes, music, ID, time check for GMT +8 hours, time pips, ABC news. VLW9 - transmitter site is in Wanneroo, Australia.

Duration:   2:56
Filename:  19811129_1358_Australian-Broadcasting-Corporation-(VLW9)_Australia_9610.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Federal Radio Corporation
Kaduna, Nigeria
1981-12-13     0529 GMT     4770 kHz
Music, ID mentioning Kaduna, time check for 6:30 (GMT +1 hour), drums, time check, news.

Duration:   2:57
Filename:  19811213_0529_Federal-Radio-Corporation-Kaduna_Nigeria_4770.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Guyana Broadcasting Service
Georgetown, Guyana
1981-12-13     0828 GMT     5950 kHz
Music, ID for GBC-2, time check for 5:30 (GMT -3 hours), then 0859:30 cut of music, ID for GBC-2, time check, "Sunday Songtime" program.

Duration:   3:56
Filename:  19811213_0828_Guyana-Broadcasting-Service_Guyana_5950.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Kuwait
1981-12-13     1858 GMT     15495 kHz
Arabic music, ID by woman as "Huna Kuwait" at 1858:30 GMT, music, news.

Duration:   3:56
Filename:  19811213_1858_Radio-Kuwait_Kuwait_15495.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


La Voix du Zaire
1981-12-18     2257 GMT     15349.5 kHz
Hi-life music, French talk, more hi-life music, national anthem(?), talk, martial music, part of speech. Parallel to 15245 KHz.

Duration:   5:18
Filename:  19811218_2257_La-Voix-du-Zaire_Zaire_15349.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radiodiffusion Nationale de la République Islamique de Mauritanie
Nouakchott, Mauritania
1981-12-21     2258 GMT     4845 kHz
Arabic     100 kW
Arabic music, ID mentioning "Nouakchott" and "Mauritaniyah", then into possible news.

Duration:   2:55
Filename:  19811221_2258_Radiodiffusion-Nationale-de-la-Republique-Islamique-de-Mauritanie_Mauritania_4845.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Trans World Radio
Manzini, Swaziland
1981-12-24     0315 GMT     3200 kHz
Hand bells interval signal, then into religious program in vernacular language with hymns.

Duration:   3:03
Filename:  19811224_0315_Trans-World-Radio_Swaziland_3200.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Voice of Revolutionary Ethiopia
Gedja, Ethiopia
1981-12-24     0358:30 GMT     7110 kHz
Amharic?     100 kW
Easy-listening music, ID mentioning Ethiopia, then into news with mention of Addis Ababa. Possibly Amharic language.

Duration:   2:54
Filename:  19811224_0358_Voice-of-Revolutionary-Ethiopia_Ethiopia_7110.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Apintie
Paramaribo, Surinam
1981-12-24     0432:45 GMT     5006 kHz
Dutch     50 watts
Full ID in Dutch and English, then into pop music with DJ.

Duration:   3:06
Filename:  19811224_0432_Radio-Apintie_Surinam_5006.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Gjirokaster
Gjirokaster, Albania
1981-12-24     0458 GMT     5057 kHz
Albanian     50 kW
Gypsy music, possible ID by woman, time pips, time check by woman, news.

Duration:   2:51
Filename:  19811224_0458_Radio-Gjirokaster_Albania_5057.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Afghanistan
Kabul, Afghanistan
1981-12-24     1328 GMT     19639 USB kHz
Afghani music, 3 time pips, ID as "Radio Afghanistan, Kabul". Then into news. Dari language.

Duration:   2:59
Filename:  19811224_1328_Radio-Afghanistan_Afghanistan_19639.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Peking
Peking, China
1981-12-26     0200 GMT     15120 kHz
Interval signal, ID and news read by a woman. Then 0210 GMT cut of music.

Duration:   3:23
Filename:  19811226_0200_Radio-Peking_China_15120.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Türkiye Polis Radyosu
Ankara, Turkey
1981-12-27     0459 GMT     6340 kHz
Turkish     1 kW?
National anthem, possible ID mentioning "Türkiye" with frequencies and meter bands, talk (news?), then a cut of Turkish music. Türkiye Polis Radyosu = Turkish Police Radio.

Duration:   3:18
Filename:  19811227_0459_Turkiye-Polis-Radyosu_Turkey_6340.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Kol Israel
Tel Aviv, Israel
1981-12-27     0553 GMT     11655 kHz
Coca-Cola commercial, music. At 0559 GMT cut of commercials, time pips, ID, and news.

Duration:   4:02
Filename:  19811227_0553_Kol-Israel_Israel_11655.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Rohrdorf, West Germany
1981-12-27     0659 GMT     7265 kHz
German talk, time pips, ID news. Then 0700 GMT cut of polka music.

Duration:   3:00
Filename:  19811227_0659_Sudwestfunk_West-Germany_7265.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Reloj
San José, Costa Rica
1981-12-27     0748 GMT     4832 kHz
Spanish     1 kW
ID, time check with usual clock ticking, music. Then 0759 GMT cut of ID, Christmas announcement, ID, time check, music, and Spanish talk.

Duration:   2:48
Filename:  19811227_0748_Radio-Reloj_Costa-Rica_4832.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


CKFX (relaying CKWX)
Vancouver (BC), Canada
1981-12-27     0859:30 GMT     6080 kHz
English     10 watts
Music, time pips, time check for 1:00 (GMT -8 hours), "Super Country" ID, weather, then into news. Then 0909 GMT cut of country music. Power is only 10 watts.

Duration:   2:37
Filename:  19811227_0859_CKFX_Canada_6080.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Cultura
São Paulo, Brazil
1981-12-29     0128 GMT     17815 kHz
Portuguese     1 kW
Portuguese talk, man mentions "...Cultura, São Paulo...", music, program announcement, then into a drama. Flutter fading noted.

Duration:   2:51
Filename:  19811229_0128_Radio-Cultura_Brazil_17815.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation
Colombo, Sri Lanka
1981-12-29     0158 GMT     15425 kHz
"Back to the Bible" program ending, time pips, time check for 7:30 (GMT + 5-1/2 hours), ID, then into world news.

Duration:   2:56
Filename:  19811229_0158_Sri-Lanka-Broadcasting-Corporation_Sri-Lanka_15425.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Süddeutscher Rundfunk
Mühlacker, West Germany
1982-01-02     0758 GMT     6030 kHz
Patriotic music, German talk, bell on the hour, then into possible news.

Duration:   2:53
Filename:  19820102_0758_Suddeutscher-Rundfunk_West-Germany_6030.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Belgische Radio en Televisie
Brussels, Belgium
1982-01-03     1628 GMT     21810 kHz
End of Rod Stewart song, woman announcing the song, music, ID with frequencies and meter bands, then to a correspondent.

Duration:   2:55
Filename:  19820103_1628_Belgische-Radio-en-Televisie_Belgium_21810.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Faro del Caribe - TIFC
San José, Costa Rica
1982-01-16     1158 GMT     5055 kHz
Music, program announcement, ID by man as "TIFC, la radio emisora cristiano Faro del Caribe...".

Duration:   2:55
Filename:  19820116_1158_Faro-del-Caribe-TIFC_Costa-Rica_5055.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Voice of the People of Kampuchea
Phnom-Penh, Kampuchea
1982-01-16     1300 GMT     11938 kHz
Asian language
National anthem, ID by woman, more of national anthem, then into news. Then 1312 GMT cut of music. Many mentions of Kampuchea.

Duration:   4:05
Filename:  19820116_1300_Voice-of-the-People-of-Kampuchea_Kampuchea_11938.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Qatar Broadcasting Service
Doha, Qatar
1982-01-31     1758 GMT     15505 kHz
Arabic music, 6 time pips, ID by a man mentioning "...Min al-Doha...", then into news.

Duration:   2:57
Filename:  19820131_1758_Qatar-Broadcasting-Service_Qatar_15505.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Voice of Free China (WYFR Okeechobee, FL relay)
WYFR Okeechobee, FL relay, Taiwan
1982-02-08     0259 GMT     5985 kHz
English     50 kW
Chinese music (end of the Chinese program), then ID for WYFR and Voice of Free China, and national anthem.

Duration:   2:28
Filename:  19820208_0259_Voice-of-Free-China-Okeechobee-Relay_Taiwan_5985.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


New Orleans (LA), United States
1982-02-12     2258 GMT     11890 kHz
English     100 kW
Rock music, then man gives brief history of steamboat Calliope music being played, then into full ID by Mark Costello, manager of WRNO, then sign off.

Duration:   3:35
Filename:  19820212_2258_WRNO_United-States_11890.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


France Regions 3 (FR3)
Papeete, Tahiti
1982-02-28     0658 GMT     11825 kHz
French     20 kW
End of song, then into Polynesian melody, French announcement, time announcement, 4 time pips, then into satellite relay of news from Paris.

Duration:   2:47
Filename:  19820228_0658_France-Regions-3_Tahiti_11825.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Voice of Revolutionary Ethiopia
Gedja, Ethiopia
1982-03-06     1428:30 GMT     9560 kHz
Arabic     100 kW
Native vocal music, time pips (..._), possible ID, then into news. External Arabic service.

Duration:   1:53
Filename:  19820306_1428_Voice-of-Revolutionary-Ethiopia_Ethiopia_9560.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Pakistan
Islamabad, Pakistan
1982-03-06     1558 GMT     17641 kHz
English     250 kW
Man talking, national anthem, pause until 1600 GMT, woman gives time check for Pakistan and GMT, full ID with frequencies, and announces news.

Duration:   2:33
Filename:  19820306_1558_Radio-Pakistan_Pakistan_17641.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Rádio Renascença
Muges, Portugal
1982-03-08     2329 GMT     11730 kHz
Bells interval signal with ID's under the het, then to music (switching from SX-190 to SP-600, then back to SX-190 as the het disappears). Woman ID's and mentions station's location, but unreadable.

Duration:   2:56
Filename:  19820308_2329_Radio-Renascenca_Portugal_11730.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


La Voz del CID (Cuba Independiente y Democrática)
Florida, United States
1982-03-10     0228:45 GMT     5106.5 kHz
March music, ID as "La Voz del CID, La Voz del CID Cuba Independiente y Democrática", frequencies given, then into Cuban national anthem. Sign-off at 0231 GMT. Anti-Castro clandestine station operating from Florida.

Duration:   1:46
Filename:  19820310_0228_La-Voz-del-CID_United-States_5106.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Voice of Vietnam
Ha Son Binh, Vietnam
1982-03-19     1900 GMT     15010 kHz
National anthem, ID, frequencies and times, then into news. Then 1924 GMT cut of an economic report. Then a 1927 GMT cut of Vietnamese music and sign-off announcements.

Duration:   3:21
Filename:  19820319_1900_Voice-of-Vietnam_Vietnam_15010.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radiodiffusion Nationale du Cameroun
Yaoundé, Cameroon
1982-03-19     2258 GMT     4850 kHz
French     100 kW
French easy-listening music and announcements, possible ID mentioning Cameroon, national anthem, and sign-off at 2301:30 GMT.

Duration:   3:26
Filename:  19820319_2258_Radiodiffusion-Nationale-du-Cameroun_Cameroon_4850.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


National Broadcasting Commission
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
1982-03-20     1158 GMT     4890 kHz
English     100 kW
"Flowing Rivers" by Andy Gibb, commercial for Lime Fresh soap, time check for GMT +10 hours, time pips, dental health PSA, then into a comedy play. National English Service.

Duration:   2:55
Filename:  19820320_1158_National-Broadcasting-Commission_Papua-New-Guinea_4890.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Ulan Bator
Ulan Bator, Mongolia
1982-03-20     1222 GMT     12070 kHz
1222 GMT cut of Mongolian music, then a 1235 GMT cut of ID's and frequencies, times, etc., and address. Sign-off.

Duration:   1:55
Filename:  19820320_1222_Radio-Ulan-Bator_Mongolia_12070.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio New Zealand
Wellington, New Zealand
1982-04-06     0304 GMT     17705 kHz
Woman gives local weather report, time check for 5-1/2 minutes past 3:00. Then into a drama.

Duration:   3:33
Filename:  19820406_0304_Radio-New-Zealand_New-Zealand_17705.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Voice of Nigeria
Ikorodu, Nigeria
1982-04-14     1528 GMT     15120 kHz
Nigerian music, man gives, ID, frequency, target area, and upcoming programs. ID as "This is Lagos". Time check for 1530 GMT, ID as the "Voice of Nigeria", target area, and then into world news.

Duration:   2:57
Filename:  19820414_1528_Voice-of-Nigeria_Nigeria_15120.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Federal Radio Corporation
Ibadan, Nigeria
1982-04-14     2259 GMT     6050 kHz
End of song, "talking drum and bells" interval signal, time pips, time check for midnight (GMT +1 hour), ID as "This is Radio Nigeria ,Ibadan", news. Oyo State, Nigeria.

Duration:   2:58
Filename:  19820414_2259_Federal-Radio-Corporation-Ibadan_Nigeria_6050.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Singapore Broadcasting Corporation
Singapore, Singapore
1982-04-15     1100 GMT     11940 kHz
English     50 kW
Time pips, ID, news. Then 1129:30 GMT cut of a "Science Report" program about light.

Duration:   2:59
Filename:  19820415_1100_Singapore-Broadcasting-Corporation_Singapore_11940.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Station 4VEH
Cap Haiten, Haiti
1982-04-15     1211 GMT     11835 kHz
Drug abuse announcement, weather report for the Caribbean, full ID with frequencies, and upcoming programs announcement.

Duration:   3:36
Filename:  19820415_1211_Radio-Station-4VEH_Haiti_11835.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Federal Radio Corporation
Enugu (Biafra), Nigeria
1982-04-17     2258 GMT     6025 kHz
English     10 kW
End of song, ID, time pips, time check for midnight (GMT +1 hour), ID as "This is Radio Nigeria, Enugu", news. Anambra State, Nigeria.

Duration:   2:53
Filename:  19820417_2258_Federal-Radio-Corporation-Enugu_Nigeria_6025.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Kwara
Ilorin, Nigeria
1982-06-13     0558 GMT     7145 kHz
English     10 kW
African drum music, time pips (...._), possible ID after time check for 7:00 (GMT +1 hour), then into news read by a man. Kwara State, Nigeria.

Duration:   3:00
Filename:  19820613_0558_Radio-Kwara_Nigeria_7145.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Spanish Spy Numbers Station
1982-06-13     0645 GMT     10020 kHz
Woman giving 5-digit number groups in Spanish. Carrier off (after long pause) at 0651:40 GMT.

Duration:   1:06
Filename:  19820613_0645_Spanish-Spy-Numbers-Station_Unknown_10020.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Far East Broadcasting Association (FEBA)
Mahé, Seychelle Islands
1982-06-15     0328 GMT     15385 kHz
Interval signal and ID's, then into Arabic program.

Duration:   4:10
Filename:  19820615_0328_Far-East-Broadcasting-Association_Seychelle Islands_15385.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Nacional del Paraguay
Asunción, Paraguay
1982-06-16     0058 GMT     11914 kHz
Latin-american music, Spanish talk with many mentions of Paraguay, and ID.

Duration:   3:01
Filename:  19820616_0058_Radio-Nacional-del-Paraguay_Paraguay_11914.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Budapest
Budapest, Hungary
1982-06-16     0300 GMT     17710 kHz
ID, then into DX program with program schedule. Russian "Woodpecker" OTH radar and slight jamming attempts audible.

Duration:   2:54
Filename:  19820616_0300_Radio-Budapest_Hungary_17710.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Tirana
Tirana, Albania
1982-06-16     0330 GMT     7300 kHz
Interval signal, national anthem, ID, then into news.

Duration:   2:58
Filename:  19820616_0330_Radio-Tirana_Albania_7300.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Bucharest
Bucharest, Romania
1982-06-16     0400 GMT     11940 kHz
ID, schedule, then into news.

Duration:   2:54
Filename:  19820616_0400_Radio-Bucharest_Romania_11940.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Swiss Radio International
Bern, Switzerland
1982-06-16     0430 GMT     11715 kHz
ID, exact Swiss time, then into news, "Dateline" program.

Duration:   3:16
Filename:  19820616_0430_Swiss-Radio-International_Switzerland_11715.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation
Honiara, Solomon Islands
1982-06-16     0728 GMT     9545 kHz
Music, ID as "SIBC Radio", time check, Taiwan exhibition promo, "SIBC Radio" ID, time check for "Half past 6:00" (GMT + 11 hours), then into national news.

Duration:   2:55
Filename:  19820616_0728_Solomon-Islands-Broadcasting-Corporation_Solomon-Islands_9545.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Nouméa
Nouméa, New Caledonia
1982-06-16     0758 GMT     7170 kHz
French     20 kW
Talk in French, music, woman talking, possible ID in French as "Radio Nouméa", more talk, then possible news.

Duration:   3:50
Filename:  19820616_0758_Radio-Noumea_New-Caledonia_7170.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Merizo, Guam
1982-06-16     0828 GMT     11840 kHz
Address, full ID, then into "Through the Bible" program.

Duration:   2:54
Filename:  19820616_0828_KTWR_Guam_11840.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Vatican Radio
Vatican City
1982-06-17     0100 GMT     11845 kHz
Music, ID as "Vatican Radio, overseas service", then into news about the Pope's visit to Geneva.

Duration:   2:51
Filename:  19820617_0100_Vatican-Radio_Vatican-City_11845.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Quito, Ecuador
1982-06-17     0129 GMT     17890 kHz
News in "Special English", full ID with frequencies, time check for Quito and also GMT, "V" time pips, then into "Passport" program.

Duration:   4:02
Filename:  19820617_0129_HCJB_Ecuador_17890.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Polonia
Warsaw, Poland
1982-06-17     0158 GMT     15120 kHz
Classical music, interval signal with ID's, ID in Polish, then English ID with schedule, into program preview.

Duration:   3:52
Filename:  19820617_0158_Radio-Polonia_Poland_15120.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Nederland
Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles
1982-06-17     0229 GMT     9590 kHz
Interval signal, ID and time check, time pips, program preview, then into news.

Duration:   2:37
Filename:  19820617_0229_Radio-Nederland_Netherlands-Antilles_9590.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Portugal
Pegões, Portugal
1982-06-17     0300 GMT     11925 kHz
Clock chimes for 4:00 (GMT +1 hour), national anthem, music, full ID as "Radio Portugal", program preview.

Duration:   2:52
Filename:  19820617_0300_Radio-Portugal_Portugal_11925.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Australia
Shepparton, Australia
1982-06-18     1128 GMT     9580 kHz
Weather report, location given as Melbourne, Victoria, frequencies given, time check, then into Australian news with ID.

Duration:   2:56
Filename:  19820618_1128_Radio-Australia_Australia_9580.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Habana
Havana, Cuba
1982-06-18     1258 GMT     11760 kHz
Music, interval signal, national anthem, ID as "Esta es Radio Habana Cuba.... transmitiendo desde Cuba, territorio libre de América". Frequency schedule, then into program.

Duration:   3:00
Filename:  19820618_1258_Radio-Habana_Cuba_11760.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Prague
Prague, Czechoslovakia
1982-06-20     0300 GMT     7345 kHz
Time pips, interval signal and ID, schedule given, ID, then program preview. Then 0315 GMT cut of Czechoslovak folk music.

Duration:   4:11
Filename:  19820620_0300_Radio-Prague_Czechoslovakia_7345.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Voice of Greece
Avlis, Greece
1982-06-21     0338 GMT     15595 kHz
Greek music, Greek ID, English ID, then into the news.

