Radio RSA Meyerton, South Africa 1979-12-31 2153 GMT 15380/17805 kHz English
Radio RSA's 3rd annual New Year's Eve live call in program. I called in at 2320 GMT (separate cut on recoding, 19 minutes in). I was 13 years old at the time. You can hear my voice right before that cut, and again at the very end of the recording.
Duration: 46:15 Filename: 19791231_2153_Radio-RSA_South-Africa_15380.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Starting at 0359:50 GMT a national anthem can be heard, although this may be the Russian regional station's (underneath). AT 0401 GMT a woman can be heard to give an ID (possible mention of Lesotho and Maseru). At 0403 GMT there is music, then at 0403:30 GMT there is a man possibly reading Koran, this continues until 0405 GMT. The language here is probably SeSotho. The "Moscow Nights" and Kremlin chimes can also be heard from the Russian regional station.
Duration: 8:16 Filename: 19810124_0356_Radio-Lesotho_Lesotho_4800.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
National anthem by a marching band, man giving frequencies and their corresponding meter bands: 891 KHZ and 4800 KHZ are announced. At 0402 GMT there is a church service with hymns and preaching by a man. At 0411 GMT there is disco music. Recording ends at 0415 GMT. Best heard to date.
Duration: 14:20 Filename: 19810222_0400_Radio-Lesotho_Lesotho_4800.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Zambia Broadcasting Service Lusaka, Zambia 1981-03-07 0346 GMT 4910 kHz
"Call of the Fish Eagle" (seagulls) interval signal heard under a low and powerful het. No other programming noted, even after 0349 GMT. Every so often the seagull interval signal will break through the het. Best heard to date.
Duration: 3:14 Filename: 19810307_0346_Zambia-Broadcasting-Service_Zambia_4910.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
High-life music, at 2256 GMT man with full ID: "...La Voix de la Révolution Congolaise, emettant de Brazzaville." Frequencies are announced, followed by a short melody on a native instrument, a man making a speech to a crowd, and the national anthem. Sign-off at 2300:30 GMT.
Duration: 6:26 Filename: 19810602_2254_Radiodiffusion-Television-Congolaise_Congo_15190.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Radio Luxembourg Luxembourg, Luxembourg 1981-11-08 2128 GMT 15350 kHz French
French rock music, Russian "woodpecker" over the horizon radar can be heard over music. Possible ads or promos, then man talking in French over Devo's song "Working in a Coal Mine".
Duration: 3:43 Filename: 19811108_2128_Radio-Luxembourg_Luxembourg_15350.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
La Voz de Nicaragua Managua, Nicaragua 1981-11-14 0129 GMT 5950 kHz Spanish
Spanish song (about mothers in law?), then man said "...musica nativo americana, en la..... internacional de La Voz de Nicaragua." Then a woman talking.
Duration: 2:10 Filename: 19811114_0129_La-Voz-de-Nicaragua_Nicaragua_5950.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Icelandic State Broadcasting Service - Rikisutvarpid Reykjavik, Iceland 1981-11-15 2059 GMT 13797 kHz Icelandic?
Broadcast of a sporting event; crowd cheering and some sort of siren. Mentions of "Gonzalez". Then a Nov. 28, 1981 cut of a woman talking, bells on the hour, ID by a woman "...Reykjavik...", then news read by a man.
Duration: 3:52 Filename: 19811115_2059_Icelandic-State-Broadcasting-Service-Rikisutvarpid_Iceland_13797.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Arabic music, talk by man (with very faint KTWR Guam interval signal underneath), then Arabic guitar music, talk, mentions of "Arabiyah"; possibly news.
Duration: 2:50 Filename: 19811115_2359_Radiodiffusion-Television-Marocaine_Morocco_17705.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Radiotelevisione Italiana (RAI) Caltanissetta, Sicily 1981-11-21 0529 GMT 7175 kHz Italian 5 kW?
Faint music, under ham radio operators, 6 time pips (..... .) Possible mentions by woman of Caltanissetta, man talking, music. Under Radio Moscow towards the end.