Duration:   3:00
Filename:  19820621_0338_Voice-of-Greece_Greece_15595.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Trans World Radio
Monte Carlo, Monaco
1982-06-22     0743 GMT     9495 kHz
End of "Unshackled" program, ID, then into the "Way to Life" program.

Duration:   2:53
Filename:  19820622_0743_Trans-World-Radio_Monaco_9495.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Emissora Oficial da República de Cabo Verde
Praia, Santiago, Cape Verde Islands
1982-06-22     0758 GMT     7155 kHz
Portuguese     500? watts
Pop music, gong (1 high note, then 1 low note), possible ID, then Portuguese talk by man. At 0818 GMT cut there is Portuguese high-life music, possibly a commercial announcement, Neil Diamond song with applause afterwards, then talk by man over music.

Duration:   11:26
Filename:  19820622_0758_Emissora-Oficial-da-Republica-de-Cabo-Verde_Cape-Verde-Islands_7155.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Trans World Radio
Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles
1982-06-25     1228 GMT     11815 kHz
End of "Back to the Bible" program, ID mentioning the different birds of Bonaire, then into the "Through the Bible" program.

Duration:   2:56
Filename:  19820625_1228_Trans-World-Radio_Netherlands-Antilles_11815.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada
1982-06-25     1244 GMT     9510 kHz
End of program, ID, program preview, Big Ben chimes, ID, then into "Sports Roundup" program.

Duration:   2:56
Filename:  19820625_1244_BBC_Canada_9510.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Finland
Pori, Finland
1982-06-25     1329 GMT     15400 kHz
Interval signal, ID, frequencies given, program preview, "Northern Report".

Duration:   3:04
Filename:  19820625_1329_Radio-Finland_Finland_15400.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Austria
Moosbrunn, Austria
1982-06-26     0130 GMT     9770 kHz
ID, program preview, news. The 0148 GMT cut of music by an American.

Duration:   2:59
Filename:  19820626_0130_Radio-Austria_Austria_9770.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


France Telecommunications Network
Paris, France
1982-06-26     0649 GMT     16415 kHz
ID's in French and English: "This is a test transmission for circuit adjustment..." Possible phone call. Utility station.

Duration:   0:52
Filename:  19820626_0649_France-Telecommunications-Network_France_16415.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Sofia
Sofia, Bulgaria
1982-06-26     2129 GMT     15135 kHz
Interval signal, ID's and signature tune, schedule given, then into news.

Duration:   2:55
Filename:  19820626_2129_Radio-Sofia_Bulgaria_15135.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Deutsche Welle
1982-06-27     0059 GMT     6040 kHz
Interval signal, ID as "This is Radio Deutsche Welle, Caribbean Relay Station." Full ID, schedule given, then into news. Then 0133 GMT cut of "German by Radio" language lesson course.

Duration:   4:02
Filename:  19820627_0059_Radio-Deutsche-Welle_Antigua_6040.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Nacional de España
Tenerife, Canary Islands
1982-06-27     0258 GMT     15364 kHz
Spanish talk mentioning "Canarias", "...del Atlántico", and "Islas Canarias". Then into an interview.

Duration:   3:01
Filename:  19820627_0258_Radio-Nacional-de-Espana_Canary-Islands_15364.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Berlin International
Berlin, East Germany
1982-07-00     0229 GMT     11840 kHz
Signature tune, full ID with times and frequencies, program preview, news.

Duration:   3:27
Filename:  19820700_0229_Radio-Berlin-International_East-Germany_11840.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Vilnius
Vilnius, Lithuanian S.S.R.
1982-07-05     2200 GMT     11735 kHz
ID and frequencies, program preview, into news. Then 2223 GMT cut of music.

Duration:   3:03
Filename:  19820705_2200_Radio-Vilnius_Lithuanian-SSR_11735.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Kiev
Kiev, Ukranian S.S.R.
1982-07-06     2330 GMT     12020 kHz
ID, program preview, news. Then 2351 cut of program. (Riga, Latvian S.S.R. relay).

Duration:   3:18
Filename:  19820706_2330_Radio-Kiev_Ukranian-SSR_12020.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radiotelevisione Italiana (RAI)
Rome, Italy
1982-07-07     0100 GMT     11800 kHz
Signature tune, ID, frequencies, address. Then 0120 GMT cut of French broadcast.

Duration:   2:46
Filename:  19820707_0100_Radiotelevisione-Italiana-(RAI)_Italy_11800.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Mogadishu
Mogadishu, Somalia
1982-07-07     0302 GMT     6790 kHz
Sign-on with national anthem, ID mentioning "Radio Mogadishu" and "Somalia", then into Koran.

Duration:   3:51
Filename:  19820707_0302_Radio-Mogadishu_Somalia_6790.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Kiribati
Betio Island, Kiribati
1982-07-07     0629 GMT     16433 LSB kHz
English     1 kW
Country music, woman announcing song, time check for "29 and a half minutes past six", man possibly gives ID as "Radio Kiribati", program preview, then into news. Also reads news from Solomon Islands.

Duration:   3:56
Filename:  19820707_0629_Radio-Kiribati_Kiribati_16433.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Alma Ata, Kazakh S.S.R.
1982-07-07     2300 GMT     11950 kHz
Kremlin chimes, 6 bells (GMT + 7 hours), back-to-back national anthems, woman mentions "Kazakhstan", man ID's as "Govorit Alma Ata", into news.

Duration:   8:13
Filename:  19820707_2300_Alma-Ata_Kazakh-SSR_11950.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation
Forest Side, Mauritius
1982-07-08     1154 GMT     9709.5 kHz
Unknown     10 kW
Subcontinental music, woman announcer in Indian language, more subcontinental music. Destroyed by Radio Australia (9710 KHZ) sign-on at 1200 GMT.

Duration:   5:51
Filename:  19820708_1154_Mauritius-Broadcasting-Corporation_Mauritius_9709.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Sweden International
Stockholm, Sweden
1982-07-11     0230 GMT     15420 kHz
Interval signal and ID's, full ID, program preview, musical cabaret.

Duration:   3:03
Filename:  19820711_0230_Radio-Sweden-International_Sweden_15420.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio El Espectador
Montevideo, Uruguay
1982-07-14     0059 GMT     11835 kHz
Spanish     5 kW
Commercials (one for "Banco Comercial"), time pips, man mentions "Montevideo, Uruguay", gives frequencies, then ID as "Informa El Espectador". Unusual propagation night: many Northern hemisphere stations nor received, allowing Southern hemisphere stations to be heard.

Duration:   3:02
Filename:  19820714_0059_Radio-El-Espectador_Uruguay_11835.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radiodifusion Argentina al Exterior (RAE)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
1982-07-14     0127 GMT     11710 kHz
English     50 kW
Weekly program schedule, woman answers letters, gives address, time pips, then full ID's in Spanish, English, and French. Many mentions of "RAE". Unusual propagation night: many Northern hemisphere stations nor received, allowing Southern hemisphere stations to be heard.

Duration:   3:33
Filename:  19820714_0127_Radiodifusion-Argentina-al-Exterior-(RAE)_Argentina_11710.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Merida, Mexico
1982-07-14     0228 GMT     6105 kHz
Spanish     250 watts
Spanish talk, ID as " pantera...XEQM...", with frequencies, panther growl, Spanish talk, music. Unusual propagation night: many Northern hemisphere stations nor received, allowing Southern hemisphere stations to be heard.

Duration:   2:59
Filename:  19820714_0228_XEQM_Mexico_6105.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio El Mundo
Buenos Aires, Argentina
1982-07-14     0258 GMT     11755 kHz
Spanish     7.5 kW
Talk show, ID at 0300:30 GMT as "Radio El Mundo", frequencies given, talk. Unusual propagation night: many Northern hemisphere stations nor received, allowing Southern hemisphere stations to be heard.

Duration:   4:01
Filename:  19820714_0258_Radio-El-Mundo_Argentina_11755.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Mexico International
Mexico City, Mexico
1982-07-14     0329 GMT     15430 kHz
Spanish     50 kW
Mexican music, full ID as "Radio Mexico Internationa...XERMX", frequencies given, talk. Talk show, ID at 0300:30 GMT as "Radio El Mundo", frequencies given, talk. Unusual propagation night: many Northern hemisphere stations nor received, allowing Southern hemisphere stations to be heard.

Duration:   3:03
Filename:  19820714_0329_Radio-Mexico-International_Mexico_15430.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Nacional
Caracas, Venezuela
1982-07-14     1158 GMT     9530 kHz
Music, talk, ID as "Radio Nacional de Venezuela", announces 1050, 770, 1500, 1520 KHZ frequencies.

Duration:   3:49
Filename:  19820714_1158_Radio-Nacional_Venezuela_9530.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


San Francisco, California, United States
1982-07-14     1258 GMT     9615 kHz
Easy-listening music, full ID, time check for 6:01 San Francisco time, into "Ultimas Noticias" news.

Duration:   3:00
Filename:  19820714_1258_KGEI_United-States_9615.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Tashkent
Tashkent, Uzbek S.S.R.
1982-07-21     1200 GMT     15460 kHz
Interval signal, ID as "Radio Tashkent calling", frequencies given, program preview, into the news.

Duration:   2:29
Filename:  19820721_1200_Radio-Tashkent_Uzbek-SSR_15460.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio RSA
Meyerton, South Africa
1982-12-31     2340 GMT     15115 kHz
New Year's Eve call in program.

Duration:   30:03
Filename:  19821231_2340_Radio-RSA_South-Africa_15115.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands
1983-01-30     1500 GMT     11900 kHz
English     100 kW
Full ID (pronounced as "kyoi"), frequency change to 9670 KHz announced, then cut of 9670 KHz broadcast, and into "Allentown" by Billy Joel.

Duration:   2:29
Filename:  19830130_1500_KYOI_Northern-Mariana-Islands_11900.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Rádio Nacional de Angola
Luanda, Angola
1983-03-12     0628 GMT     11955 kHz
Portuguese     10 kW
Hi-life music, interval signal (vibraphone), ID by woman as "Este é o programa B da Rádio Nacional de Angola", gong, ID by man, then into man reading news.

Duration:   2:56
Filename:  19830312_0628_Radio-Nacional-de-Angola_Angola_11955.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Rádio Anhanguera
Goiânia, Brazil
1983-03-13     0858 GMT     4915 kHz
Portuguese     10 kW
"Campo" music, Portuguese talk by man mentioning "...en la país Goiânia...", full ID with frequencies ("ondas tropical"), mentions "Rádio Anhanguera", then more music and talk.

Duration:   4:04
Filename:  19830313_0858_Radio-Anhanguera_Brazil_4915.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Mara
Maracaibo, Venezuela
1983-03-15     0058 GMT     3275 kHz
Spanish     1 kW
Full ID with frequencies and location, Spanish talk, into Spanish vocal music.

Duration:   2:55
Filename:  19830315_0058_Radio-Mara_Venezuela_3275.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Táchira
San Cristobal, Venezuela
1983-03-16     0058 GMT     4830 kHz
Spanish     1 kW
Spanish talk over romantic music (mentions of "amor", etc.), ID jingle, ID as "los deportes por Radio Táchira", program announcements.

Duration:   2:55
Filename:  19830316_0058_Radio-Tachira_Venezuela_4830.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Stichting Radio Omroep Suriname
Paramaribo, Surinam
1983-03-16     0328 GMT     4850 kHz
Dutch     10 kW
Music, ID as "...Stichting Radio Omroep Suriname...", then into news.

Duration:   2:53
Filename:  19830316_0328_Stichting-Radio-Omroep-Suriname_Surinam_4850.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Falkland Islands Broadcasting Station
Port Stanley, Falkland Islands
1983-03-23     0858 GMT     3958 kHz
English     3.5 kW
0859: National Anthem, 0923: "8 minutes before...", 0932: Promo ad, 0937: Song "One on One" by Hall & Oates, 0940: Man saying "Falkland Islands Broadcasting Station".

Duration:   42:21
Filename:  19830323_0858_Falkland-Islands-Broadcasting-Station_Falkland-Islands_3958.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Falkland Islands Broadcasting Station
Port Stanley, Falkland Islands
1983-03-23     0932 GMT     3958 kHz
English     3.5 kW
Promo announcement with an announcer with a New Zealand accent (the station has one former Radio New Zealand DJ). During the promo he says "...on the Falkland Islands...", then some pop music, man talking (with British accent)m and "One on One" by Daryl Hall and John Oates. AT 0940 GMT the announcer gives a definite ID as "...Falkland Islands Broadcasting Station...", then into more pop music.

Duration:   8:55
Filename:  19830323_0932_Falkland-Islands-Broadcasting-Station_Falkland-Islands_3958.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


CFRX (relaying CFRB)
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
1983-06-10     2058 GMT     6070 kHz
English     1 kW
Music, weather announcement and program preview, same music, ID as "1010 on your dial, Ontario's authoritative news voice", public service announcement (PSA), intro to CFRB news, commercial, then into news.

Duration:   4:00
Filename:  19830610_2058_CFRX_Canada_6070.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Deutsche Welle
Kigali, Rwanda
1983-06-18     1228 GMT     17800 kHz
English     250 kW
Interval signal, and ID's as "Voice of Germany, Africa Service". The tone and ID in French as "Içi le Deutsche Welle station relais Kigali, Rwanda". Then full ID with frequencies, then into news.

Duration:   3:38
Filename:  19830618_1228_Deutsche-Welle_Rwanda_17800.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


France Regions 3 (FR3)
Papeete, Tahiti
1983-06-21     0640 GMT     15170/11825 kHz
French/Tahitian     20 kW
Polynesian music program, with man and woman hosts speaking French/Tahitian.

Duration:   31:43
Filename:  19830621_0640_France-Regions-3_Tahiti_15170.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Red Cross Broadcasting Service
Schwarzenburg, Switzerland
1983-06-27     0600 GMT     7210 kHz
English     150 kW
ID, times, man said "...monthly program of news about the work of the Red Cross", into news. Many mentions of the Red Cross in the news. Severe ham radio operator interference.

Duration:   2:54
Filename:  19830627_0600_Red-Cross-Broadcasting-Service_Switzerland_7210.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio ELWA
Monrovia, Liberia
1983-06-27     0726 GMT     11940 kHz
Arabic talk, full Arabic ID by woman (mentions "Monrovia, Liberia"), then into interval signal. 0731 GMT sign-off.

Duration:   4:50
Filename:  19830627_0726_Radio-ELWA_Liberia_11940.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radiodiffusion Télévision Guinéenne
Conakry, Guinea
1983-06-27     0758 GMT     15310 kHz
French     80 kW
French talk by man, guitar music, frequencies mentioned, man with speech to crowd, then national anthem. 0802 GMT sign-off.

Duration:   4:03
Filename:  19830627_0758_Radiodiffusion-Television-Guineenne_Guinea_15310.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Tanpa - NSB
Tokyo, Japan
1983-06-27     0859 GMT     9595 kHz
Japanese     50 kW
Japanese talk (ads or promos?), "Radio Tanpa" jingle, man ID's as "Radio Tanpa", Japanese talk, into an English language program. 1st Program. Parallel 6055 KHz.

Duration:   2:57
Filename:  19830627_0859_Radio-Tanpa_Japan_9595.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands
1983-06-27     1158 GMT     11900 kHz
English     100 kW
Music, time check by woman for 9:00pm Japan Standard Time, full ID, then into music by the Kinks.

Duration:   2:56
Filename:  19830627_1158_KYOI_Northern-Mariana-Islands_11900.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Rádio Universo
Curitiba, Brazil
1983-07-24     0359 GMT     6020 kHz
Portuguese     10 kW
Talk by man, full ID with frequencies and "...emisora ??? Universo, Curitiba...", then into man talking, possibly with crowd background.

Duration:   3:56
Filename:  19830724_0359_Radio-Universo_Brazil_6020.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


1983-07-27     0545 GMT     9915 kHz
Man with Hausa announcement mentioning "BBC", short African melody, then into news with mention of "BBC".

Duration:   3:20
Filename:  19830727_0545_BBC_England_9915.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Dublin International
1983-07-28     0300 GMT     6910 kHz
"Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic" by The Police, commercials, jingle saying "...awake every morning - Radio Dublin", talk, then into music.

Duration:   3:42
Filename:  19830728_0300_Radio-Dublin-International_Ireland_6910.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Impacto
San José, Costa Rica
1983-07-28     0515 GMT     6150 kHz
ID mentioning "Radio Impacto", into song "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother" by The Hollies.

Duration:   3:14
Filename:  19830728_0515_Radio-Impacto_Costa-Rica_6150.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Office de Radiodiffusion-Télévision du Sénégal
Dakar, Senegal
1983-07-28     0558 GMT     4890 kHz
Interval Signal ("Cora" - local harp), music, ID in French as "...Radiodiffusion-Télévision du Sénégal...", possible time announcement by woman and a pip, then into news.

Duration:   2:51
Filename:  19830728_0558_Office-de-Radiodiffusion-Television-du-Senegal_Senegal_4890.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


France Regions 3 (FR3)
Matoury, French Guiana
1983-07-28     0900 GMT     6170 kHz
Electric guitar interval signal, French national anthem, possible ID, then into news read by a woman with mentions of Cayenne.

Duration:   2:48
Filename:  19830728_0900_France-Regions-3-(FR3)_French-Guiana_6170.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Rumbos
Villa de Cura, Venezuela
1983-07-28     0904 GMT     4970 kHz
End of Venezuelan national anthem, then into full sign-on ID with frequencies.

Duration:   2:35
Filename:  19830728_0904_Radio-Rumbos_Venezuela_4970.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Lebanon
Amchit, Lebanon
1983-07-29     0257 GMT     11955 kHz
English     100 kW
Country music, sign-off announcements by woman, and also schedule. Then into the Spanish broadcast.

Duration:   3:56
Filename:  19830729_0257_Radio-Lebanon_Lebanon_11955.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Algiers
Algiers, Algeria
1983-07-31     2027 GMT     17745 kHz
Pop music program, ID, music, then sign-off announcements with frequencies.

Duration:   3:08
Filename:  19830731_2027_Radio-Algiers_Algeria_17745.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


All India Radio (AIR)
Aligarh, India
1983-09-11     2058 GMT     11620 kHz
Indian music, announcement by woman, possible ID as "All India Radio" by man, then into news mentioning new Indian satellite launched by the Space Shuttle.

Duration:   2:59
Filename:  19830911_2058_All-India-Radio-(AIR)_India_11620.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Capital Radio
Umtata, Transkei
1983-09-17     0428 GMT     3930 kHz
English     50 kW
Music, male DJ talking, pop music format, ID as "...Capital Radio...", then into more pop music.

Duration:   2:58
Filename:  19830917_0428_Capital-Radio_Transkei_3930.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Bafoussam
Bafoussam, Cameroun
1983-09-17     0459 GMT     4000 kHz
French     20 kW
French talk by man, chant music, ID as "Içi....Bafoussam....", then into English/French news.

Duration:   4:08
Filename:  19830917_0459_Radio-Bafoussam_Cameroun_4000.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radiodiffusion-Télévision Togolaise
Lomé, Togo
1983-09-17     0527 GMT     5047 kHz
French     100 kW
0527 GMT cut of chimes interval signal, then 0529 GMT cut of national anthem ("Hymne Togolaise"), ID as: "Içi Lomé, Radiodiffusion-Télévision Togolaise, la Voix de la Nouvelle Marche, chaine internationale." Then frequencies given, and into possible religious program.