Duration: 1:58 Filename: 19811121_0529_Radiotelevisione-Italiana-(RAI)_Sicily_7175.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Caribbean Beacon Anguilla, Anguilla 1981-11-26 0104 GMT 1610 kHz English
News, time check for GMT -4 hours, commercial for "____ Royale" ocean liner. Mentions "The Beacon Station". Splash from 1600 KHz and UTE QRM. Then 0203 cut of promo for a Christmas card contest.
Duration: 3:58 Filename: 19811126_0104_Caribbean-Beacon_Anguilla_1610.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Radiotelevisione Italiana (RAI) Caltanisetta, Sicily 1981-11-27 0500 GMT 7175 kHz Italian 5 kW
Usual RAI bells signature tune. Then at 0500:45 GMT a woman talking with possible ID, music and then a man and woman possibly announcing program with man talking. The RAI bells are what really ID this recording. Assume language is Italian. Probably Home Service "Radiodue" (2nd program) - if so, power is 5 KW. Severe amateur radio operator interference.
Duration: 2:54 Filename: 19811127_0500_Radiotelevisione-Italiana-(RAI)_Sicily_7175.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel - LRA36 Base de Ejercito Esperanza, Antarctica 1981-11-27 2358 GMT 15476 kHz Spanish 1.5 kW
Woman giving frequencies in the 49, 25(?), and 19(?) meter bands. Opera music, ID as "Radio San Gabriel" at 0000 GMT. Parallel to 6030 KHz. Date of reception noted is local, not GMT. 1st time heard.
Duration: 2:59 Filename: 19811127_2358_Radio-Nacional-Arcangel-San-Gabriel_Antarctica_15476.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Türkiye Polis Radyosu Ankara, Turkey 1981-12-27 0459 GMT 6340 kHz Turkish 1 kW?
National anthem, possible ID mentioning "Türkiye" with frequencies and meter bands, talk (news?), then a cut of Turkish music. Türkiye Polis Radyosu = Turkish Police Radio.
Duration: 3:18 Filename: 19811227_0459_Turkiye-Polis-Radyosu_Turkey_6340.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
CKFX (relaying CKWX) Vancouver (BC), Canada 1981-12-27 0859:30 GMT 6080 kHz English 10 watts
Music, time pips, time check for 1:00 (GMT -8 hours), "Super Country" ID, weather, then into news. Then 0909 GMT cut of country music. Power is only 10 watts.
Duration: 2:37 Filename: 19811227_0859_CKFX_Canada_6080.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Rádio Renascença Muges, Portugal 1982-03-08 2329 GMT 11730 kHz Portuguese
Bells interval signal with ID's under the het, then to music (switching from SX-190 to SP-600, then back to SX-190 as the het disappears). Woman ID's and mentions station's location, but unreadable.
Duration: 2:56 Filename: 19820308_2329_Radio-Renascenca_Portugal_11730.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
La Voz del CID (Cuba Independiente y Democrática) Florida, United States 1982-03-10 0228:45 GMT 5106.5 kHz Spanish
March music, ID as "La Voz del CID, La Voz del CID Cuba Independiente y Democrática", frequencies given, then into Cuban national anthem. Sign-off at 0231 GMT. Anti-Castro clandestine station operating from Florida.
Duration: 1:46 Filename: 19820310_0228_La-Voz-del-CID_United-States_5106.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Voice of Vietnam Ha Son Binh, Vietnam 1982-03-19 1900 GMT 15010 kHz English
National anthem, ID, frequencies and times, then into news. Then 1924 GMT cut of an economic report. Then a 1927 GMT cut of Vietnamese music and sign-off announcements.
Duration: 3:21 Filename: 19820319_1900_Voice-of-Vietnam_Vietnam_15010.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
National Broadcasting Commission Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea 1982-03-20 1158 GMT 4890 kHz English 100 kW
"Flowing Rivers" by Andy Gibb, commercial for Lime Fresh soap, time check for GMT +10 hours, time pips, dental health PSA, then into a comedy play. National English Service.
Duration: 2:55 Filename: 19820320_1158_National-Broadcasting-Commission_Papua-New-Guinea_4890.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Voice of Nigeria Ikorodu, Nigeria 1982-04-14 1528 GMT 15120 kHz English
Nigerian music, man gives, ID, frequency, target area, and upcoming programs. ID as "This is Lagos". Time check for 1530 GMT, ID as the "Voice of Nigeria", target area, and then into world news.
Duration: 2:57 Filename: 19820414_1528_Voice-of-Nigeria_Nigeria_15120.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Federal Radio Corporation Ibadan, Nigeria 1982-04-14 2259 GMT 6050 kHz English
End of song, "talking drum and bells" interval signal, time pips, time check for midnight (GMT +1 hour), ID as "This is Radio Nigeria ,Ibadan", news. Oyo State, Nigeria.
Duration: 2:58 Filename: 19820414_2259_Federal-Radio-Corporation-Ibadan_Nigeria_6050.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Music, ID as "SIBC Radio", time check, Taiwan exhibition promo, "SIBC Radio" ID, time check for "Half past 6:00" (GMT + 11 hours), then into national news.
Duration: 2:55 Filename: 19820616_0728_Solomon-Islands-Broadcasting-Corporation_Solomon-Islands_9545.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Radio Habana Havana, Cuba 1982-06-18 1258 GMT 11760 kHz Spanish
Music, interval signal, national anthem, ID as "Esta es Radio Habana Cuba.... transmitiendo desde Cuba, territorio libre de América". Frequency schedule, then into program.
Duration: 3:00 Filename: 19820618_1258_Radio-Habana_Cuba_11760.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Emissora Oficial da República de Cabo Verde Praia, Santiago, Cape Verde Islands 1982-06-22 0758 GMT 7155 kHz Portuguese 500? watts
Pop music, gong (1 high note, then 1 low note), possible ID, then Portuguese talk by man. At 0818 GMT cut there is Portuguese high-life music, possibly a commercial announcement, Neil Diamond song with applause afterwards, then talk by man over music.
Duration: 11:26 Filename: 19820622_0758_Emissora-Oficial-da-Republica-de-Cabo-Verde_Cape-Verde-Islands_7155.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Radio Deutsche Welle Antigua 1982-06-27 0059 GMT 6040 kHz English
Interval signal, ID as "This is Radio Deutsche Welle, Caribbean Relay Station." Full ID, schedule given, then into news. Then 0133 GMT cut of "German by Radio" language lesson course.
Duration: 4:02 Filename: 19820627_0059_Radio-Deutsche-Welle_Antigua_6040.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Radio Kiribati Betio Island, Kiribati 1982-07-07 0629 GMT 16433 LSB kHz English 1 kW
Country music, woman announcing song, time check for "29 and a half minutes past six", man possibly gives ID as "Radio Kiribati", program preview, then into news. Also reads news from Solomon Islands.
Duration: 3:56 Filename: 19820707_0629_Radio-Kiribati_Kiribati_16433.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Radio El Espectador Montevideo, Uruguay 1982-07-14 0059 GMT 11835 kHz Spanish 5 kW
Commercials (one for "Banco Comercial"), time pips, man mentions "Montevideo, Uruguay", gives frequencies, then ID as "Informa El Espectador". Unusual propagation night: many Northern hemisphere stations nor received, allowing Southern hemisphere stations to be heard.
Duration: 3:02 Filename: 19820714_0059_Radio-El-Espectador_Uruguay_11835.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Radiodifusion Argentina al Exterior (RAE) Buenos Aires, Argentina 1982-07-14 0127 GMT 11710 kHz English 50 kW
Weekly program schedule, woman answers letters, gives address, time pips, then full ID's in Spanish, English, and French. Many mentions of "RAE". Unusual propagation night: many Northern hemisphere stations nor received, allowing Southern hemisphere stations to be heard.
Duration: 3:33 Filename: 19820714_0127_Radiodifusion-Argentina-al-Exterior-(RAE)_Argentina_11710.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Spanish talk, ID as " pantera...XEQM...", with frequencies, panther growl, Spanish talk, music. Unusual propagation night: many Northern hemisphere stations nor received, allowing Southern hemisphere stations to be heard.
Duration: 2:59 Filename: 19820714_0228_XEQM_Mexico_6105.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Radio El Mundo Buenos Aires, Argentina 1982-07-14 0258 GMT 11755 kHz Spanish 7.5 kW
Talk show, ID at 0300:30 GMT as "Radio El Mundo", frequencies given, talk. Unusual propagation night: many Northern hemisphere stations nor received, allowing Southern hemisphere stations to be heard.