Duration:   3:42
Filename:  19830917_0527_Radiodiffusion-Television-Togolaise_Togo_5047.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Atlántida
Iquitos, Peru
1983-09-17     0558 GMT     4790 kHz
Spanish     1 kW
Music, program announcement mentioning " Radio Atlántida...", then more music.

Duration:   4:02
Filename:  19830917_0558_Radio-Atlantida_Peru_4790.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Nacional de Chile
Santiago, Chile
1983-09-19     0058 GMT     9550 kHz
End of song, ID as "Estamos ____ Radio Nacional de Chile...", commercial for Banco Estado de Chile,

Duration:   2:59
Filename:  19830919_0058_Radio-Nacional-de-Chile_Chile_9550.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


La Voz Evangelica (HRVC)
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
1984-07-09     0426 GMT     4820 kHz
English     5 kW
ID by woman, then into a religious program.

Duration:   2:24
Filename:  19840709_0426_La-Voz-Evangelica-(HRVC)_Honduras_4820.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Westerville, Ohio, USA


Radiodiffusion-Télévision Centrafricaine
Bangui, Central African Republic
1984-07-09     0430 GMT     5035 kHz
French     100 kW
Just after sign-on. Possible ID and then into news.

Duration:   4:17
Filename:  19840709_0430_Radiodiffusion-Television-Centrafricaine_Central-African-Republic_5035.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Westerville, Ohio, USA


Radio Jos
Jos, Nigeria
1984-07-09     0459 GMT     5965 kHz
English     10 kW
English talk, possible ID, time check as "...the time is six o'clock..." (GMT +1), into music.

Duration:   3:13
Filename:  19840709_0459_Radio-Jos_Nigeria_5965.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Westerville, Ohio, USA


CFRX (relaying CFRB)
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
1984-07-09     1959 GMT     6070 kHz
English     1 kW
Theme from "Star Wars" by the Mills Brothers. Full ID by man as "1010 on your dial: CFRB, Toronto - the people people listen to", lottery commercial, then time check, temperature and into the news.

Duration:   3:13
Filename:  19840709_1959_CFRX_Canada_6070.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Westerville, Ohio, USA


Syrian Broadcasting and Television Organization
Damascus, Syria
1984-07-15     2328 GMT     12085 kHz
English     500 kW
Arabic music, Arabic talk with ID as: "Idha'at el Jumhuriya il Arabiya es-Souriya...Dimashak." Then into National Anthem, and the beginning of the Spanish broadcast with ID as: "Aqui Dimasco, Radiodifusion de la Republica Siria. Estimados amigos radioyentes de america latina y España, muy buenas noches. Vamos..." Here the announcer is interrupted mid-sentence as the transmitter is turned off. This Spanish broadcast was not intended to be transmitted.

Duration:   2:47
Filename:  19840715_2328_Syrian-Broadcasting-and-Television-Organization_Syria_12085.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Westerville, Ohio, USA


Voice of Tomorrow (Pirate)
United States?
1984-07-30     0147 GMT     7429 kHz
Music, ID as "Voice of Tomorrow", into listeners, including one from the FCC who wrote: "...broadcasting activities must cease or a heavy fine will be in order...", and from a man who wrote: "...your days are numbered...". Also a talk from "Dr. Calculator". Address given was Radio Sinewave, Box 5074, Hilo, Hawaii 96720.

Duration:   3:35
Filename:  19840730_0147_Voice-of-Tomorrow-(Pirate)_United-States_7429.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Westerville, Ohio, USA


WIMP (Pirate)
United States?
1984-07-30     0159 GMT     7429 kHz
Sign-on at *0159 GMT with off-key "W-I-M-P" jingle. Announcer says: "Ladies and gentlemen, get ready for the most awesome radio experiment...", "You are now tuned to the most powerful pirate broadcaster on the North American continent.", then off-key jingle, then song by Tracey Ullman's "They Don't Know About Us", and into talk and Greek music.

Duration:   5:28
Filename:  19840730_0159_WIMP-(Pirate)_United-States_7429.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Westerville, Ohio, USA


Radiodiffusion Nationale Tchadienne
N'Djamena, Chad
1984-08-01     0455 GMT     4904 kHz
French     100 kW
Interval signal at *0455 GMT sign-on, a balafon. Then 0458 GMT cut of National Anthem, ID as: "Içi N'Djamena, Radiodiffusion National Tchadienne." Man gives frequencies, then into music.

Duration:   5:38
Filename:  19840801_0455_Radiodiffusion-Nationale-Tchadienne_Chad_4904.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Westerville, Ohio, USA


KQRP (Pirate)
United States?
1984-08-04     0259 GMT     7435.5 kHz
"The Shadow" radio program, KQRP ID. Then 0312 GMT cut of sign-off announcement, announcer was "Doctor X", gave address as P.O. Box 982, Battle Creek, Michigan 49016, sign-off with "Mickey Mouse" theme song, 0315* sign-off. Address same as WIMP.

Duration:   3:32
Filename:  19840804_0259_KQRP-(Pirate)_United-States_7435.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Westerville, Ohio, USA


Air Force One
United States
1984-10-23     2351 GMT     6683 LSB kHz
Communications between Air Force One, Andrews Air Force Base, and "Crown" (White House Communications Office). Air Force One was carrying President Reagan to give a speech at Ohio State University.

Duration:   14:08
Filename:  19841023_2351_Air-Force-One_United-States_6683.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Westerville, Ohio, USA


The Messenger (Pirate)
United States
1984-12-03     0138 GMT     7435 LSB kHz
Talk, ID, music, 0144* sign off.

Duration:   4:50
Filename:  19841203_0138_The-Messenger-(Pirate)_United-States_7435.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Westerville, Ohio, USA


Voice of Turkey
Ankara, Turkey
1988-10-06     0359 GMT     9445 kHz
Interval signal, ID and frequencies, then into the news.

Duration:   3:29
Filename:  19881006_0359_Voice-of-Turkey_Turkey_9445.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Noblesville, Indiana, United States
1988-10-06     0558 GMT     6100 kHz
English     100 kW
0558* GMT sign-on with interval signal, ID with address and frequencies, then music. Time station YVTO (Caracas, Venezuela) heard underneath.

Duration:   3:27
Filename:  19881006_0558_WHRI_United-States_6100.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
1988-11-15     1915 GMT     15650 kHz
English     100 kW
Music announced, weather, ID as "Superpower KUSW", Norbest turkey ad, music.

Duration:   3:40
Filename:  19881115_1915_KUSW_United-States_15650.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Caiman (Clandestine)
Guatemala City?, Guatemala?
1989-03-09     0301 GMT     9965 kHz
Music, ID with frequency announced as 9960 in Spanish, into program. Anti-Castro clandestine station.

Duration:   2:45
Filename:  19890309_0301_Radio-Caiman-(Clandestine)_Guatemala_9965.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Bethel, Pennsylvania, United States
1989-03-12     1958 GMT     9465 kHz
English     50 kW
Closing ID and announcements, then sign-off.

Duration:   2:54
Filename:  19890312_1958_WMLK_United-States_9465.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Anchor Point, Alaska, United States
1989-03-19     0557 GMT     9785 kHz
Russian     100 kW?
Music, full ID by woman in Russian, then "Chariots of Fire" interval signal.

Duration:   2:40
Filename:  19890319_0557_KNLS_United-States_9785.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Taiwan 2 Service
Beijing, China
1989-03-25     1158 GMT     9170 kHz
Chinese or dialect     10 kW
Talk, distinctive Chinese time pips (5 low, 1 high).

Duration:   3:27
Filename:  19890325_1158_Taiwan-2-Service_China_9170.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Cyprus Creek, South Carolina, United States
1989-04-02     0359 GMT     9455 kHz
English     500 kW
Interval signal, ID, then into religious program.

Duration:   2:31
Filename:  19890402_0359_WSHB_United-States_9455.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio 5
Meyerton, South Africa
1989-05-10     0530 GMT     11880 kHz
Music, local time check for 7:30, news, then man reading local headlines.

Duration:   3:15
Filename:  19890510_0530_Radio-5_South-Africa_11880.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Jordan
Amman, Jordan
1989-05-10     0659 GMT     13655 kHz
English     500 kW?
Music, time pips and time check for GMT +3 hours, ID, then into news.

Duration:   3:51
Filename:  19890510_0659_Radio-Jordan_Jordan_13655.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio For Peace International
Santa Ana, Costa Rica
1989-05-20     2325 GMT     21565.68 kHz
Program announcement, ID address, into "World of Radio".

Duration:   4:13
Filename:  19890520_2325_Radio-For-Peace-International_Costa-Rica_21565.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Deutsche Welle
Cyclops, Malta
1989-08-08     0544 GMT     11795 kHz
German     250 kW
Sign-off announcements in German, National Anthem, Malta site ID, IS.

Duration:   2:50
Filename:  19890808_0544_Deutsche-Welle_Malta_11795.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Voice of Tomorrow (Pirate)
United States
1989-09-24     0534 GMT     6239.91 kHz
Sign-off announcements, ID, address, song called "Tomorrow Belongs to Me", then drums and wolf cry interval signal.

Duration:   4:48
Filename:  19890924_0534_Voice-of-Tomorrow-(Pirate)_United-States_6240.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Voice of the Mediterranean
Cyclops, Malta
1989-09-24     0602 GMT     9765 kHz
English     250 kW
ID, program announcements, into "Weekly Reflections".

Duration:   2:09
Filename:  19890924_0602_Voice-of-the-Mediterranean_Malta_9765.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Buenas Nuevas
San Sebastián, Guatemala
1989-10-03     0045 GMT     4799.74 kHz
Spanish     1 kW
ID with call letters (TGMI), talk, music.

Duration:   3:08
Filename:  19891003_0045_Radio-Buenas-Nuevas_Guatemala_4800.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radiodiffusion-Télévision Djibouti
Djibouti, Djibouti
1989-10-03     0300 GMT     4780 kHz
Unknown     20 kW
National anthem, ID mentioning "Djibouti", into Koran. 0305 GMT cut of Koran until 0315 GMT.

Duration:   11:51
Filename:  19891003_0300_Radiodiffusion-Television-Djibouti_Djibouti_4780.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radiodiffusion Télévision de Djibouti
Djibouti, Djibouti
1989-10-07     0302 GMT     4780.01 kHz
Unknown     20 kW
National Anthem, ID mentioning "Djibouti", into Koran reading. Severe CW QRM.

Duration:   45:35
Filename:  19891007_0302_Radiodiffusion-Television-de-Djibouti_Djibouti_4780.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Educación
Mexico City, Mexico
1989-10-15     0817 GMT     6185 kHz
Spanish     5 kW
Vocal music, talk with ID and address by man at 0819.

Duration:   2:17
Filename:  19891015_0817_Radio-Educacion_Mexico_6185.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Deutsche Welle
Trincomalee, Sri Lanka
1989-11-10     0347 GMT     17800 kHz
Pushto     250 kW
Sign-off announcements in Pushto, ID ("Da Deutsche Welle dai"), site ID, IS.

Duration:   2:55
Filename:  19891110_0347_Deutsche-Welle_Sri-Lanka_17800.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Tanzania Zanzibar
Ndagaa, Zanzibar
1989-11-12     1758 GMT     11734.23 kHz
Swahili     50 kW
Music, ID by woman in Swahili (@ 0:35s in) as "Hii ni Sauti ya Tanzania Zanzibar", drum IS, another mention of Zanzibar, into news.

Duration:   3:14
Filename:  19891112_1758_Radio-Tanzania-Zanzibar_Zanzibar_11734.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Saipan, Northern Marianas Islands
1989-11-13     0600 GMT     17780 kHz
Interval signal, ID, man giving upcoming programs, then into world news.

Duration:   2:34
Filename:  19891113_0600_KHBI_Northern-Marianas-Islands_17780.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Nacional
Caracas, Venezuela
1989-12-11     1100 GMT     9540.56 kHz
Spanish     50 kW
Sign-on with chime IS, full ID and frequencies, program announcements.

Duration:   2:05
Filename:  19891211_1100_Radio-Nacional_Venezuela_9540.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


East Coast Pirate Radio (Pirate)
United States
1989-12-25     1928 GMT     15044 kHz
Music, ID with Baltimore, Maryland address, 1930:30* sign-off.

Duration:   2:12
Filename:  19891225_1928_East-Coast-Pirate-Radio-(Pirate)_United-States_15044.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Rádio Nacional da Amazônia
Brasília, Brazil
1990-01-06     0758 GMT     6180 kHz
Portuguese     250 kW
Sign-on ID and announcements.

Duration:   2:07
Filename:  19900106_0758_Radio-Nacional-da-Amazonia_Brazil_6180.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Méditerranée Internationale
Nador, Morocco
1990-01-10     0800 GMT     9575 kHz
French/Arabic     250 kW
French talk, ID at 0801 as "Medi 1", into Arabic news. Counts as Spanish Morocco per NASWA country list rules.

Duration:   3:54
Filename:  19900110_0800_Radio-Mediterranee-Internationale_Morocco_9575.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Atahualpa
Cajamarca, Peru
1990-01-10     0825 GMT     4820.8 kHz
Spanish     1 kW
Talk, music, man says "Atahualpa" over music.

Duration:   3:17
Filename:  19900110_0825_Radio-Atahualpa_Peru_4821.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Católica Nacional
Quito, Ecuador
1990-01-12     0201 GMT     5030.08 kHz
Spanish     10 kW
National anthem, ID, into program.

Duration:   2:35
Filename:  19900112_0201_Radio-Catolica-Nacional_Ecuador_5030.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Yerevan
Yerevan, Armenian SSR
1990-01-21     0330 GMT     7400 kHz
IS, ID's in Armenian as "Yerevann e Khosoim", talk, cut of later English news at 0350 GMT.

Duration:   4:31
Filename:  19900121_0330_Radio-Yerevan_Armenian-SSR_7400.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Africa
Bata, Equatorial Guinea
1990-01-21     2227 GMT     7188.81 kHz
English     50 kW
End of religious program, ID, address, national anthem, 2231* sign-off.

Duration:   3:58
Filename:  19900121_2227_Radio-Africa_Equatorial-Guinea_7189.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Minsk
Minsk, Byelorussian SSR
1990-01-27     2329 GMT     7400 kHz
Interval signal, ID as "Havorits Minsk", into talk in Byelorussian. Later cut of folk music.

Duration:   2:25
Filename:  19900127_2329_Radio-Minsk_Byelorussian-SSR_7400.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Luz y Vida
San Luis, Honduras
1990-02-05     0333 GMT     3249.82 kHz
English     800 watts
Full ID in English, then into "Unshackled" program.

Duration:   3:59
Filename:  19900205_0333_Radio-Luz-y-Vida_Honduras_3250.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Veritas Asia
Malolos, Philippines
1990-02-07     1324 GMT     9555 kHz
Korean/English     100 kW
Talk in presumed Korean, music, full English ID by man, interval signal.

Duration:   2:35
Filename:  19900207_1324_Radio-Veritas-Asia_Philippines_9555.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Riga
Riga, Latvian SSR
1990-02-15     0359 GMT     5935 kHz
Latvian     50 kW
5-note interval signal, ID as "Runa Riga...", national anthem, into music.

Duration:   4:27
Filename:  19900215_0359_Radio-Riga_Latvian-SSR_5935.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


La Voz del Upano
Macas, Ecuador
1990-02-18     0204 GMT     5040.07 kHz
Spanish     10 kW
Sign-off announcements and long national anthem.

Duration:   7:33
Filename:  19900218_0204_La-Voz-del-Upano_Ecuador_5040.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Moundou
Moundou, Chad
1990-02-18     0559 GMT     5286.15 kHz
French     5 kW
Music, talk in French (possible ID), interval signal(?). Very weak.

Duration:   2:18
Filename:  19900218_0559_Radio-Moundou_Chad_5286.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Moundou
Moundou, Chad
1990-02-19     0523 GMT     5286.18 kHz
French     5 kW
Music, talk in French, possible ID "...Radio Mondou..." at 0538 GMT.

Duration:   45:04
Filename:  19900219_0523_Radio-Moundou_Chad_5286.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Los Andes 1040
Mérida, Venezuela
1990-03-05     0359 GMT     6010.6 kHz
Spanish     1 kW
Sign-off announcements, ID, national anthem at 0402* GMT.

Duration:   3:04
Filename:  19900305_0359_Radio-Los-Andes_Venezuela_6010.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


La Voz de la Selva
Iquitos, Peru
1990-03-08     1029 GMT     4824.5 kHz
Spanish     5 kW
Talk, rooster crows, ads, ID jingles.

Duration:   3:05
Filename:  19900308_1029_La-Voz-de-la-Selva_Peru_4825.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Centro
Ambato, Ecuador
1990-03-08     1048 GMT     3289.88 kHz
Announcements, GMT-5hr time checks, mentions of "Radio Centro".

Duration:   2:39
Filename:  19900308_1048_Radio-Centro_Ecuador_3290.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Romania International
Bucharest, Romania
1990-03-12     0159 GMT     9570 kHz
English     250 kW
New interval signal, full ID, into news. Formerly Radio Bucharest.

Duration:   3:13
Filename:  19900312_0159_Radio-Romania-International_Romania_9570.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  cbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Ghana Broadcasting Corporation
Accra, Ghana
1990-03-13     0529 GMT     4915 kHz
English/Vernacular     50 kW
Talk in vernacular, English sign-on announcement, into vernacular talk.

Duration:   2:50
Filename:  19900313_0529_Ghana-Broadcasting-Corporation_Ghana_4915.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


University of the South Pacific
1990-03-13     0555 GMT     12140 USB kHz
Instructor giving lecture under UTE QRM, with students asking questions via radio. There are stations in Solomon, Cook, Niue, Tuvalu, Tonga, Samoa, Vanuatu as well. Unsure of the location of this station.

Duration:   4:53
Filename:  19900313_0555_University-of-the-South-Pacific_Fiji_12140.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Rádio Nacional de Angola
Luanda, Angola
1990-03-13     0658 GMT     9719.7 kHz
Portuguese     100 kW
Talk, music, ID by woman as "Rádio Nacional de Angola", into news.

Duration:   3:50
Filename:  19900313_0658_Radio-Nacional-de-Angola_Angola_9720.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Rádio Gaúcha
Porto Alegre, Brazil
1990-03-13     0731 GMT     11915 kHz
Portuguese     7.5 kW
Talk, an announcement mentioning "Rádio Gaúcha", into program. Station name is pronounced "Gow-UU-sha".

Duration:   2:24
Filename:  19900313_0731_Radio-Gaucha_Brazil_11915.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  cbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


La Voix du Sahel
Niamey, Niger
1990-03-15     0530 GMT     5020 kHz
French     20/100 kW
National anthem, flute IS, ID, into Koran.

Duration:   4:46
Filename:  19900315_0530_La-Voix-du-Sahel_Niger_5020.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Hope Radio International (Pirate)
United States
1990-03-24     0321 GMT     7375.63 kHz
Eddie Murphy comedy routine, then cut of 0336 GMT sign-off announcements. Gave a West Virginia address.

Duration:   3:13
Filename:  19900324_0321_Hope-Radio-International-(Pirate)_United-States_7375.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Deutsche Welle
Antigua, Antigua
1990-04-07     0047 GMT     15105 kHz
Spanish     250 kW
Music, sign-off announcements in Spanish, site ID.

Duration:   2:50
Filename:  19900407_0047_Deutsche-Welle_Antigua_15105.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radiodiffusion Télévision Tunisienne
Sfax, Tunisia
1990-04-19     0457 GMT     17610 kHz
Arabic     100 kW
Arabic music, ID, into news by woman in Arabic.