Duration: 4:01 Filename: 19820714_0258_Radio-El-Mundo_Argentina_11755.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Radio Mexico International Mexico City, Mexico 1982-07-14 0329 GMT 15430 kHz Spanish 50 kW
Mexican music, full ID as "Radio Mexico Internationa...XERMX", frequencies given, talk. Talk show, ID at 0300:30 GMT as "Radio El Mundo", frequencies given, talk. Unusual propagation night: many Northern hemisphere stations nor received, allowing Southern hemisphere stations to be heard.
Duration: 3:03 Filename: 19820714_0329_Radio-Mexico-International_Mexico_15430.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Rádio Nacional de Angola Luanda, Angola 1983-03-12 0628 GMT 11955 kHz Portuguese 10 kW
Hi-life music, interval signal (vibraphone), ID by woman as "Este é o programa B da Rádio Nacional de Angola", gong, ID by man, then into man reading news.
Duration: 2:56 Filename: 19830312_0628_Radio-Nacional-de-Angola_Angola_11955.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
"Campo" music, Portuguese talk by man mentioning "...en la país Goiânia...", full ID with frequencies ("ondas tropical"), mentions "Rádio Anhanguera", then more music and talk.
Duration: 4:04 Filename: 19830313_0858_Radio-Anhanguera_Brazil_4915.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Falkland Islands Broadcasting Station Port Stanley, Falkland Islands 1983-03-23 0858 GMT 3958 kHz English 3.5 kW
0859: National Anthem, 0923: "8 minutes before...", 0932: Promo ad, 0937: Song "One on One" by Hall & Oates, 0940: Man saying "Falkland Islands Broadcasting Station".
Duration: 42:21 Filename: 19830323_0858_Falkland-Islands-Broadcasting-Station_Falkland-Islands_3958.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Falkland Islands Broadcasting Station Port Stanley, Falkland Islands 1983-03-23 0932 GMT 3958 kHz English 3.5 kW
Promo announcement with an announcer with a New Zealand accent (the station has one former Radio New Zealand DJ). During the promo he says "...on the Falkland Islands...", then some pop music, man talking (with British accent)m and "One on One" by Daryl Hall and John Oates. AT 0940 GMT the announcer gives a definite ID as "...Falkland Islands Broadcasting Station...", then into more pop music.
Duration: 8:55 Filename: 19830323_0932_Falkland-Islands-Broadcasting-Station_Falkland-Islands_3958.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Music, weather announcement and program preview, same music, ID as "1010 on your dial, Ontario's authoritative news voice", public service announcement (PSA), intro to CFRB news, commercial, then into news.
Duration: 4:00 Filename: 19830610_2058_CFRX_Canada_6070.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Deutsche Welle Kigali, Rwanda 1983-06-18 1228 GMT 17800 kHz English 250 kW
Interval signal, and ID's as "Voice of Germany, Africa Service". The tone and ID in French as "Içi le Deutsche Welle station relais Kigali, Rwanda". Then full ID with frequencies, then into news.
Duration: 3:38 Filename: 19830618_1228_Deutsche-Welle_Rwanda_17800.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Red Cross Broadcasting Service Schwarzenburg, Switzerland 1983-06-27 0600 GMT 7210 kHz English 150 kW
ID, times, man said "...monthly program of news about the work of the Red Cross", into news. Many mentions of the Red Cross in the news. Severe ham radio operator interference.
Duration: 2:54 Filename: 19830627_0600_Red-Cross-Broadcasting-Service_Switzerland_7210.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Radio Tanpa - NSB Tokyo, Japan 1983-06-27 0859 GMT 9595 kHz Japanese 50 kW
Japanese talk (ads or promos?), "Radio Tanpa" jingle, man ID's as "Radio Tanpa", Japanese talk, into an English language program. 1st Program. Parallel 6055 KHz.
Duration: 2:57 Filename: 19830627_0859_Radio-Tanpa_Japan_9595.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Office de Radiodiffusion-Télévision du Sénégal Dakar, Senegal 1983-07-28 0558 GMT 4890 kHz French
Interval Signal ("Cora" - local harp), music, ID in French as "...Radiodiffusion-Télévision du Sénégal...", possible time announcement by woman and a pip, then into news.
Duration: 2:51 Filename: 19830728_0558_Office-de-Radiodiffusion-Television-du-Senegal_Senegal_4890.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
All India Radio (AIR) Aligarh, India 1983-09-11 2058 GMT 11620 kHz English
Indian music, announcement by woman, possible ID as "All India Radio" by man, then into news mentioning new Indian satellite launched by the Space Shuttle.
Duration: 2:59 Filename: 19830911_2058_All-India-Radio-(AIR)_India_11620.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
0527 GMT cut of chimes interval signal, then 0529 GMT cut of national anthem ("Hymne Togolaise"), ID as: "Içi Lomé, Radiodiffusion-Télévision Togolaise, la Voix de la Nouvelle Marche, chaine internationale." Then frequencies given, and into possible religious program.
Duration: 3:42 Filename: 19830917_0527_Radiodiffusion-Television-Togolaise_Togo_5047.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Theme from "Star Wars" by the Mills Brothers. Full ID by man as "1010 on your dial: CFRB, Toronto - the people people listen to", lottery commercial, then time check, temperature and into the news.
Duration: 3:13 Filename: 19840709_1959_CFRX_Canada_6070.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Westerville, Ohio, USA
Syrian Broadcasting and Television Organization Damascus, Syria 1984-07-15 2328 GMT 12085 kHz English 500 kW
Arabic music, Arabic talk with ID as: "Idha'at el Jumhuriya il Arabiya es-Souriya...Dimashak." Then into National Anthem, and the beginning of the Spanish broadcast with ID as: "Aqui Dimasco, Radiodifusion de la Republica Siria. Estimados amigos radioyentes de america latina y España, muy buenas noches. Vamos..." Here the announcer is interrupted mid-sentence as the transmitter is turned off. This Spanish broadcast was not intended to be transmitted.
Duration: 2:47 Filename: 19840715_2328_Syrian-Broadcasting-and-Television-Organization_Syria_12085.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Westerville, Ohio, USA
Voice of Tomorrow (Pirate) United States? 1984-07-30 0147 GMT 7429 kHz English
Music, ID as "Voice of Tomorrow", into listeners, including one from the FCC who wrote: "...broadcasting activities must cease or a heavy fine will be in order...", and from a man who wrote: "...your days are numbered...". Also a talk from "Dr. Calculator". Address given was Radio Sinewave, Box 5074, Hilo, Hawaii 96720.
Duration: 3:35 Filename: 19840730_0147_Voice-of-Tomorrow-(Pirate)_United-States_7429.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Westerville, Ohio, USA
WIMP (Pirate) United States? 1984-07-30 0159 GMT 7429 kHz English
Sign-on at *0159 GMT with off-key "W-I-M-P" jingle. Announcer says: "Ladies and gentlemen, get ready for the most awesome radio experiment...", "You are now tuned to the most powerful pirate broadcaster on the North American continent.", then off-key jingle, then song by Tracey Ullman's "They Don't Know About Us", and into talk and Greek music.
Duration: 5:28 Filename: 19840730_0159_WIMP-(Pirate)_United-States_7429.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Westerville, Ohio, USA
Radiodiffusion Nationale Tchadienne N'Djamena, Chad 1984-08-01 0455 GMT 4904 kHz French 100 kW
Interval signal at *0455 GMT sign-on, a balafon. Then 0458 GMT cut of National Anthem, ID as: "Içi N'Djamena, Radiodiffusion National Tchadienne." Man gives frequencies, then into music.
Duration: 5:38 Filename: 19840801_0455_Radiodiffusion-Nationale-Tchadienne_Chad_4904.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Westerville, Ohio, USA
KQRP (Pirate) United States? 1984-08-04 0259 GMT 7435.5 kHz English
"The Shadow" radio program, KQRP ID. Then 0312 GMT cut of sign-off announcement, announcer was "Doctor X", gave address as P.O. Box 982, Battle Creek, Michigan 49016, sign-off with "Mickey Mouse" theme song, 0315* sign-off. Address same as WIMP.