Duration:   3:57
Filename:  19900419_0457_Radiodiffusion-Television-Tunisienne_Tunisia_17610.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


La Voz del Río Aruca
Arauca, Colombia
1990-04-26     0458 GMT     4895 kHz
Spanish     10 kW
Jingles, ID mentioning MW frequency and RCN network, anthem at 0502* sign-off.

Duration:   3:03
Filename:  19900426_0458_La-Voz-del-Rio-Aruca_Colombia_4895.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio RSA
Meyerton, South Africa
1990-05-01     0158 GMT     9580 kHz
English     500 kW
IS, ID, news, talk. Last broadcast to USA, Canada.

Duration:   44:49
Filename:  19900501_0158_Radio-RSA_South-Africa_9580.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Melodía
Bogotá, Colombia
1990-05-14     0419 GMT     6045.5 kHz
Spanish     1/5 kW
Music, ID and local time check, more music.

Duration:   3:07
Filename:  19900514_0419_Radio-Melodia_Colombia_6045.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


British Forces Broadcasting Service (BFBS)
1990-08-21     1323 GMT     17695/21735 kHz
BFBS jingle IS, mx, 1400*. To British forces in the Gulf and Saudi Arabia during Operation Granby (Gulf War).

Duration:   36:34
Filename:  19900821_1323_British-Forces-Broadcasting-Service-(BFBS)_England_17695.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


British Forces Broadcasting Service (BFBS)
London, England
1990-08-21     1329 GMT     17695 kHz
Full ID, into music and dedications for British forces in the Gulf and Saudi Arabia during Operation Granby (Gulf War).

Duration:   4:27
Filename:  19900821_1329_British-Forces-Broadcasting-Service-(BFBS)_England_17695.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Iran (Clandestine)
Abu Zaabal, Egypt
1990-09-10     0232 GMT     15650 kHz
Arabic     100 kW
Anti-Khomeini clandestine station. Patriotic music, ID in Arabic. Jamming attempts apparent.

Duration:   3:16
Filename:  19900910_0232_Radio-Iran-(Clandestine)_Egypt_15650.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Nashville, Tennessee, United States
1990-09-24     0028 GMT     7520 kHz
English     100 kW
End of gospel program, ID, into another gospel program.

Duration:   3:08
Filename:  19900924_0028_WWCR_United-States_7520.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio New York International
Nashville, Tennessee, United States
1990-09-24     0158 GMT     7520 kHz
English     100 kW
Relayed by WWCR. Oldies music, ID. Former offshore pirate station.

Duration:   4:19
Filename:  19900924_0158_Radio-New-York-International_United-States_7520.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Organization of American States (OAS)
Bethany, Ohio, United States
1990-09-24     2345 GMT     15160 kHz
Spanish     250 kW
Sign-on announcements, into Spanish news.

Duration:   3:08
Filename:  19900924_2345_Organization-of-American-States-(OAS)_United-States_15160.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Continental
Buenos Aires, Argentina
1990-09-27     0128 GMT     9115 USB kHz
Spanish     10 kW
Spanish ads, identification with mentions of "Continental" and "Informes Continental".

Duration:   3:40
Filename:  19900927_0128_Radio-Continental_Argentina_9115.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


UAE Radio
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
1990-09-29     1340 GMT     21605 kHz
English     300 kW
ID, address, into "Modern Trends in Arab Thought" program.

Duration:   2:59
Filename:  19900929_1340_UAE-Radio_United-Arab-Emirates_21605.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


St. Helena Government Broadcasting Service
Jamestown, St. Helena
1990-10-06     2004 GMT     11092.51 LSB kHz
English     1.5 kW
LSB, BBC nx, DXers calls, mx, ID. Special test for Nordic DX Club.

Duration:   56:06
Filename:  19901006_2004_St.-Helena-Government-Broadcasting-Service_St.-Helena_11092.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Saint Helena Government Broadcasting Service
Jamestown, Saint Helena
1990-10-06     2057 GMT     11092.51 kHz
English     1.5 kW
ID jingle, music, sign-off at 2100 GMT. Special test for Swedish DX club.

Duration:   3:29
Filename:  19901006_2057_Saint-Helena-Government-Broadcasting-Service_Saint-Helena_11092.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Aparecida
Aparecida, Brazil
1990-10-07     2343 GMT     5034.98 kHz
Portuguese     10 kW
End of Mass, mentions of "Aparecida", ID with SW and FM frequencies.

Duration:   3:02
Filename:  19901007_2343_Radio-Aparecida_Brazil_5035.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Oranje
Meyerton, South Africa
1990-10-13     0300 GMT     3215 kHz
Afrikaans/English     100 kW
Sign-on with ID in Afrikaans and into morning meditation in English. This is a service for the Orange Free State in South Africa.

Duration:   2:55
Filename:  19901013_0300_Radio-Oranje_South-Africa_3215.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio K'ekchi'
Alta Verapaz, Guatemala
1990-10-22     0159 GMT     4844.86 kHz
Spanish     2.5 (?) kW
Music, sign-off announcement mentioning "Alta Verapaz, Guatemala" and 4845 KHz.

Duration:   3:10
Filename:  19901022_0159_Radio-Kekchi_Guatemala_4845.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


RRI - Ujung Pandang
Ujung Pandang, Sulawesi, Indonesia
1990-11-06     1225 GMT     4753.45 kHz
Indonesian     20 kW
Station identification, into drama, music.

Duration:   2:56
Filename:  19901106_1225_RRI-Ujung-Pandang_Indonesia_4753.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Sorong, Irian Jaya, Indonesia
1990-11-06     1228:30 GMT     4874.62 kHz
Indonesian     10 kW
U.S. music, ID, "Solace on Coconut Island" ("Rayuan Pulau Kelapa"), ID, into local news.

Duration:   3:15
Filename:  19901106_1228_RRI-Sorong_Indonesia_4875.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


La Voz de Nahualá
Nahualá, Guatemala
1990-11-09     0327 GMT     3360 kHz
Spanish     1 kW
Marimba music, ID as "Radio Nahualá", sign-off announcements.

Duration:   2:42
Filename:  19901109_0327_La-Voz-de-Nahuala_Guatemala_3360.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


CFCX (relaying CFCF)
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
1990-11-11     0703 GMT     6005 kHz
English     500 watts
News, weather, sports, into Jim Bohannon Show. Mixing with RIAS-Berlin.

Duration:   3:38
Filename:  19901111_0703_CFCX_Canada_6005.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Barahona
Barahona, Dominican Republic
1990-11-13     0324 GMT     4930 kHz
Music, ID with frequency and address by man. Very bad hum on carrier.

Duration:   3:42
Filename:  19901113_0324_Radio-Barahona_Dominican-Republic_4930.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  cbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


WWV / WWVH / BPM (China) / VNG (Australia)
United States / China / Australia
1990-11-13     0829 GMT     10000 kHz

WWVH announcement can be heard with BPM morse code ID and VNG voice ID, with faint WWV at 0830 GMT.

Duration:   1:34
Filename:  19901113_0829_WWV-WWVH-BPM-VNG_United-States-China-Australia_10000.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Mil
Mexico City, Mexico
1990-11-14     0418 GMT     6009.94 kHz
Spanish     5(?) kW
Sporting event, ads, mention of " Radio Mil...".

Duration:   2:51
Filename:  19901114_0418_Radio-Mil_Mexico_6010.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Union Radio
Guatemala City, Guatemala
1990-11-15     0245 GMT     5981.65 kHz
Spanish     5(?) kW
ID, time check for 20:45 (GMT -6h) into easy listening music.

Duration:   2:13
Filename:  19901115_0245_Union-Radio_Guatemala_5982.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Anchor Point, Alaska, United States
1990-11-22     0801 GMT     7365 kHz
English     100 kW
"Chariots of Fire" interval signal, ID, into music from the 60's.

Duration:   3:23
Filename:  19901122_0801_KNLS_United-States_7365.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


CHNX (relaying CHNS)
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
1990-11-23     0804 GMT     6130 kHz
English     500 watts
News, station identification, into music.

Duration:   3:28
Filename:  19901123_0804_CHNX_Canada_6130.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Marajoara
Belém, Brazil
1990-11-23     0830 GMT     4955 kHz
Portuguese     10 kW
Talk with mentions of Marajoara and Pará (state where the city of Belém is).

Duration:   3:00
Filename:  19901123_0830_Radio-Marajoara_Brazil_4955.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Cultura do Pará
Belém, Brazil
1990-11-23     0900 GMT     5045 kHz
Portuguese     10 kW
Music, ID by man, talk.

Duration:   3:30
Filename:  19901123_0900_Radio-Cultura-do-Para_Brazil_5045.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Difusora Roraima
Boa Vista, Brazil
1990-11-26     0528 GMT     4875 kHz
Portuguese     10 kW
Talk by man with many mentions of "Roraima". Only active station in Roraima state.

Duration:   3:03
Filename:  19901126_0528_Radio-Difusora-Roraima_Brazil_4875.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Canção Nova
Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil
1990-12-05     2318 GMT     4824.93 kHz
Portuguese     10 kW
Music, talk, ID with address at 2321 GMT. Located in São Paulo state. This cut is several minutes long.

Duration:   5:56
Filename:  19901205_2318_Radio-Cancao-Nova_Brazil_4825.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Oriente
Yurimaguas, Peru
1990-12-05     2352 GMT     6188.12 kHz
Spanish     1.5 kW
ID, ads. Then 2358 GMT cut of many ID's and mention of Yurimaguas.

Duration:   3:24
Filename:  19901205_2352_Radio-Oriente_Peru_6188.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Ondas del Meta
Villavicencio, Colombia
1990-12-06     0149 GMT     4885 kHz
Spanish     5 kW
ID over music, into more music.

Duration:   4:05
Filename:  19901206_0149_Ondas-del-Meta_Colombia_4885.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Quito
Quito, Ecuador
1990-12-06     0222 GMT     4920 kHz
Spanish     5 kW
Music, ID by a man.

Duration:   3:25
Filename:  19901206_0222_Radio-Quito_Ecuador_4920.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


West Berlin, Germany
1990-12-11     0728 GMT     6005 kHz
German     100 kW
Talk, "RIAS-Berlin" ID, into news.

Duration:   2:49
Filename:  19901211_0728_RIAS-Berlin_Germany_6005.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Bayerischer Rundfunk
Ismaning, Germany
1990-12-11     0753 GMT     6085 kHz
German     100 kW
0753 GMT ads for McDonald's "McBacon" and Commodore Amiga computer. Then 0800 GMT cut of time pips, ID, into news.

Duration:   3:08
Filename:  19901211_0753_Bayerischer-Rundfunk_Germany_6085.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Emisora Gran Colombia
Quito, Ecuador
1990-12-17     0155 GMT     4911 kHz
Spanish     5 kW
Ads, time check and ID, into talk.

Duration:   3:15
Filename:  19901217_0155_Emisora-Gran-Colombia_Ecuador_4911.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Continental
Barinas, Venezuela
1990-12-17     0228 GMT     4939.6 kHz
Spanish     1 kW
ID and address, into U.S. pop music.

Duration:   3:28
Filename:  19901217_0228_Radio-Continental_Venezuela_4940.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Salt Lake City, United States
1990-12-23     0400 GMT     7510 kHz
English     100 kW
ID, Christmas program. Formerly rock station KUSW.

Duration:   3:05
Filename:  19901223_0400_KTBN_United-States_7510.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Rádio Novas de Paz
Curitiba, Brazil
1990-12-29     2305 GMT     9515 kHz
Portuguese     10 kW
Talk, ID with frequencies.

Duration:   3:00
Filename:  19901229_2305_Radio-Novas-de-Paz_Brazil_9515.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Mira
Tumaco, Colombia
1990-12-30     0445 GMT     6015.2 kHz
Talk, ID mentioning Caracol network.

Duration:   1:48
Filename:  19901230_0445_Radio-Mira_Colombia_6015.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Escuelas Radiofónicas Populares
Riobamba, Ecuador
1991-01-01     1042 GMT     5011.2 kHz
Spanish     1 kW
Music, ID by woman. This station is located in the Chimborazo province.

Duration:   3:22
Filename:  19910101_1042_Escuelas-Radiofonicas-Populares_Ecuador_5011.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


RFM (Pirate)
United States
1991-01-13     1843 GMT     15051.9 kHz
Music, ID and address by announcer H.V. Short, sign-off.

Duration:   3:15
Filename:  19910113_1843_RFM-(Pirate)_United-States_15052.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Cora
Lima, Peru
1991-02-02     1005 GMT     4914.5 kHz
Spanish     10 kW
Local music, ID by man as "Radio Cora de Peru..." with time check, more music.

Duration:   7:29
Filename:  19910202_1005_Radio-Cora_Peru_4915.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Kol Israel
Tel Aviv, Israel
1991-02-25     0344 GMT     11587.5 kHz
English/Hebrew     500 kW
All-clear announcements after Iraqi Scud missile attack, then music.

Duration:   3:32
Filename:  19910225_0344_Kol-Israel_Israel_11587.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Korea
Kimje, South Korea
1991-03-03     1214 GMT     9750 kHz
English     250 kW
Interval signal, ID, program schedule, into news.

Duration:   3:38
Filename:  19910303_1214_Radio-Korea_South-Korea_9750.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Rádio Cultura
São Paulo, Brazil
1991-04-15     2328 GMT     9615 kHz
Portuguese     7.5 kW
Talk, ID "Rádio Cultura de São Paulo", address given.

Duration:   2:59
Filename:  19910415_2328_Radio-Cultura_Brazil_9615.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Rádio Educação Rural
Campo Grande, Brazil
1991-04-16     0058 GMT     4755 kHz
Portuguese     10 kW
Music, ID "Educação Rural... Campo Grande... Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil...". Located in Mato Grosso do Sul state.

Duration:   3:32
Filename:  19910416_0058_Radio-Educacao-Rural_Brazil_4755.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Rádio Pioneira
Teresina, Brazil
1991-04-23     0825 GMT     5015 kHz
Portuguese     1 kW
Talk, time check for GMT -3h, ID "Rádio Pioneira...Brazil...", more talk. Located in Piauí state.

Duration:   2:33
Filename:  19910423_0825_Radio-Pioneira_Brazil_5015.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Rádio Educadora
Bragança, Brazil
1991-04-30     0852 GMT     4825 kHz
Portuguese     10 kW
Faint music, woman with time check "cinco horas...", ID, and talk.

Duration:   4:11
Filename:  19910430_0852_Radio-Educadora_Brazil_4825.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Norte
Santiago, Dominican Republic
1991-05-10     0141 GMT     4799.9 kHz
Spanish     1 kW
Music, sign-off ID as "La 'N' ciento tres punto cinco megahertz, frecuencia modular estereo, para todo el país."

Duration:   3:12
Filename:  19910510_0141_Radio-Norte_Dominican-Republic_4800.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Botswana
Sebele, Botswana
1991-05-12     0258 GMT     7255 kHz
Setswana/English     50 kW
Barnyard interval signal, national anthem, ID by woman in Setswana and then English.

Duration:   5:48
Filename:  19910512_0258_Radio-Botswana_Botswana_7255.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Llandilo, New South Wales, Australia
1991-07-13     0558 GMT     16000 kHz
English     5 kW
Time pips, announcement by man before 0600. New site (previously Lyndhurst, Victoria).

Duration:   2:03
Filename:  19910713_0558_VNG_Australia_16000.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Zagreb (WHRI relay)
Noblesville, Indiana, United States
1991-09-28     0047 GMT     7315 kHz
Croatian/English     100 kW
Croatian program, followed by ID in English. Interview with man from city of Vukovar, and a man on hunger strike. This cut lasts until 0100 GMT sign-off. This is a program from Croatia (Yugoslavia) during the civil war there.

Duration:   13:15
Filename:  19910928_0047_Radio-Zagreb-(WHRI-relay)_United-States_7315.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio West Sepik
Vanimo, Papua New Guinea
1991-10-13     1145 GMT     3205 kHz
English/Pidgin     10 kW
ID in Pidgin as "Radio Sandaun", into music.

Duration:   2:55
Filename:  19911013_1145_Radio-West-Sepik_Papua-New-Guinea_3205.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Católica
Santo Domingo de los Colorados, Ecuador
1991-10-22     1040 GMT     3394.81 kHz
Spanish     10(?) kW
ID, local music, ID, time check, also gave mediumwave frequency. Formerly Radio Zaracay.

Duration:   3:37
Filename:  19911022_1040_Radio-Catolica_Ecuador_3395.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Amanecer
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
1991-11-05     2258 GMT     6024.94 kHz
Spanish     1 kW
Religious music, ID mentioning site and frequency.

Duration:   2:51
Filename:  19911105_2258_Radio-Amanecer_Dominican-Republic_6025.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Free Europe
Biblis?, Germany
1991-11-10     0658 GMT     7165 kHz
Romanian?     100 kW
End of religious service, ID, into news. Romanian language possibly.

Duration:   3:07
Filename:  19911110_0658_Radio-Free-Europe_Germany_7165.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Difusora do Amazonas
Manaus, Brazil
1991-11-13     0158 GMT     4805 kHz
Portuguese     5 kW
Brazilian pop music, ID at 0201 GMT sign-off.

Duration:   2:56
Filename:  19911113_0158_Radio-Difusora-do-Amazonas_Brazil_4805.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


King of Hope
Marjayoun, Lebanon
1991-12-01     1558 GMT     11530 kHz
English     25 kW
End of "Revival Time" program, ID with frequencies and address, into talk.

Duration:   3:02
Filename:  19911201_1558_King-of-Hope_Lebanon_11530.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Bangladesh
Dhaka, Bangladesh
1991-12-12     1257 GMT     15200 kHz
English     250 kW
Subcontinental music, ID and address at 1300 GMT sign-off.

Duration:   2:52
Filename:  19911212_1257_Radio-Bangladesh_Bangladesh_15200.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


All India Radio
Bangalore, India
1991-12-14     1900 GMT     11620 kHz
English     500 kW
ID, into news. Then 1916 GMT cut of Indian traditional music.

Duration:   3:18
Filename:  19911214_1900_All-India-Radio_India_11620.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Frontera
San Antonio, Venezuela
1991-12-18     0252 GMT     4761 kHz
Spanish     1 kW
Sign-off announcements with ID, vocal national anthem until 0255 sign-off.

Duration:   2:41
Filename:  19911218_0252_Radio-Frontera_Venezuela_4761.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


CSIC (Pirate)
1991-12-24     2020 GMT     15054.63 kHz
Music, ID with address, sign off 2035 GMT with "Psycho Chicken" theme song. Audio problems and pauses throughout recording.

Duration:   14:00
Filename:  19911224_2020_CSIC-(Pirate)_Canada_15055.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Madang
Madang, Papua New Guinea
1991-12-27     1200 GMT     3260 kHz
Pidgin     10 kW
ID, time pips, into local music. Unusual PNG opening this morning.

Duration:   4:07
Filename:  19911227_1200_Radio-Madang_Papua-New-Guinea_3260.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio West New Britain
Kimbe, Papua New Guinea
1991-12-27     1256 GMT     3235 kHz
Pidgin     10 kW
Country music, sign-off announcements, national anthem at 1301. Unusual PNG opening this morning.

Duration:   5:10
Filename:  19911227_1256_Radio-West-New-Britain_Papua-New-Guinea_3235.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Emisora Provincial de Sofala
Beira, Mozambique
1992-01-02     0310 GMT     3276.5 kHz
Portuguese/Vernacular?     100 kW
Drums, ID mentioning Mozambique. Later several provinces mentioned: Manica, Maputo, Sofala, Cabo Delgado, Inhambane.

Duration:   3:13
Filename:  19920102_0310_Emisora-Provincial-de-Sofala_Mozambique_3276.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada
1992-01-12     1029 GMT     720 kHz
English     10 kW
WGN-Chicago off air. Tried for KUAI-Hawaii to no avail. CHTN with weather, ID, ads.

Duration:   4:09
Filename:  19920112_1029_CHTN_Canada_720.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Santa Mónica
Santiago de Chuco, Peru
1992-02-08     0959 GMT     6670.2 kHz
Martial music, ID and time check, talk.

Duration:   3:36
Filename:  19920208_0959_Radio-Santa-Monica_Peru_6670.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Altura
Cerro de Pasco, Peru
1992-02-08     1024 GMT     3339.92 kHz
Spanish     1 kW
Talk, Andean music, mentions of Cerro de Pasco, ID at 1028 GMT. Strong signal.

Duration:   5:11
Filename:  19920208_1024_Radio-Altura_Peru_3340.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Birmingham, United States
1993-02-17     2328 GMT     5825 kHz
English     500 kW
ID, interval signal, into religious program. Catholic radio station.

Duration:   2:59
Filename:  19930217_2328_WEWN_United-States_5825.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  cbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Sudan National Broadcasting Corporation
Omdurman, Sudan
1993-03-13     0258 GMT     7200 kHz
Arabic     100 kW
Interval signal, national anthem, time pips, ID in Arabic, into Koran.

Duration:   4:40
Filename:  19930313_0258_Sudan-National-Broadcasting-Corporation_Sudan_7200.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Marpi, Saipan, Northern Marianas Islands
1993-03-13     1357 GMT     11650 kHz
Russian     100 kW
Russian sermon, hymn, ID and sign-off.

Duration:   2:47
Filename:  19930313_1357_KFBS_Northern-Marianas-Islands_11650.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Cima Cien
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
1993-03-16     0229 GMT     4959.85 kHz
Spanish     1 kW
Latin romantic music, ID jingle "ahora... Cima Cien", time check for 9:30, music.

Duration:   2:14
Filename:  19930316_0229_Radio-Cima-Cien_Dominican-Republic_4960.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Koror, Palau
1993-03-17     1258 GMT     9830.1 kHz
Chinese/English     100 kW
"Chariots of Fire" theme, talk in Chinese, English ID and address.

Duration:   3:05
Filename:  19930317_1258_KHBN_Palau_9830.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


RRI Nabire
Nabire, Indonesia
1993-03-27     1158 GMT     6127.56 kHz
Indonesian     1 kW
Very faint talk, "Solace on Coconut Island" ("Rayuan Pulau Kelapa"), possible news at 1200. Weak.

Duration:   2:31
Filename:  19930327_1158_RRI-Nabire_Indonesia_6128.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Rádio Marumby
Florianópolis, Brazil
1993-03-29     0027 GMT     9664.87 kHz
Portuguese     10 kW
End of religious service, sign-off announcements, 0030 GMT sign-off.

Duration:   3:17
Filename:  19930329_0027_Radio-Marumby_Brazil_9665.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


RRI Samarinda
Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur, Borneo, Indonesia
1993-04-09     1158 GMT     9614.36 kHz
Indonesian     500 watts
Woman talking, "Solace on Coconut Island" ("Rayuan Pulau Kelapa"). Very faint. Listed at 500 watts.

Duration:   2:32
Filename:  19930409_1158_RRI-Samarinda_Indonesia_9614.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


UAE Radio
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
1993-04-18     2331 GMT     9770 kHz
English     500 kW
"Economic Attitudes in Islam", ID by woman with frequencies, into editorials.

Duration:   3:13
Filename:  19930418_2331_UAE-Radio_United-Arab-Emirates_9770.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Aum Shinrikyo
1993-06-06     0455 GMT     11790 kHz
Sign-off announcements in English, address, into Radio Moscow at 0459 GMT.

Duration:   5:24
Filename:  19930606_0455_Radio-Aum-Shinrikyo_Russia_11790.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Upton, Kentucky, United States
1993-06-17     0058 GMT     7490 kHz
English     50 kW
End of prayer request program with address, and full ID.

Duration:   4:03
Filename:  19930617_0058_WJCR_United-States_7490.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Hrvatski Radio
Deanovec, Croatia
1993-06-20     0258 GMT     5920 kHz
Croatian     10? kW
Pop music, time pips, ID by woman, into possible news, then more music.

Duration:   5:21
Filename:  19930620_0258_Hrvatski-Radio_Croatia_5920.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Vado, New Mexico, United States
1993-07-04     1401 GMT     11715 kHz
English     50 kW
Station identification by a young child, another ID, into preaching.

Duration:   3:24
Filename:  19930704_1401_KJES_United-States_11715.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Fluffernut (Pirate)
1993-07-17     0228 GMT     7412.57 kHz
Music, station address and closing announcements. Merlin, Ontario address.

Duration:   1:44
Filename:  19930717_0228_Radio-Fluffernut-(Pirate)_Canada_7412.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Chung-Li, Taiwan
1993-07-17     1229 GMT     15000 kHz
CW/Chinese     2 kW
"BSF" sent in Morse Code at 1229:28 GMT, "LST" sent in Morse Code, "BSF" repeated twice by female voice, then "N" sent five times in Morse Code. "JJY" can also be heard during the "LST" in Morse Code. Also mixing with WWV/WWVH.

Duration:   1:14
Filename:  19930717_1229_BSF_Taiwan_15000.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Wire Line Radio (Pirate)
United States
1993-07-26     0041 GMT     15052.25 kHz
Stand-up comedy routine, ID and address by male announcer. Programming consisted of stand-up comedy routines and pop music.

Duration:   3:30
Filename:  19930726_0041_Wire-Line-Radio-(Pirate)_United-States_15052.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Australian Broadcasting Corporation - VL8A
Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia
1993-09-17     1111 GMT     2310 kHz
English     50 kW
End of rock song, talking about upcoming events, music. Northern Territory Shortwave Service. Maywoods.

Duration:   2:47
Filename:  19930917_1111_Australian-Broadcasting-Corporation-(VL8A)_Australia_2310.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


All India Radio (AIR)
Kingsway, India
1993-09-18     0156 GMT     10330 kHz
English     50 kW
Subcontinental music, woman and man in ad/promo, music. Maywoods

Duration:   2:52
Filename:  19930918_0156_All-India-Radio-(AIR)_India_10330.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


WLIS (Pirate)
United States
1993-09-18     0211 GMT     7412.55 kHz
Music, sign-off announcement. Station slogan is "We Love Interval Signals". Maywoods.

Duration:   2:22
Filename:  19930918_0211_WLIS-(Pirate)_United-States_7412.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


WLIS (Pirate)
United States
1993-09-18     0220 GMT     7470.23 kHz
ID, played various interval signals (WLIS = We Love Interval Signals). Maywoods.

Duration:   12:18
Filename:  19930918_0220_WLIS-(Pirate)_United-States_7470.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Radio Azteca (Pirate)
United States
1993-09-18     0233 GMT     7470.23 kHz
Possible relay by WLIS. "Rocky and Bullwinkle" IS, ID, mailbag pgm. Maywoods.

Duration:   29:50
Filename:  19930918_0233_Radio-Azteca-(Pirate)_United-States_7470.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Radio Azteca (Pirate)
United States
1993-09-18     0247 GMT     7470.23 kHz
Parody of a DX program, New York Bell "ad", etc. This was probably a relay by WLIS. Maywoods.

Duration:   6:16
Filename:  19930918_0247_Radio-Azteca-(Pirate)_United-States_7470.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


URGZ (Pirate)
United States
1993-09-18     0303 GMT     7470.23 kHz
Possible relay by WLIS. ID, tlk by OM about urges (URGZ). Maywoods.

Duration:   7:53
Filename:  19930918_0303_URGZ-(Pirate)_United-States_7470.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


URGZ (Pirate)
United States
1993-09-18     0345 GMT     7470.23 kHz
ID, into song. Then cut of a man talking about urges to "shoot the bird". This was probably a relay by WLIS.

Duration:   3:17
Filename:  19930918_0345_URGZ-(Pirate)_United-States_7470.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Radio Baha'i
Otavalo, Ecuador
1993-09-18     1000 GMT     4949.9 kHz
Vernacular/Spanish     1 kW
Ecuadorian music, ID also mentioning Otavalo, into music. Maywoods.

Duration:   2:23
Filename:  19930918_1000_Radio-Bahai_Ecuador_4950.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Romantic Space Radio (Pirate)
United States
1993-09-19     0140 GMT     7465 KHZ USB kHz
Sign-off announcement. This was a U.S. pirate relay (NAPRS-North American Pirate Relay Service) of a Russian pirate station. Maywoods.

Duration:   2:17
Filename:  19930919_0140_Romantic-Space-Radio-(Pirate)_United-States_7465.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Radiodifusión Argentina al Exterior (RAE)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
1993-09-19     0256 GMT     11709.87 kHz
Spanish     100 kW
Music, promos, ID as Radio Nacional (which RAE relays on weekends). Maywoods.

Duration:   4:17
Filename:  19930919_0256_Radiodifusion-Argentina-al-Exterior-(RAE)_Argentina_11710.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Merauke, Indonesia
1993-09-19     1159 GMT     3905 kHz
Indonesian     1 kW
"Solace on Coconut Island" ("Rayuan Pulau Kelapa"), woman with possible ID, into news. Mixing with Radio New Ireland (PNG). Maywoods.

Duration:   2:19
Filename:  19930919_1159_RRI-Merauke_Indonesia_3905.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


UAE Radio
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
1993-09-26     2359 GMT     11710 kHz
Arabic     500 kW
Arabic music, Arabic ID "Idha'atu-l-imarat al-arabiyya al-muttahida min Abu Zabiy", into Koran recitation.

Duration:   4:15
Filename:  19930926_2359_UAE-Radio_United-Arab-Emirates_11710.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Rwanda
Kininya, Rwanda
1993-10-10     1932 GMT     15340 kHz
1932 GMT cut of local harps (Inanga) interval signal and French ID. Then 2055 GMT cut of sign-off announcements in Kinyarwanda(?), French, and Swahili, ending with national anthem and tone before carrier off at 2101 GMT. Transmitter site per 12/93 NASWA Journal.

Duration:   4:29
Filename:  19931010_1932_Radio-Rwanda_Rwanda_15340.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Onda Musical
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
1993-11-27     0303 GMT     4779.95 kHz
ID by man, time check for GMT -4 hours, announcements.

Duration:   3:10
Filename:  19931127_0303_Onda-Musical_Dominican-Republic_4780.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Dniester International
Grigoriopol, Moldova
1993-11-27     0330 GMT     7105 kHz
Mixing w/ VOA, chime IS, ID, nx by OM & YL, annced Mon, Wed, Sat sked (wrong). Sign off 0400*. Per March 2008 NASWA Journal (pg. 43), reception of Grigoriopol transmitter prior to December 2003 counts as Moldova (Moldavian S.S.R.), while reception of Grigoriopol transmitter in or after December 2003 counts as Pridnestrovie (Moldavian S.S.R).

Duration:   29:52
Filename:  19931127_0330_Radio-Dniester-International_Moldova_7105.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Rádio Nacional de Angola
Luanda, Angola
1993-12-10     0410 GMT     7244.96 kHz
Portuguese     100 kW
Portuguese vocal music, woman with ID. Maywoods.

Duration:   3:03
Filename:  19931210_0410_Radio-Nacional-de-Angola_Angola_7245.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Radio Copan International
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
1993-12-10     1512 GMT     15674.53 kHz
Spanish     100 watts
ID by man, children's music. Low-frequency het caused by Radio Pakistan near same frequency. Maywoods.

Duration:   2:38
Filename:  19931210_1512_Radio-Copan-International_Honduras_15675.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Federal Radio Corporation
Kaduna, Nigeria
1993-12-10     2200 GMT     4770 kHz
English     50 kW
PSA for breastfeeding, ID, pop music. Maywoods.

Duration:   2:22
Filename:  19931210_2200_Federal-Radio-Corporation_Nigeria_4770.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Radio Satelite
Santa Cruz, Peru
1993-12-11     0300 GMT     6724.34 kHz
Spanish     1? kW
Andean music, ID by man "...en los studios de Radio Satelite...". Maywoods.

Duration:   2:49
Filename:  19931211_0300_Radio-Satelite_Peru_6724.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Radio Tarma
Tarma, Peru
1993-12-11     0359 GMT     4775 kHz
Spanish     1 kW
Station identification by a man "...transmite, Radio Tarma...", music. Maywoods.

Duration:   2:45
Filename:  19931211_0359_Radio-Tarma_Peru_4775.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Space Shuttle "Endeavor"
Greenbelt, Maryland, United States
1993-12-11     0447 GMT     3860 LSB kHz
Live re-broadcast of traffic by WA3NAN (Goddard Amateur Radio Club). Discussion about dumping waste water in a zero-pressure environment. Also heard on 7185 KHz. Maywoods.

Duration:   4:13
Filename:  19931211_0447_Space-Shuttle-Endeavor_United-States_3860.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Yunnan People's Broadcasting Station
Kunming, China
1993-12-11     1158 GMT     4759.78 kHz
Mandarin     50 kW
Woman talking, instrumental music, time pips, possible ID by man. Maywoods.

Duration:   3:34
Filename:  19931211_1158_Yunnan-Peoples-Broadcasting-Station_China_4760.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Kenya Broadcasting Corporation
Koma Rock, Kenya
1993-12-11     2058 GMT     6150 kHz
Swahili     250 kW
African pop music, ID in Swahili, into news. Then 2006 GMT cut of choral anthem at 2007 GMT sign-off. Maywoods.

Duration:   3:01
Filename:  19931211_2058_Kenya-Broadcasting-Corporation_Kenya_6150.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Monrovia, Liberia
1993-12-11     2138 GMT     4760 kHz
Man reading messages for lost family members due to civil war. Reactivated station. Maywoods.

Duration:   3:08
Filename:  19931211_2138_ELWA_Liberia_4760.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Radio Ondas del Rio Mayo
Nueva Cajamarca, Peru
1994-01-02     1108 GMT     6803.4 kHz
Music, ID, and time check by man.

Duration:   2:56
Filename:  19940102_1108_Radio-Ondas-del-Rio-Mayo_Peru_6803.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Eco
Iquitos, Peru
1994-02-12     0421 GMT     5097.15 kHz
Spanish     1 kW
Echo effect ID by man, ballads. RTTY interference present at times.

Duration:   2:51
Filename:  19940212_0421_Radio-Eco_Peru_5097.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Centinela del Sur
Loja, Ecuador
1994-03-11     0231 GMT     4770.21 kHz
Spanish     5 kW
Promo, ID by man, into vocal music. Maywoods.

Duration:   1:58
Filename:  19940311_0231_Radio-Centinela-del-Sur_Ecuador_4770.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Space Shuttle "Columbia"
WA3NAN - Greenbelt, Maryland, United States
1994-03-11     0413 GMT     3860 LSB kHz
Live re-broadcast of traffic by WA3NAN (Goddard Amateur Radio Club). NASA/Houston waking up Columbia crew with "Taking Care of Business" song. Maywoods.

Duration:   2:48
Filename:  19940311_0413_Space-Shuttle-Columbia_United-States_3860.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Radio Singapore International
Kranji, Singapore
1994-03-11     1202 GMT     9530 kHz
British or Australian pop music, ID by woman, into song. Maywoods.

Duration:   1:44
Filename:  19940311_1202_Radio-Singapore-International_Singapore_9530.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Naalehu, Hawaii, United States
1994-03-11     1255 GMT     9930 kHz
Nepali     100 kW
End of Nepali broadcast (with English translation and address), music, full ID by man. Faint Chinese jamming attempts in background. Maywoods.

Duration:   5:47
Filename:  19940311_1255_KWHR_United-States_9930.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Radio Uno
Canary Islands (?)
1994-03-12     1956 GMT     11430 USB kHz
Announcing of ballgame, many mentions of "Uno" and mention of "Canarias". This may be a Radio Nacional de España relay of Radio Uno. Maywoods.

Duration:   2:38
Filename:  19940312_1956_Radio-Uno_Canary-Islands_11430.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Xizang People's Broadcasting Station
Lhasa, Tibet
1994-03-13     1155 GMT     4750 kHz
Spanish     50 kW
Female vocal music, talk by man, interlude, ID by woman, Chinese time pips (5 low, 1 high), news. Maywoods.

Duration:   9:38
Filename:  19940313_1155_Xizang-Peoples-Broadcasting-Station_Tibet_4750.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Radio Internacional
San Pedro Sula, Honduras
1994-04-24     0130 GMT     4930.63 kHz
Spanish vocals, full ID with address as Apartado Correo 1473, San Pedro Sula.

Duration:   6:35
Filename:  19940424_0130_Radio-Internacional_Honduras_4931.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Miami, Florida, United States
1994-07-06     0300 GMT     9955 kHz
Spanish     50 kW
Spanish announcements, English ID at 0303 with "Miami Vice" soundtrack.

Duration:   2:56
Filename:  19940706_0300_WRMI_United-States_9955.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Pyongyang
Pyongyang, North Korea
1994-07-09     1100 GMT     9977/11735 kHz
English     400 kW
IS, ID's, National Anthem, news on the death of Kim Il-sung. // 11735 (faint jamming).

Duration:   31:02
Filename:  19940709_1100_Radio-Pyongyang_North-Korea_9977.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


La Voz de Atitlán
Santiago Atitlán, Guatemala
1994-11-15     0230 GMT     2390 kHz
Spanish     1 kW
Marimba music, ID's by a man. Slow, deep fading.

Duration:   3:28
Filename:  19941115_0230_La-Voz-de-Atitlan_Guatemala_2390.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Frecuencia
San Ignacio, Peru
1994-12-10     0241 GMT     5700 kHz
Spanish     100? watts
Male announcer with ID, into vocal music. Maywoods.

Duration:   2:36
Filename:  19941210_0241_Radio-Frecuencia_Peru_5700.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Radio Fides
La Paz, Bolivia
1994-12-10     1120 GMT     9625 kHz
Spanish     15 kW
Ad for "Banco de Bolivia", remainder of ad string, sports news on the America's Cup. Maywoods.

Duration:   3:29
Filename:  19941210_1120_Radio-Fides_Bolivia_9625.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Radio Myanmar
Yangon, Myanmar
1994-12-10     1221 GMT     5990 kHz
Bamar?     50 kW
English language lessons with man giving English version and female giving Bamar (?) version. Then 1228 GMT cut of subcontinental female vocal music, female giving ID mentioning "Yangon" and "Myanmar", local instrument interval signal at 1229 GMT, into possible news read by woman. Maywoods.

Duration:   4:20
Filename:  19941210_1221_Radio-Myanmar_Myanmar_5990.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Radiodiffusion Algérienne
Bechar, Algeria
1994-12-11     0328 GMT     153 kHz
Arabic?     1000 kW
Arabic vocal music. 153 KHz is listed at 1000 KW. Maywoods.

Duration:   2:23
Filename:  19941211_0328_Radiodiffusion-Algerienne_Algeria_153.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Bangkok Meteorological Radio
Bangkok, Thailand
1994-12-11     1158 GMT     6765.1 USB kHz
English/Thai     1 kW
Music box interval signal, man announcing weather in English at 1200 GMT. At 1206 GMT a female announced weather in Thai (not recorded). USB transmission. Maywoods.