Duration: 3:32 Filename: 19840804_0259_KQRP-(Pirate)_United-States_7435.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Westerville, Ohio, USA
Air Force One United States 1984-10-23 2351 GMT 6683 LSB kHz English
Communications between Air Force One, Andrews Air Force Base, and "Crown" (White House Communications Office). Air Force One was carrying President Reagan to give a speech at Ohio State University.
Duration: 14:08 Filename: 19841023_2351_Air-Force-One_United-States_6683.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Westerville, Ohio, USA
University of the South Pacific Fiji? 1990-03-13 0555 GMT 12140 USB kHz English
Instructor giving lecture under UTE QRM, with students asking questions via radio. There are stations in Solomon, Cook, Niue, Tuvalu, Tonga, Samoa, Vanuatu as well. Unsure of the location of this station.
Duration: 4:53 Filename: 19900313_0555_University-of-the-South-Pacific_Fiji_12140.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Radio Zagreb (WHRI relay) Noblesville, Indiana, United States 1991-09-28 0047 GMT 7315 kHz Croatian/English 100 kW
Croatian program, followed by ID in English. Interview with man from city of Vukovar, and a man on hunger strike. This cut lasts until 0100 GMT sign-off. This is a program from Croatia (Yugoslavia) during the civil war there.
Duration: 13:15 Filename: 19910928_0047_Radio-Zagreb-(WHRI-relay)_United-States_7315.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
"BSF" sent in Morse Code at 1229:28 GMT, "LST" sent in Morse Code, "BSF" repeated twice by female voice, then "N" sent five times in Morse Code. "JJY" can also be heard during the "LST" in Morse Code. Also mixing with WWV/WWVH.
Duration: 1:14 Filename: 19930717_1229_BSF_Taiwan_15000.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Radio Rwanda Kininya, Rwanda 1993-10-10 1932 GMT 15340 kHz French
1932 GMT cut of local harps (Inanga) interval signal and French ID. Then 2055 GMT cut of sign-off announcements in Kinyarwanda(?), French, and Swahili, ending with national anthem and tone before carrier off at 2101 GMT. Transmitter site per 12/93 NASWA Journal.
Duration: 4:29 Filename: 19931010_1932_Radio-Rwanda_Rwanda_15340.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Radio Dniester International Grigoriopol, Moldova 1993-11-27 0330 GMT 7105 kHz English
Mixing w/ VOA, chime IS, ID, nx by OM & YL, annced Mon, Wed, Sat sked (wrong). Sign off 0400*. Per March 2008 NASWA Journal (pg. 43), reception of Grigoriopol transmitter prior to December 2003 counts as Moldova (Moldavian S.S.R.), while reception of Grigoriopol transmitter in or after December 2003 counts as Pridnestrovie (Moldavian S.S.R).
Duration: 29:52 Filename: 19931127_0330_Radio-Dniester-International_Moldova_7105.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Space Shuttle "Endeavor" Greenbelt, Maryland, United States 1993-12-11 0447 GMT 3860 LSB kHz English
Live re-broadcast of traffic by WA3NAN (Goddard Amateur Radio Club). Discussion about dumping waste water in a zero-pressure environment. Also heard on 7185 KHz. Maywoods.
Duration: 4:13 Filename: 19931211_0447_Space-Shuttle-Endeavor_United-States_3860.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA
Space Shuttle "Columbia" WA3NAN - Greenbelt, Maryland, United States 1994-03-11 0413 GMT 3860 LSB kHz English
Live re-broadcast of traffic by WA3NAN (Goddard Amateur Radio Club). NASA/Houston waking up Columbia crew with "Taking Care of Business" song. Maywoods.
Duration: 2:48 Filename: 19940311_0413_Space-Shuttle-Columbia_United-States_3860.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA
English language lessons with man giving English version and female giving Bamar (?) version. Then 1228 GMT cut of subcontinental female vocal music, female giving ID mentioning "Yangon" and "Myanmar", local instrument interval signal at 1229 GMT, into possible news read by woman. Maywoods.