Duration:   2:33
Filename:  19941211_1158_Bangkok-Meteorological-Radio_Thailand_6765.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


All India Radio (AIR)
Port Blair, Andaman Islands
1994-12-11     1228 GMT     4760 kHz
10 kW
Subcontinental music, time pips or piano melody at 1229 GMT (possibly interval signal?), woman talking, into news from Delhi at 1230 GMT (parallel to 4920 KHz - Madras). Maywoods.

Duration:   1:41
Filename:  19941211_1228_All-India-Radio-(AIR)_Andaman-Islands_4760.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Defence Forces Broadcasting Unit
Taunggyi, Myanmar
1994-12-11     1248 GMT     6570 kHz
Bamar?     1 kW
Local music, female announcer. Maywoods.

Duration:   4:23
Filename:  19941211_1248_Defence-Forces-Broadcasting-Unit_Myanmar_6570.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


McCaysville, Georgia, United States
1995-12-16     1558 GMT     9475 kHz
Musical interlude, ID with address by man. Mailing address is in Copper Hill, TN. Maywoods.

Duration:   3:04
Filename:  19951216_1558_WGTG_United-States_9475.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


KNBS (Pirate)
United States
1995-12-16     1930 GMT     6955 kHz
ID, into rock music. Then later cut of man speaking in support of cannabis. Maywoods.

Duration:   3:43
Filename:  19951216_1930_KNBS-(Pirate)_United-States_6955.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Radio Tanzania Zanzibar
Ndagaa, Tanzania
1995-12-16     1955 GMT     11734.12 kHz
Swahili     50 kW
Local music, woman talking, man reading news in Swahili, ID by woman as "...Tanzania Zanzibar", national anthem at 2000 GMT sign-off. Maywoods.

Duration:   4:27
Filename:  19951216_1955_Radio-Tanzania-Zanzibar_Tanzania_11734.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Insanity 3 (Pirate)
United States
1995-12-17     0337 GMT     6955 USB kHz
Music, ID by man as "Pirate Radio Insanity 3" in a deep voice with echo effect. Some kind of Spanish utility station underneath. Maywoods.

Duration:   3:18
Filename:  19951217_0337_Insanity-3-(Pirate)_United-States_6955.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Voice of Indonesia
Jakarta, Indonesia
1995-12-17     1128 GMT     9680 kHz
Indonesian     50 kW
Male vocal music, man talk, ID "Radio Republik Indonesia", mentions of Jakarta. Maywoods.

Duration:   3:25
Filename:  19951217_1128_Voice-of-Indonesia_Indonesia_9680.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Radio Veritas Asia
Palauig, Philippines
1995-12-17     1223 GMT     9670 kHz
Karen     250 kW
Woman talking in possible Karen language (spoken in Burma), musical interlude, full English ID by man. Maywoods.

Duration:   3:07
Filename:  19951217_1223_Radio-Veritas-Asia_Philippines_9670.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Midwest Radio
County Mayo, Ireland - relayed by BBC site in England, England
1996-03-18     0057 GMT     7325 kHz
Reading of listener letters (including one from Jim McClure and one from Edward Shaw!), and then into some Irish music. Special St. Patrick's Day relay via BBC transmitter.

Duration:   4:55
Filename:  19960318_0057_Midwest-Radio_England_7325.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


All India Radio (AIR)
Panaji, Goa State, India (Goa)
1996-12-14     0130 GMT     7250 kHz

AIR interval signal just before 0130 GMT, woman talking, subcontinental music. Maywoods.

Duration:   2:44
Filename:  19961214_0130_All-India-Radio-(AIR)_India-(Goa)_7250.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Croatian Radio
Deanovec, Croatia
1996-12-14     0200 GMT     5895 kHz
English     100 kW
Interval signal, woman ID and news in English. Maywoods.

Duration:   2:54
Filename:  19961214_0200_Croatian-Radio_Croatia_5895.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Qatar Broadcasting Service
Al Khaisah, Qatar
1996-12-14     1958 GMT     7210 kHz
Arabic music, time pips at 2000 GMT, ID by man. Maywoods.

Duration:   2:22
Filename:  19961214_1958_Qatar-Broadcasting-Service_Qatar_7210.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Radio Tirana
Cerrik, Albania
1996-12-15     0229:30 GMT     7160 kHz
English     100 kW
IS, English ID by woman, mixing with unidentified station underneath, site per 1997 Passport. Maywoods.

Duration:   2:03
Filename:  19961215_0229_Radio-Tirana_Albania_7160.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Radio Free Speech (Pirate)
United States
1996-12-15     1347 GMT     6955 USB kHz
Ending of Christmas ad parody, ID by DJ "Bill O. Rights" with Blue Ridge Summit address, music. Maywoods.

Duration:   5:58
Filename:  19961215_1347_Radio-Free-Speech-(Pirate)_United-States_6955.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Radio Three (Pirate)
United States
1996-12-15     1426 GMT     6955 USB kHz
ID "It's your pal at Radio Three", into female vocal music. Maywoods.

Duration:   2:43
Filename:  19961215_1426_Radio-Three-(Pirate)_United-States_6955.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Tegucigalpa, Honduras
1997-03-22     1252 GMT     5890 kHz
Spanish religious music, full ID in English and Spanish at 1301 GMT. Maywoods.

Duration:   9:12
Filename:  19970322_1252_HRMI_Honduras_5890.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Radio Damascus
Adhra, Syria
1997-06-21     2057 GMT     12085 kHz
English     500 kW
Arabic music, man gave ID at 2102 GMT, into news summary.

Duration:   5:29
Filename:  19970621_2057_Radio-Damascus_Syria_12085.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Llandilo, New South Wales, Australia
1997-06-22     0659:40 GMT     8638 kHz
English     10 kW
Time pips and Morse Code ID "VNG". Maywoods.

Duration:   0:53
Filename:  19970622_0659_VNG_Australia_8638.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Antigua, Antigua
1997-08-31     0400 GMT     5975 kHz
English     250 kW
BBC news report on the death of Princess Diana of Wales due to a car crash.

Duration:   6:08
Filename:  19970831_0400_BBC_Antigua_5975.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky USA


Serui, Irian Jaya, Indonesia
1998-03-21     1157 GMT     4606.39 kHz
Indonesian     1 kW
Vocal music, man talking, "Solace on Coconut Island" ("Rayuan Pulau Kelapa") at 1159 GMT, into news. Maywoods.

Duration:   2:01
Filename:  19980321_1157_RRI-Serui_Indonesia_4606.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Jambi, Sumatra, Indonesia
1998-03-21     1227 GMT     4925 kHz
Indonesian     10 kW
Local pop music, man talking, drum melody, woman with ID, more drums, possible news. Maywoods.

Duration:   3:58
Filename:  19980321_1227_RRI-Jambi_Indonesia_4925.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Radiodiffusion Télévision Marocaine
Tangiers, Morocco
1998-03-21     1859 GMT     15345 kHz
Arabic     100 kW
Arabic music with stringed instrument, time pips and time check, short melody, man with news followed by ID as "Huna Ribat, idha'atu-l-mamlaka al Maghribiyya." Maywoods.

Duration:   3:31
Filename:  19980321_1859_Radiodiffusion-Television-Marocaine_Morocco_15345.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Free Hope Experience (Pirate)
United States
1998-03-22     0243 GMT     6955 USB kHz
DJ with ID, into program parody. Maywoods.

Duration:   4:33
Filename:  19980322_0243_Free-Hope-Experience-(Pirate)_United-States_6955.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation
Gweru, Zimbabwe
1998-03-22     0300 GMT     3306 kHz
English     100 kW
Sign-on with drums, ID by man, into long national anthem. Maywoods.

Duration:   4:14
Filename:  19980322_0300_Zimbabwe-Broadcasting-Corporation_Zimbabwe_3306.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Voice of Mongolia
Ulan Bator, Mongolia
1998-03-22     1227 GMT     12085 kHz
English     250 kW
Woman with ID, frequencies and address, music. Maywoods.

Duration:   2:25
Filename:  19980322_1227_Voice-of-Mongolia_Mongolia_12085.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Isabela, Puerto Rico
1999-03-19     2359 GMT     6458.5 USB kHz
English     10 kW
Talk about the Ridgeway fatigue cap, ID by man: "You're listening to AFN", into news. Puerto Rico counts as a radio country per NASWA. Maywoods.

Duration:   2:43
Filename:  19990319_2359_AFRTS_Puerto-Rico_6458.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Radio Metallica Worldwide (Pirate)
United States
1999-03-20     0258 GMT     6954.88 kHz
Rock music, ID, bashing on President Clinton. Maywoods.

Duration:   6:02
Filename:  19990320_0258_Radio-Metallica-Worldwide-(Pirate)_United-States_6955.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Voice of Armenia
Kamo, Armenia
1999-03-20     2130 GMT     9965 kHz
English     1000 kW
Man reading listener letters, ID at 2133 GMT. Maywoods.

Duration:   2:42
Filename:  19990320_2130_Voice-of-Armenia_Armenia_9965.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Merlin Network One
Rampisham, England
1999-03-21     0457 GMT     9895 kHz
English     500 kW
Ads, promos, and ID's. Broadcasts via BBC transmitters, which Merlin owns and operates per 1999 WRTVH (page 615). Maywoods.

Duration:   4:05
Filename:  19990321_0457_Merlin-Network-One_England_9895.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Voz Cristiana
Santiago, Chile
1999-10-16     2028 GMT     17680.1 kHz
Spanish     100 kW
Music, promo, full ID at 2030 GMT. Maywoods.

Duration:   4:07
Filename:  19991016_2028_Voz-Cristiana_Chile_17680.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Monticello, Maine, United States
1999-10-16     2058 GMT     7415 kHz
English     50 kW
Relaying "Radio 510 International", ID at 2100 GMT. Maywoods.

Duration:   2:46
Filename:  19991016_2058_WBCQ_United-States_7415.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Radio Free Asia
Unknown (Asian relay?)
1999-10-17     0128 GMT     13820 kHz
Interval signal and ID by man, sudden sign-off at 0130 GMT. Maywoods.

Duration:   2:06
Filename:  19991017_0128_Radio-Free-Asia_Unknown_13820.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


RBCN (Pirate)
United States
1999-10-17     0302 GMT     6955 USB kHz
Drunk DJ playing Shania Twain songs, trashing the FCC. Called his station "Radio Bob's Communication Network". Maywoods.

Duration:   6:36
Filename:  19991017_0302_RBCN-(Pirate)_United-States_6955.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Voice of Armenia
Kamo, Armenia
1999-12-14     2127 GMT     9965 kHz
English     500 kW
News, ID, into program on consumer rights.

Duration:   3:59
Filename:  19991214_2127_Voice-of-Armenia_Armenia_9965.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Newport, North Carolina, United States
1999-12-17     0400 GMT     9370.72 kHz
English     50 kW
News, full ID with address, back into news. After news into religious program.

Duration:   3:44
Filename:  19991217_0400_WTJC_United-States_9371.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Mayak
Novosibirsk, Russia
2000-05-28     1557 GMT     15410 kHz
Russian     200 kW
Special three day test transmission from 1500-1600 GMT. Ads/promos, "Moscow Nights" interval signal at 1559 GMT, 5 time pips at 1600 GMT. Carrier off at 1601 GMT.

Duration:   3:03
Filename:  20000528_1557_Radio-Mayak_Russia_15410.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


China Huayi Broadcasting Corporation
Fuzhou, China
2000-07-02     0955 GMT     11590 kHz
Mandarin     15 kW
Pop music, male DJ. 5 low + 1 high time pips at 1000 GMT. Rated only 15KW. Maywoods.

Duration:   7:55
Filename:  20000702_0955_China-Huayi-Broadcasting-Corporation_China_11590.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


American Forces Network (AFN)
Diego Garcia
2000-10-15     0958 GMT     12579 USB kHz
Music, into CNN Radio News read by a woman. Heavy UTE and CW interference. Maywoods.

Duration:   2:26
Filename:  20001015_0958_American-Forces-Network-(AFN)_Diego-Garcia_12579.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Radio Fana
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
2001-01-06     0415 GMT     6940 kHz
Amharic     10 kW
Local music, woman ID's at 0418 GMT in possible Amharic language. Maywoods.

Duration:   4:07
Filename:  20010106_0415_Radio-Fana_Ethiopia_6940.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Monticello, Maine, United States
2001-01-07     0300 GMT     7415 kHz
English     50 kW
End of program, ID jingle, full ID as "The Planet", Brother X. Maywoods.

Duration:   3:57
Filename:  20010107_0300_WBCQ_United-States_7415.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Voice of the Islamic Revolution of Iraq
2001-01-16     0358 GMT     7100 kHz
Arabic     500 kW
Arabic music, ID at 0402: "Sawt al-Thawah al-Islamiyah fi al-Iraq". This is an anti-Saddam Hussein station operating from within Iran and broadcasting to Iraq.

Duration:   4:27
Filename:  20010116_0358_Voice-of-the-Islamic-Revolution-of-Iraq_Iran_7100.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Milan, Italy
2001-01-16     0729 GMT     7120 kHz
English     10 kW
Music, ID by man, PSA, music.

Duration:   3:13
Filename:  20010116_0729_IRRS-Shortwave_Italy_7120.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Bulgaria
Plovdiv, Bulgaria
2001-01-17     2359 GMT     9400 kHz
English     500 kW
Interval signal, trumpet fanfare and ID followed by schedule and news.

Duration:   2:54
Filename:  20010117_2359_Radio-Bulgaria_Bulgaria_9400.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Thailand
Udon Thani, Thailand
2001-01-19     0030 GMT     13695 kHz
English     250 kW
Gong interval signal, ID, into Thai music program with Amporn Samosorn, who is the QSL signer there.

Duration:   3:55
Filename:  20010119_0030_Radio-Thailand_Thailand_13695.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Madagasikara
Antananarivo, Madagascar
2001-01-22     0257 GMT     5009.6 kHz
French/Malagasy     100 kW
IS, choral anthem, ID & freqs by OM. Tlk, mx

Duration:   23:07
Filename:  20010122_0257_Radio-Madagasikara_Madagascar_5009.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Madagasikara
Antananarivo, Madagascar
2001-01-22     0258 GMT     5009.6 kHz
French/Malagasy     100 kW
Interval signal on xylophone type instrument, choral anthem, ID by man with frequencies in presumed Malagasy.

Duration:   3:55
Filename:  20010122_0258_Radio-Madagasikara_Madagascar_5010.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Voice of Broad Masses
Asmara, Eritrea
2001-01-26     0327 GMT     7100 kHz
Tigrigna     10 kW
Interval signal (IS confirmed via, man talking. Mixing with Voice of the Islamic Revolution of Iraq clandestine station on same frequency.

Duration:   4:32
Filename:  20010126_0327_Voice-of-Broad-Masses_Eritrea_7100.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


KSMR - Kentucky State Militia Radio
Kentucky, United States
2001-05-26     0243 GMT     3260 LSB kHz
Announcer reading list of other state militia persons. Maywoods.

Duration:   4:03
Filename:  20010526_0243_KSMR-Kentucky-State-Militia-Radio_United-States_3260.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Lao National Radio
Vientiane, Laos
2001-10-16     1158 GMT     6130 kHz
Thai?     10? kW
Music, interval signal at 1159 GMT, seven "Big Ben" type chimes at 1200 GMT (7pm Laos time), ID and into news.

Duration:   3:00
Filename:  20011016_1158_Lao-National-Radio_Laos_6130.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Commando Solo (EC130E flying over Afghanistan, or land-based in Turkmenistan)
2001-10-23     0030 GMT     8700 USB kHz
U.S. broadcasts to Afghan people during war against Taliban following 9/11/01 World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks. Broadcast claimed to be from an EC-130E flying over Afghanistan, but monitoring by other DXers shows propagation characteristic of a transmitter site at Ashgabat, Turkmenistan due to rapid-fire fading at local sunrise. Recording consists of sign-on ID and music, talk in local language.

Duration:   6:47
Filename:  20011023_0030_Commando-Solo_Afghanistan_8700.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Bingo (Pirate)
United States
2002-08-13     0122 GMT     6952.6 kHz
ID, into program. Also ID's as "United Patriot Militia Bingo".

Duration:   4:05
Filename:  20020813_0122_Radio-Bingo-(Pirate)_United-States_6952.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Rádio Rio Mar
Manaus, Brazil
2002-10-20     2256 GMT     9694.9 kHz
Portuguese     7.5 kW
Two men talking animatedly, "A Voz do Brasil" program, ID jingle at 2300 GMT. Recorded from HQ100C receiver.

Duration:   4:19
Filename:  20021020_2256_Radio-Rio-Mar_Brazil_9695.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Litoral
La Ceiba, Honduras
2002-10-20     2358 GMT     4832 kHz
Spanish     1? kW
Spanish inspirational music, several mentions of "Radio Litoral". Spanish or local language.

Duration:   2:52
Filename:  20021020_2358_Radio-Litoral_Honduras_4832.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Cristal Internacional
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
2002-11-19     0131 GMT     5009.8 kHz
Spanish     1 kW
ID as "Esta es Radio Pueblo" (station it relays), mentions of Santo Domingo, into program "La Voz de la Liberación".

Duration:   4:24
Filename:  20021119_0131_Radio-Cristal-Internacional_Dominican-Republic_5010.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


WMPR (Pirate)
United States
2002-12-02     2336 GMT     6955.16 kHz
Music, ID as "WMPR - Micro Power Radio", sign-off at 2337 GMT. Strong signal.

Duration:   0:58
Filename:  20021202_2336_WMPR-(Pirate)_United-States_6955.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Greenbush, Maine, United States
2002-12-05     1459 GMT     17560 kHz
Full ID by man, into religious program. Echo from multi-path reception.

Duration:   2:57
Filename:  20021205_1459_WHRA_United-States_17560.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Sawa
Brieche, Morocco
2002-12-12     0545 GMT     9665 kHz
Arabic     250 kW
ID by woman "...Sawa", into news bulletins, ID by man, promo, pop music. Via VOA relay. Brieche classified as French Morocco per NASWA country list.

Duration:   3:41
Filename:  20021212_0545_Radio-Sawa_Morocco_9665.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Sri Lanka Broadcasting Service
Colombo-Ekala, Sri Lanka
2002-12-22     0027 GMT     9770 kHz
English     80 kW
Drum melody interval signal, choral national anthem, sign-on announcements by man.

Duration:   4:15
Filename:  20021222_0027_Sri-Lanka-Broadcasting-Service_Sri-Lanka_9770.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Rádio Difusora
Macapá, Brazil
2004-08-29     0457 GMT     4915 kHz
Portuguese     10 kW
ID with frequencies by man, into U.S. pop song.

Duration:   3:48
Filename:  20040829_0457_Radio-Difusora_Brazil_4915.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Voice of Indonesia
Cimanggis, Jawa, Indonesia
2004-08-29     1119 GMT     9524.89 kHz
Mandarin     250 kW
Full English ID by man with web site address, into music (Mandarin service). Then 1129 GMT cut of interval signal and ID, into Japanese service.

Duration:   4:43
Filename:  20040829_1119_Voice-of-Indonesia_Indonesia_9525.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


World Music Radio
Karup, Denmark
2004-09-27     0027 GMT     5814.98 kHz
English     10 kW
Rock music, jingle ID at 0027 GMT, more music. Slow deep fades with QRN.

Duration:   3:29
Filename:  20040927_0027_World-Music-Radio_Denmark_5815.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Voice International
Darwin, Australia
2004-09-29     1300 GMT     13685 kHz
English     250 kW
Full ID, into world news. Promos at 1305 GMT. Unidentified station audio underneath.

Duration:   9:32
Filename:  20040929_1300_Voice-International_Australia_13685.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


The Crystal Ship (Pirate)
United States
2004-11-01     0030 GMT     6949.89 kHz
English     100 watts
Halloween broadcast featuring music from The Doors, station ID with address and email, into Blue Oyster Cult song "Don't Fear the Reaper". Power listed as 100 watts on QSL card.

Duration:   6:26
Filename:  20041101_0030_The-Crystal-Ship-(Pirate)_United-States_6950.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Ironman Radio (Pirate)
United States
2004-11-06     2208 GMT     6925 kHz
"Ironman Radio Theater" featuring the soundtrack to a Popeye cartoon, ID, music.

Duration:   3:39
Filename:  20041106_2208_Ironman-Radio-(Pirate)_United-States_6925.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Mystery Radio (Europirate)
2004-11-07     0553 GMT     6220 kHz
ID by woman with witch cackle, into Fleetwood Mac song "Little Lies", ID again at 0600 GMT.

Duration:   7:34
Filename:  20041107_0553_Mystery-Radio-(Europirate)_Italy_6220.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio First Termer (Pirate)
United States
2004-11-16     2218 GMT     6925 kHz
Possible re-broadcast of a Vietnam-era pirate for armed forces in Vietnam during the war. Mentions of "Big 69" referencing 69 MHz frequency used back then, and ID'ing as Radio First Termer. Several parodies, fake PSA's and so on. Extra long recording due to good programming.

Duration:   23:29
Filename:  20041116_2218_Radio-First-Termer-(Pirate)_United-States_6925.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


WHYP (Pirate)
United States
2004-11-21     2305 GMT     6925 kHz
Test broadcast with audio checks and ID's over rock/rap music. AM mode.

Duration:   4:31
Filename:  20041121_2305_WHYP-(Pirate)_United-States_6925.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Rádio Difusora Roraima
Boa Vista, Brazil
2004-12-12     0355 GMT     4874.8 kHz
Portuguese     10 kW
Sign-off announcements by man, national anthem, sign-off at 0359 GMT. Maywoods.

Duration:   4:26
Filename:  20041212_0355_Radio-Difusora-Roraima_Brazil_4875.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Radio Transcontinental de América - XERTA
Mexico City, Mexico
2004-12-12     0438 GMT     4810 kHz
Spanish     5 kW
Full ID with frequencies by man, music. CODAR interference. Maywoods.

Duration:   1:32
Filename:  20041212_0438_Radio-Transcontinental-de-America-XERTA_Mexico_4810.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Bangkok Meteorological Radio
Bangkok, Thailand
2004-12-12     1205 GMT     6765.1 kHz
English/Thai     1 kW
Interval signal, followed by computerized voice of a woman reading weather in English. Maywoods.

Duration:   4:51
Filename:  20041212_1205_Bangkok-Meteorological-Radio_Thailand_6765.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Far East Broadcasting Company (FEBC)
Bocaue, Philippines
2005-01-01     2228 GMT     9435 kHz
Indonesian     100 kW
Interval signal with ID's in Indonesian, sign-on announcement, into program in Indonesian language. To Southeast Asia.

Duration:   4:33
Filename:  20050101_2228_Far-East-Broadcasting-Company-(FEBC)_Philippines_9435.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


WHGW (Pirate)
United States
2005-01-24     0000 GMT     6930 kHz
English     100 watts
End of old NBC radio show, ID and email address as [email protected] and plug for Off at 0006 GMT but carrier still on. Power per QSL card.

Duration:   4:22
Filename:  20050124_0000_WHGW-(Pirate)_United-States_6930.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Radio Cultural Coatán
San Sebastian, Guatemala
2005-01-25     0028 GMT     4779.97 kHz
Spanish     1 kW
Spanish vocal music, full ID with frequency at 0030 GMT, into program.

Duration:   3:52
Filename:  20050125_0028_Radio-Cultural-Coatan_Guatemala_4780.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Imperio
Chiclayo, Peru
2005-01-31     0455 GMT     4386.59 kHz
Spanish     500 watts
Man talking in what sounds like a large hall with an echo, man talking over local music at 0456 GMT. ID "La Voz de la Salvación" at 0458 GMT, sign-off at 0459 GMT. 500 watts.

Duration:   4:05
Filename:  20050131_0455_Radio-Imperio_Peru_4387.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Mossad / E10
2005-02-16     0456 GMT     6930 kHz
Broadcast believed to be from the Mossad (Israeli intelligence agency). Woman giving code groups in English: "Sierra-Yankee-November-Two" repeatedly.

Duration:   1:31
Filename:  20050216_0456_Mossad-E10_Israel_6930.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Bata
Bata, Equatorial Guinea
2005-03-06     0620 GMT     5005 kHz
Spanish     50 kW
Woman with ID "Radio Bata" at 0624 GMT. Hi-life music, QRN.

Duration:   13:08
Filename:  20050306_0620_Radio-Bata_Equatorial-Guinea_5005.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Public Radio of Armenia
Gavar, Armenia
2005-03-12     1941 GMT     9965 kHz
English     500 kW
End of program, full ID and address by man before 1944 GMT sign-off. Maywoods.

Duration:   2:29
Filename:  20050312_1941_Public-Radio-of-Armenia_Armenia_9965.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


CFRX (relaying CFRB)
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2005-03-12     2018 GMT     6070 kHz
English     1 kW
Commercials, CFRB 1010 ID, into "Car Talk" program. Maywoods.

Duration:   2:53
Filename:  20050312_2018_CFRX_Canada_6070.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Olympia Radio
2005-05-26     0041 GMT     13170 USB kHz
Woman giving ID and schedule, repeating in Greek and English. Greek weather/maritime station.

Duration:   1:00
Filename:  20050526_0041_Olympia-Radio_Greece_13170.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Rossii
Moscow, Russia
2005-07-10     0100 GMT     9480 kHz
Russian     250 kW
Bells, ID, into news by man and woman.

Duration:   2:07
Filename:  20050710_0100_Radio-Rossii_Russia_9480.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Voice of Tanzania
Dole, Zanzibar
2005-09-03     2056 GMT     11735 kHz
Swahili     10 kW
Man talking followed by woman talking, national anthem and sign-off at 2059 GMT.

Duration:   2:51
Filename:  20050903_2056_Voice-of-Tanzania_Zanzibar_11735.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Veritas
Monrovia, Liberia
2006-01-06     2253 GMT     5470 kHz
English     10 kW
Ballad, full ID by man. Then 2301 GMT cut of Lord's Prayer, sign-off announcement and sudden off at 2303 GMT. Maywoods.

Duration:   4:04
Filename:  20060106_2253_Radio-Veritas_Liberia_5470.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


The Voice - Africa
Lusaka, Zambia
2006-01-16     2258 GMT     4965 kHz
English     100 kW
Gospel song, announcement for revival prayer meeting in Lusaka, jingle station ID.

Duration:   3:56
Filename:  20060116_2258_The-Voice_Zambia_4965.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Rádio Clube do Pará
Belém, Brazil
2006-03-11     0404 GMT     4885 kHz
Portuguese     2 kW
Brazilian pop music, full ID at 0406 GMT with MW and SW frequencies. Maywoods.

Duration:   3:31
Filename:  20060311_0404_Radio-Clube-do-Para_Brazil_4885.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Radio Jordan
Qasr el Kharana, Jordan
2006-03-11     1621 GMT     11690 kHz
English     500 kW
ID, vocal music. Maywoods.

Duration:   3:06
Filename:  20060311_1621_Radio-Jordan_Jordan_11690.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


La Voz de Tu Conciencia
Puerto Lleras, Colombia
2006-03-18     0515 GMT     6010.14 kHz
Spanish     5 kW
ID with frequency and call letters "HJDH", into Spanish vocals.

Duration:   3:45
Filename:  20060318_0515_La-Voz-de-Tu-Conciencia_Colombia_6010.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Sultanate of Oman
Thumrayt, Oman
2006-06-09     2257 GMT     15355 kHz
Arabic     100 kW
Drama, chimes at 2300 GMT, ID by man. Maywoods.

Duration:   4:01
Filename:  20060609_2257_Radio-Sultanate-of-Oman_Oman_15355.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Undercover Radio (Pirate)
United States
2006-06-10     0107 GMT     6925 USB kHz
ID, mention of 20th anniversary broadcast, email address as [email protected] and Merlin, Ontario maildrop. Formerly known as "Progressive Music Radio", and stories of the early days of his station. Maywoods.

Duration:   5:27
Filename:  20060610_0107_Undercover-Radio-(Pirate)_United-States_6925.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Take It Easy Radio (Pirate)
United States
2006-09-09     0041 GMT     6925 USB kHz
End of National Anthem, ID, into anti-government tirade by male DJ. Maywoods.

Duration:   7:54
Filename:  20060909_0041_Take-It-Easy-Radio-(Pirate)_United-States_6925.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Radio Nacional de la República Árabe Saharaui Democrática (Clandestine)
2007-03-10     0833 GMT     6300 kHz
Arabic music, talk and ID in Arabic by man. Maywoods.

Duration:   3:56
Filename:  20070310_0833_Radio-Nacional-de-la-Republica-Arabe-Saharaui-Democratica-(Clandestine)_Algeria_6300.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Rádio Tupi
Curitiba, Brazil
2007-03-10     1000 GMT     6060 kHz
Portuguese     10 kW
Portuguese talk, ID "Aqui Rádio Tupi" by man, with frequencies given. Maywoods.

Duration:   3:11
Filename:  20070310_1000_Radio-Tupi_Brazil_6060.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Radiodifusión Argentina al Exterior (RAE)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
2007-12-08     0257 GMT     11710.9 kHz
French     100 kW
Interval signal, anthem, ID's in various languages. Maywoods.

Duration:   7:20
Filename:  20071208_0257_Radiodifusion-Argentina-al-Exterior-(RAE)_Argentina_11711.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Voice of America (VOA)
Udon Thani, Thailand
2008-02-22     0015 GMT     7255 kHz
Tibetian     250 kW
In Tibetan to South Asia, almost completely covered by China's "Firedrake" jammer.

Duration:   3:12
Filename:  20080222_0015_Voice-of-America-(VOA)_Thailand_7255.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Northern
Popondetta, Papua New Guinea
2008-03-22     0947 GMT     3345 kHz
Pidgin?     10 kW
Music, ID by possible woman at 0948 GMT "Radio Northern", into talk by man. Maywoods.

Duration:   2:10
Filename:  20080322_0947_Radio-Northern_Papua-New-Guinea_3345.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Radio Voice of the People
Talata Volonondry, Madagascar
2008-06-21     0453 GMT     11610 kHz
Vernacular     250 kW
Telephone interview with manager of Zimbabwe soccer team. Sign-off announcements including web site address This English portion of the program followed programming in a vernacular language, broadcast to Zimbabwe from Radio Nederland transmitters in Madagascar. Maywoods.

Duration:   3:07
Filename:  20080621_0453_Radio-Voice-of-the-People_Madagascar_11610.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Rádio Educação Rural
Tefé, Brazil
2009-05-08     0157 GMT     4925.22 kHz
Portuguese     1 kW
Man talking, ID, sign-off announcements, 0200 GMT sign-off. CODAR QRM. Maywoods.

Duration:   2:20
Filename:  20090508_0157_Radio-Educacao-Rural_Brazil_4925.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


VOIRI "Voice of Justice"
Sirjan, Iran
2009-05-08     0216 GMT     7235 kHz
English     500 kW
"Voice of Justice" program. Talk of U.S. overseas base closings. Fluttery signal. Maywoods.

Duration:   4:48
Filename:  20090508_0216_VOIRI-Voice-of-Justice_Iran_7235.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
2009-05-08     0235 GMT     7505 kHz
English     50 kW
Contemporary religious music, ID. Powerhouse signal S9+40dB. Maywoods.

Duration:   4:45
Filename:  20090508_0235_WRNO_United-States_7505.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Republic of Sudan Radio
Omdurman, Sudan
2009-05-08     0358 GMT     7200 kHz
Arabic     100 kW
Ads, jingles, time pips at 0401:20 GMT, ID, into Arabic news. Maywoods.

Duration:   4:25
Filename:  20090508_0358_Republic-of-Sudan-Radio_Sudan_7200.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Radio Fides
La Paz, Bolivia
2009-05-09     0157 GMT     6155.26 kHz
Spanish     10 kW
Music, woman ID "...para Bolivia...", time pips at 0200 GMT, man with frequencies. Maywoods.

Duration:   5:30
Filename:  20090509_0157_Radio-Fides_Bolivia_6155.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Radio PMR
Grigoriopol, Moldova
2010-05-07     0045 GMT     9665 kHz
Interval signal, ID, into English news. Maywoods.

Duration:   3:46
Filename:  20100507_0045_Radio-PMR_Moldova_9665.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


Voice of KAOS (Pirate)
United States
2010-05-08     0035 GMT     6925 USB kHz
Song "I'm Eighteen" by Alice Cooper, ID by man, "Get Smart" TV show theme, sign-off at 0038 GMT. Maywoods.

Duration:   3:35
Filename:  20100508_0035_Voice-of-KAOS-(Pirate)_United-States_6925.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


HCJB Global Voice Australia
Kununurra, Australia
2012-07-27     1527 GMT     15340 kHz
English     100 kW
Music, ID, sign-off at 1530 GMT. Maywoods.

Duration:   3:29
Filename:  20120727_1527_HCJB-Global-Voice-Australia_Australia_15340.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA


United States Air Force Global High Frequency System (GHFS)
Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, United States
2013-03-03     1620 GMT     11175 USB kHz
"Skyking, Skyking, do not answer" followed by short code group once. Ending with "This is Offutt out". Originating from Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska.

Duration:   0:23
Filename:  20130303_1620_USAF-Global-High-Frequency-System-(GHFS)_United-States_11175.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Progreso Cadena Nacional
Havana, Cuba
2013-12-16     0159 GMT     4765 kHz
Spanish     50 kW
Spanish pop music, ID at 0203 by man with URL S9+30dB.

Duration:   6:15
Filename:  20131216_0159_Radio-Progreso-Cadena-Nacional_Cuba_4765.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Lebanon, Tennessee, United States
2014-05-05     0141 GMT     5085 kHz
English     100 kW
Country music by Vince Gill, ID by man, into Trisha Yearwood song. Powerhouse signal.

Duration:   5:02
Filename:  20140504_0141_WTWW_United-States_5085.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Free Radio Whatever (Pirate)
United States
2015-06-07     0402 GMT     6950 USB kHz
Song "Down on Main Street" by Bob Seger, announcer DJ Dickweed, off at 0406 GMT.

Duration:   3:04
Filename:  20150607_0402_Free-Radio-Whatever-(Pirate)_United-States_6950.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


XLR8 (Pirate)
United States
2015-06-10     0044 GMT     6950 USB kHz
Punk rock music, ID by man at 0045 GMT "X-L-R-8". Into more punk rock music, ID again at 0047 GMT. Strong signal.

Duration:   4:04
Filename:  20150610_0044_XLR8-(Pirate)_United-States_6950.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


PPE (Time Station)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2015-11-12     2229 GMT     10000 kHz
Portuguese     1 kW
Under WWV, man announcing time every 10 seconds: "Observatório Nacional, 20 horas, 29 minutos, 10 segundos." Time given in Rio de Janeiro local time. Best in USB.

Duration:   2:20
Filename:  20151112_2229_PPE-(Time-Station)_Brazil_10000.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  joint stereo      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Super Rádio Deus é Amor
Curitiba, Brazil
2017-01-24     0301 GMT     11764.63 kHz
Portuguese     20 kW
PT contemporary religious vocal music, into full ID at 0302 by man with frequencies and web site. More announcements and jingles.

Duration:   5:00
Filename:  20170124_0301_Super-Radio-Deus-e-Amor_Brazil_11764.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Télévision Guinéenne
Conakry, Guinea
2017-02-11     2249 GMT     9650 kHz
French     50 kW
Hi-life music, man announcer. ID 2251 "Radio Guinee".

Duration:   3:03
Filename:  20170211_2249_Radio-Television-Guineenne_Guinea_9650.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Pee Wee Radio (Pirate)
United States
2017-04-15     0133 GMT     6950 USB kHz
Old recorded talk on radio modulation, 0133 "Uneasy Rider" by Charlie Daniels Band. Then 0140 cut of blues music "Black Coffee" by Guy Davis and Fabrizio Poggi, Morse Code "Pee Wee was here" over music starting at 0141. Only Morse Code at 0141, "Black Coffee" started back up at 0142, 0144 "Three Headed Lobster Boy" by The Deviants, with Morse Code "This is not Pee Wee" and "Bullshit Pee Wee was here".

Duration:   5:49
Filename:  20170415_0133_Pee-Wee-Radio-(Pirate)_United-States_6950.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Wolverine Radio (Pirate)
United States
2017-07-09     0058 GMT     6950 USB kHz
Blues music, ID by OM @ 0101 "Wolverine Radio", more blues music.

Duration:   4:31
Filename:  20170709_0058_Wolverine-Radio-(Pirate)_United-States-6950.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
2017-07-18     0158 GMT     6134.84 kHz
Spanish     10 kW
Ads/promos at 0158, full ID with freq by man at 0204.

Duration:   7:15
Filename:  20170718_0158_Radio-Santa-Cruz_Bolivia_6135.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Rádio Voz Missionária
Camboriú, Brazil
2017-07-18     0252 GMT     9665.82 kHz
Portuguese     10 kW
Religious mx, ID "RVM, Camboriú, Brasil" by man, talk.

Duration:   3:01
Filename:  20170718_0252_Radio-Voz-Missionaria_Brazil_9666.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Arecibo Radio Telescope
Arecibo, Puerto Rico
2017-07-31     0322 GMT     5125 kHz
600 kW
Ionospheric heating experiment from Arecibo Radio Telescope. Series of tones with increasing pitch. S9+10db with QRN.

Duration:   5:02
Filename:  20170731_0322_Arecibo-Radio-Telescope_Puerto-Rico_5125.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Clever Name Radio (Pirate)
United States
2017-09-30     2312 GMT     6940 USB kHz
Clever Name Radio relaying Cool AM and Flashback AM stations. Rock music, ID at 2312. Good signal.

Duration:   3:13
Filename:  20170930_2312_Clever-Name-Radio-(Pirate)_United-States_6940.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


X-FM (Pirate)
United States
2019-06-30     0259 GMT     6295 kHz
DJ talk, song by Halestorm. AM mode. Announced email as [email protected], reception report sent via email and heard them read on air a few minutes later!

Duration:   4:02
Filename:  20190630_0259_X-FM-(Pirate)_United-States_6295.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Mix Radio International (Pirate)
United States
2019-07-14     0221 GMT     6878 USB kHz
Music, ID by woman 0221 "This is Mix Radio International, worldwide" followed by ID in Morse code and then into "Jane" by Jefferson Starship.

Duration:   3:01
Filename:  20190714_0221_Mix-Radio-International-(Pirate)_United-States_6878.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Red Lion, PA, United States
2019-07-27     1813 GMT     9265 kHz
English     50
End of religious program, ID and address, into another religious program.

Duration:   2:43
Filename:  20190727_1813_WINB_United-States_9265.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


HM01 Cuba Spy Numbers Station
2019-08-18     1618 GMT     11433 kHz
Woman reading 5-digit number groups in Spanish, alternating with digital transmissions. AM mode. Believed to be operated by the Cuban intelligence directorate, Dirección de Inteligencia (DI).

Duration:   2:18
Filename:  20190818_1618_HM01-Cuba-Spy-Numbers-Station_Cuba_11433.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Captain Morgan Shortwave (Pirate)
United States
2019-11-01     2350 GMT     6924.19 kHz
ID by woman as "Captain Morgan Shortwave", Twilight Zone theme music, ID, Thriller.

Duration:   3:01
Filename:  20191101_2350_Captain-Morgan-Shortwave-(Pirate)_United-States_6924.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Verdad
Chiquimula, Guatemala
2020-02-29     0359 GMT     4055 kHz
Spanish     700 watts
Rlg mx, train sound, ID at 0403 "Radio Verdad" with frequency. Fair. 700 watts per 2020 WRTVH.

Duration:   6:06
Filename:  20200229_0359_Radio-Verdad_Guatemala_4055.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Ballsmacker Radio (Pirate)
United States
2020-11-07     0254 GMT     3480 kHz
AM mode. Politically-themed rock music, ID and email at 0254 [email protected]. Fair with QRN and fading.

Duration:   4:20
Filename:  20201107_0254_Ballsmacker-Radio-(Pirate)_United-States_3480.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


WTF Radio (Pirate)
United States
2020-11-22     0255 GMT     4100 USB kHz
Rock mx, ID "This is WTF Radio, worldwide", into more rock mx. Another ID at 0259 mentioning "east coast of North America". Good signal.

Duration:   5:00
Filename:  20201122_0255_WTF-Radio-(Pirate)_United-States_4100.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


TWR India
Yerevan-Gavar, Armenia
2021-11-07     1358 GMT     12075 kHz
Kurukh     300 kW
Mx, tlk. IS at 1400, then into Bundeli language.

Duration:   4:15
Filename:  20211107_1358_TWR-India_Armenia_12075.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Coastal Rock Radio (Pirate)
United States
2021-12-12     0343 GMT     6925 kHz
ID by man with British accent, into "How Long Has This Been Going On" by Ace. AM mode.

Duration:   3:07
Filename:  20211212_0343_Coastal-Rock-Radio-(Pirate)_United-States_6925.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Ultra Shortwave Radio (Pirate)
United States
2022-01-13     0245 GMT     4185 USB kHz
Alternative rock music, "Ultra Shortwave Radio" auto-tuned jingle at 0247 and 0252. Fair with fading.

Duration:   8:43
Filename:  20220113_0245_Ultra-Shortwave-Radio-(Pirate)_United-States_4185.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


China Radio International
Hohhot, China
2022-01-16     0000 GMT     7415 kHz
Russian     100 kW
IS, ID in Mandarin then Russian, into Russian talk. Weak but in the clear, with polar flutter.

Duration:   3:19
Filename:  20220116_0000_China-Radio-International-(Hohhot)_China_7415.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


All India Radio (AIR)
Bengaluru, india
2022-01-27     1457 GMT     15030 kHz
Dari?     500 kW
Subcont. mx, man talking. Strong signal, overmodulated audio. Off at 1500*. Site Bengaluru=Bangalore.

Duration:   3:05
Filename:  20220127_1457_All-India-Radio-(AIR)_India_15030.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Amhara Radio
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
2022-02-02     0258 GMT     6090 kHz
Amharic?     100 kW
IS, possible ID by man (weak audio), into local music.

Duration:   11:52
Filename:  20220202_0258_Amhara-Radio_Ethiopia_6090.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


La Voz Alegre
Mahajanga, Madagascar
2022-02-09     0355 GMT     6180 kHz
Spanish     100 kW
Program of upbeat Latin religious/inspirational music, full ID at 0357. Sign-off 0359*

Duration:   4:00
Filename:  20220209_0355_La-Voz-Alegre_Madagascar_6180.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Zeeky Radio International (Pirate)
United States
2022-02-10     2350 GMT     6925 USB kHz
John Cougar Mellencamp song, ID at 2358 by DJ, into Bob Seger song. Very strong.

Duration:   13:31
Filename:  20220210_2350_Zeeky-Radio-International-(Pirate)_United-States_6925.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Voice of Thailand
Udon Thani, Thailand
2022-02-15     1227 GMT     9940 kHz
English     250 kW
Business news, ID by YL: "FM88, the Voice of Thailand". Off briefly at 1230, then into Vietnamese (not recorded). English scheduled 1200-1230.

Duration:   2:30
Filename:  20220215_1227_Voice-of-Thailand_Thailand_9940.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Voice of Greece
Avlis, Greece
2022-02-26     0304 GMT     9420 kHz
Greek     150 kW
Greek music and talk. Beaming to North America. Likely one of the last broadcasts as external service scheduled to be shut down in March 2022. Strong signal, but worsened as it got closer to 0802 sign-off due to local sunrise in Greece around 0500 UTC.

Duration:   4:58:29
Filename:  20220226_0304_Voice-of-Greece_Greece_9420.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Free Asia
Paochung, Taiwan
2022-03-04     1200 GMT     9700 kHz
Korean     300 kW
Intro music, ID by man in English announcing Korean program, into Korean news.

Duration:   2:10
Filename:  20220304_1200_Radio-Free-Asia_Taiwan_9700.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Piss Ant Radio (Pirate)
United States
2022-04-10     0236 GMT     6935 USB kHz
English     10 watts
At 0236 SSTV transmission with station name and ant logo (using Scottie 1 mode). At 0238 a man said "Piss Ant Radio is leaving the air with this tune." Into "Weiss Heim" by Rainbow. Another SSTV image of a woman with guitar at 0243. Off at 0245.

Duration:   8:52
Filename:  20220410_0236_Piss-Ant-Radio-(Pirate)_United-States_6935.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


WABC (Pirate)
United States
2022-05-05     0145 GMT     6925 USB kHz
Song "Sweet Caroline", WABC jingle, weather, Vicks Formula 44 ad. Airing old WABC New York program.

Duration:   3:58
Filename:  20220505_0145_WABC-(Pirate)_United-States_6925.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Adventist World Radio (AWR)
Dushanbe-Orzu, Tajikistan
2022-05-06     0228 GMT     15515 kHz
English     100 kW
0228 GMT cut of woman reading and discussing scripture. The 0257 GMT cut of music, woman with ID "You're listening to Adventist World Radio." and immediate sign-off at 0259*.

Duration:   4:09
Filename:  20220506_0228_Adventist-World-Radio-(AWR)_Tajikistan_15515.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


CHIL World Radio (Pirate)
United States
2022-06-21     0225 GMT     6932 USB kHz
"Ride Like the Wind" by Christopher Cross, ID by man "You are tuned to CHIL World Radio". Long pauses in between songs and breaks in songs. Then 0230 GMT cut of man talking about drug use experiences. Very strong signal.

Duration:   5:39
Filename:  20220621_0225_CHIL-World-Radio-(Pirate)_United-States_6932.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Fort Collins, Colorado, United States
2022-10-08     2029 GMT     25000 kHz
English     2.5 kW
Time pips, announcement, and full ID by man giving 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20 MHz frequencies. 25 MHz was not mentioned but this broadcast was on 25 MHz. Then 2108 GMT cut of a test signal used to assist in ionospheric research, consisting of various tones, chirps, and Gaussian noise bursts. WWV and WWVH started broadcasting the test signal on November 15, 2021.

Duration:   4:16
Filename:  20221008_2029_WWV_United-States_25000.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Rádio 9 de Julho
São Paulo, Brazil
2022-10-19     0130 GMT     9818.86 kHz
Portuguese     10 kW
Vocal mx, possible ID by man at 0134. Weak but in the clear.

Duration:   31:00
Filename:  20221019_0130_Radio-9-de-Julho_Brazil_9819.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


China Radio International
Xianyang, China
2022-10-19     2355 GMT     9470 kHz
Mongolian     500 kW
Talk, CRI jingle, ID's in Mandarin (man) and Mongolian (woman), into talk. Beamed at 354 degrees, coming over North Pole into North America with polar flutter present.

Duration:   6:50
Filename:  20221019_2355_China-Radio-International_China_9470.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


KASS Radio (Pirate)
United States
2022-11-05     0045 GMT     6933 USB kHz
"Highway to Hell" by AC/DC, ID by man and rant about pirate radio, into "Money Talks" by AC/DC, other heavy metal music and rants about Microsoft.

Duration:   15:07
Filename:  20221105_0045_KASS-Radio-(Pirate)_United-States_6933.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Voice of America
Tinang / Agignan Point, Philippines / Northern Mariana Islands
2022-11-19     1357 GMT     11570 kHz
Korean     250 kW / 100 kW
In Korean language, playing classical music with announcements. Beaming 21 degrees with 250KW from Tinang, Philippines until 1359 then 1 minute of dead air until 1400 when resumed broadcasting from Agignan Point, Northern Mariana Islands beaming 325 degrees with 100KW.

Duration:   9:17
Filename:  20221119_1357_Voice-of-America_Philippines-Northern-Mariana-Islands_11570.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Black Swan Radio Network (Pirate)
United States
2022-11-20     1418 GMT     6925 USB kHz
Music "Tangerine" and "Space Ghost Coast to Coast" by Glass Animals, recorded ID at 1422 by woman over music "The Black Swan Radio Network of ??? music. Good morning." repeated three times. This recorded ID played every 10 minutes or so, but no other announcements heard. Strong signal.

Duration:   5:01
Filename:  20221120_1418_Black-Swan-Radio-Network-(Pirate)_United-States_6925.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio New Zealand International
Rangitaiki, New Zealand
2023-01-08     1259 GMT     7390 kHz
English     50 kW
New Zealand bellbird IS, time pips, time check and ID by woman, into news.

Duration:   2:48
Filename:  20230108_1259_Radio-New-Zealand-International_New-Zealand_7390.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


World Music Radio
Marslet, Denmark
2023-01-28     1420 GMT     25799.92 kHz
Spanish     2 kW
Weak, AM mode but best in LSB on 25799.92. Faded up at 1420 in time for YL ID "Transmitimos la 24 horas en dia, los siete dias de la semana, esta as W-M-R, World Music Radio". Pop music, much QRN.

Duration:   3:02
Filename:  20230128_1420_World-Music-Radio_Denmark_25800.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio New Zealand International
Rangitaiki, New Zealand
2023-02-07     1254 GMT     13755 kHz
English     100 kW
Jazz music, program announcement, then at 1258 drumbeats, sign-off announcement with frequency change noted, IS of New Zealand Bellbird.

Duration:   4:35
Filename:  20230207_1254_Radio-New-Zealand-International_New-Zealand_13755.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Pico Pichincha, Ecuador
2023-02-26     1054 GMT     6050 kHz
Quechua     10 kW
Andean vocal music, time check at 1059, into ads, ID at 1100 "...Radio HCJB...", talk.

Duration:   8:53
Filename:  20230226_1054_HCJB_Ecuador_6050.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Crapola Pirate Radio (Pirate)
United States
2023-03-18     0111 GMT     6925 USB kHz
"Hound Dog" by Elvis Presley, ID by man at 0112 "You are listening to Crapola Pirate Radio, all free, all the time.", into "Chantilly Lace" by The Big Bopper and other 50's music. Very strong S9+10db. Full ID and off at 0123.

Duration:   12:20
Filename:  20230318_0111_Crapola-Pirate-Radio-(Pirate)_United-States_6925..mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Dilligaf Radio (Pirate)
United States
2023-03-18     0145 GMT     6930 USB kHz
Old program about marijuana and LSD, old Coke commercial, old program about pressure and drug use, SSTV at 0157 ("6930 usb DILLIGAF RADIO" white text in white oval), "Cocaine Blues" by Johnny Cash.

Duration:   16:48
Filename:  20230318_0145_Dilligaf-Radio-(Pirate)_United-States_6930.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Thunder Chicken Radio (Pirate)
United States
2023-04-07     2352 GMT     6935 USB kHz
"22 Memory Lane" and "Desolation" by Joe Satriani, closing announcement by man, music and SSTV image of Thunder Chicken logo, chicken clucking with ID and thunder roll, and off at 0002*. Very strong.

Duration:   9:42
Filename:  20230407_2352_Thunder-Chicken-Radio-(Pirate)_United-States_6935.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Vixen International (Pirate)
United States
2023-05-06     0120 GMT     6935 USB kHz
"They Don't Know About Us" by Tracey Ullman, "She Don't Love Nobody" by Nick Lowe, "Mad About You" by Belinda Carlisle. ID by woman at 0128: "Radio Vixen International".

Duration:   7:52
Filename:  20230506_0120_Radio-Vixen-International-(Pirate)_United-States_6935.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Alcaraván Radio
Puerto Lleras, Colombia
2023-10-13     0933 GMT     5909.96 kHz
Spanish     1 kW
Talk, promos, possible ID at 0935:30. Man and woman talking, bridge music at various points in program. Mentions of Alcaravan. Reception report and MP3 recording sent by email to [email protected].

Duration:   1:00:00
Filename:  20231013_0933_Alcaravan-Radio_Colombia_5910.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Ifrikya FM
Ouargla, Algeria
2023-11-11     2155 GMT     13790 kHz
French     300 kW
Contemporary African music. Strong with flutter fading. Talk by man and woman at 2201. Into continuous talk by man. Music again at around 2210. Delayed sync with feed at

Duration:   20:00
Filename:  20231111_2155_Ifrikya-FM_Algeria_13790.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


WENO (Pirate)
United States
2023-11-12     2352 GMT     6935 USB kHz
Ambient music with vocals, ID at 2353 "You are listening to the voice of WENO, W-E-N-O, shortwave", into "There Were Bells" by Brian Eno. Strong signal.

Duration:   4:25
Filename:  20231112_2352_WENO-(Pirate)_United-States_6935.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio New Zealand International
Rangitaiki, New Zealand
2023-11-18     1259 GMT     7390 kHz
English     50 kW
New Zealand bellbird IS, time pips, ID, time check, and news intro.

Duration:   0:39
Filename:  20231118_1259_Radio-New-Zealand-International_New-Zealand_7390.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


RWM (Time Station)
Moscow, Russia
2023-12-12     1209 GMT     9996 kHz
CW     8 kW
Carrier off until 1209, then multiple CW ID's "R-W-M" starting at precisely 1209 GMT. Time pips start at 1210 GMT. CW mode. WWV/WWVH not heard on 10 MHZ this morning.

Duration:   2:06
Filename:  20231212_1209_RWM-(Time-Station)_Russia_9996.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


WFZY (Pirate)
unied States
2024-06-02     0213 GMT     6930 USB kHz
"Take It on the Run" song by REO Speedwagon, ID by man "WFZY, Fuzzy Radio, in the 49 meter band." Into Johnny Cash song. Strong signal.

Duration:   2:58
Filename:  20240602_0213_WFZY-(Pirate)_United-States_6930.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Reach Beyond Australia
Kununurra, Australia
2024-06-02     0956 GMT     9580 kHz
Korean     100 kW
Korean music, ID in Korean, ID in English, Kookaburra sound. Good signal. Right before 1000 GMT carrier of KNLS starts.

Duration:   4:00
Filename:  20240602_0956_Reach-Beyond-Australia_Australia_9580.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Anchor Point, Alaska, United States
2024-06-02     1000 GMT     9580 kHz
English     100 kW
ID by woman "From the top of the world, this is your new life station, broadcast on KNLS, Anchor Point, Alaska, United States of America. An English language transmission starts in one minute." Then interval signal, into multi-topic program, song "Illusion" by Dua Lipa.

Duration:   4:02
Filename:  20240602_1000_KNLS_United-States_9580.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Hope Radio - T8WH
Medorm, Palau
2024-06-24     0859 GMT     9965 kHz
English     100 kW
Religious program, full ID at 0900, into religious song, sudden off at 0904*. Good signal.

Duration:   5:32
Filename:  20240624_0859_Hope-Radio-T8WH_Palau_9965.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Romania International
Tiganesti, Romania
2024-08-24     *2358 GMT     11620 kHz
English     300 kW
IS, ID, into news and English program to North American 0000-0100. IS and beginning of French broadcast at 0100.

Duration:   1:02:04
Filename:  20240824_2358_Radio-Romania-International_Romania_11620.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio New Zealand International
Rangitaiki, New Zealand
2024-08-26     0559 GMT     9700 kHz
English     100 kW
IS, ID, into BBC news. Entire broadcast of 7 hours recorded, strongest from approximately 0800-1100 UTC when Lexington, KY to New Zealand signal path was in full darkness, fading rapidly after Lexington sunrise at 1100 UTC. English scheduled 0600-1300.

Duration:   6:59:10
Filename:  20240826_0559_Radio-New-Zealand-International_New-Zealand_9700.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Vatican Radio
Greenville, North Carolina, United States
2024-08-28     *0128 GMT     7305 kHz
Spanish     250 kW
Interval signal "Christus Vincit" on celeste, ID, into news read by woman. Very strong and clear.

Duration:   4:25
Filename:  20240828_0128_Vatican-Radio_United-States_7305.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Wolverine Radio (Pirate)
United States
2024-09-21     2359 GMT     6950 USB kHz
Interval Signal was part of song "Testing 1, 2, 3" by the Barenaked Ladies, then ID "Wolverine Radio" by man and into "No Regrets" by Billie Holiday, followed by "Just a Little Fond Affection" by Louis Prima and his Orchestra, and then "I'm So Happy I could Jump and Shout" by Lester Williams. Good signal and audio. First time that I remember hearing an interval signal used by a pirate radio station.

Duration:   7:11
Filename:  20240921_2359_Wolverine-Radio-(Pirate)_United-States_6950.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Nippon no Kaze'il bon ue
Paochung, Taiwan
2024-10-21     1325 GMT     9940 kHz
Korean     300 kW
Vocal music, talk by woman. Sudden off at 1328*. Scheduled in Korean from 1300-1328. Japanese government shortwave radio broadcast aimed at Japanese citizens abducted by DPRK (North Korea) between 1977 and 1983. The Japanese government says at least 17 of its citizens were abducted by North Korean agents in the 1970s and 1980s. Five returned in 2002, but the other 12 remain unaccounted for.

Duration:   2:59
Filename:  20241021_1325_Nippon-no-Kaze_Taiwan_9940.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Mizzima Radio (Clandestine)
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
2024-12-31     1240 GMT     11830 kHz
Burmese     100 kW
Women talking, bridge music and into interview program at 1245. Good with polar flutter fading. Off at 1300*. Burmese to Myanmar 1200-1300 daily. Anti-regime broadcaster in exile, established by Mizzima Media Group after last coup.

Duration:   19:39
Filename:  20241231_1240_Mizzima-Radio-(Clandestine)_Uzbekistan_11830.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


WDOG (Pirate)
United States
2025-03-07     0137 GMT     6950 USB kHz
80's rock, song "The Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades" by Timbuk 3, jingle ID "WDOG" at 0140, into "Still In Hollywood" by Concrete Blonde with dog howling, then "Addicted to Love" by Robert Palmer.

Duration:   8:49
Filename:  20250307_0137_WDOG-(Pirate)_United-States_6950.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Radio Appalachia (Pirate)
United States
2025-03-23     0053 GMT     6974.6 kHz
Song "Will the Circle Be Unbroken" by June Carter Cash, full ID at 0057 with location given as West Virginia, into "I'm Blue, I'm Lonesome" by David Grisman, Herb Pedersen, James Kerwin, Jerry Garcia, Jim Buchanan and Red Allen. Good signal in AM mode.

Duration:   7:57
Filename:  20250323_0053_Radio-Appalachia-(Pirate)_United-States_6974.mp3
Bitrate Mode:  vbr      Channel Mode:  mono      Sample Rate:  44100 Hz
Received By:  Jerry Johnston
Receiving Location:  Lexington, Kentucky, USA