Duration: 4:20 Filename: 19941210_1221_Radio-Myanmar_Myanmar_5990.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA
Bangkok Meteorological Radio Bangkok, Thailand 1994-12-11 1158 GMT 6765.1 USB kHz English/Thai 1 kW
Music box interval signal, man announcing weather in English at 1200 GMT. At 1206 GMT a female announced weather in Thai (not recorded). USB transmission. Maywoods.
Duration: 2:33 Filename: 19941211_1158_Bangkok-Meteorological-Radio_Thailand_6765.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA
All India Radio (AIR) Port Blair, Andaman Islands 1994-12-11 1228 GMT 4760 kHz 10 kW
Subcontinental music, time pips or piano melody at 1229 GMT (possibly interval signal?), woman talking, into news from Delhi at 1230 GMT (parallel to 4920 KHz - Madras). Maywoods.
Duration: 1:41 Filename: 19941211_1228_All-India-Radio-(AIR)_Andaman-Islands_4760.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA
Midwest Radio County Mayo, Ireland - relayed by BBC site in England, England 1996-03-18 0057 GMT 7325 kHz English
Reading of listener letters (including one from Jim McClure and one from Edward Shaw!), and then into some Irish music. Special St. Patrick's Day relay via BBC transmitter.
Duration: 4:55 Filename: 19960318_0057_Midwest-Radio_England_7325.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Arabic music with stringed instrument, time pips and time check, short melody, man with news followed by ID as "Huna Ribat, idha'atu-l-mamlaka al Maghribiyya." Maywoods.
Duration: 3:31 Filename: 19980321_1859_Radiodiffusion-Television-Marocaine_Morocco_15345.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA
Radio Mayak Novosibirsk, Russia 2000-05-28 1557 GMT 15410 kHz Russian 200 kW
Special three day test transmission from 1500-1600 GMT. Ads/promos, "Moscow Nights" interval signal at 1559 GMT, 5 time pips at 1600 GMT. Carrier off at 1601 GMT.
Duration: 3:03 Filename: 20000528_1557_Radio-Mayak_Russia_15410.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Voice of the Islamic Revolution of Iraq Iran 2001-01-16 0358 GMT 7100 kHz Arabic 500 kW
Arabic music, ID at 0402: "Sawt al-Thawah al-Islamiyah fi al-Iraq". This is an anti-Saddam Hussein station operating from within Iran and broadcasting to Iraq.
Duration: 4:27 Filename: 20010116_0358_Voice-of-the-Islamic-Revolution-of-Iraq_Iran_7100.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Interval signal (IS confirmed via, man talking. Mixing with Voice of the Islamic Revolution of Iraq clandestine station on same frequency.
Duration: 4:32 Filename: 20010126_0327_Voice-of-Broad-Masses_Eritrea_7100.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Commando Solo (EC130E flying over Afghanistan, or land-based in Turkmenistan) Afghanistan? 2001-10-23 0030 GMT 8700 USB kHz Pushto/Dari
U.S. broadcasts to Afghan people during war against Taliban following 9/11/01 World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks. Broadcast claimed to be from an EC-130E flying over Afghanistan, but monitoring by other DXers shows propagation characteristic of a transmitter site at Ashgabat, Turkmenistan due to rapid-fire fading at local sunrise. Recording consists of sign-on ID and music, talk in local language.
Duration: 6:47 Filename: 20011023_0030_Commando-Solo_Afghanistan_8700.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
The Crystal Ship (Pirate) United States 2004-11-01 0030 GMT 6949.89 kHz English 100 watts
Halloween broadcast featuring music from The Doors, station ID with address and email, into Blue Oyster Cult song "Don't Fear the Reaper". Power listed as 100 watts on QSL card.
Duration: 6:26 Filename: 20041101_0030_The-Crystal-Ship-(Pirate)_United-States_6950.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Radio First Termer (Pirate) United States 2004-11-16 2218 GMT 6925 kHz English
Possible re-broadcast of a Vietnam-era pirate for armed forces in Vietnam during the war. Mentions of "Big 69" referencing 69 MHz frequency used back then, and ID'ing as Radio First Termer. Several parodies, fake PSA's and so on. Extra long recording due to good programming.
Duration: 23:29 Filename: 20041116_2218_Radio-First-Termer-(Pirate)_United-States_6925.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Radio Imperio Chiclayo, Peru 2005-01-31 0455 GMT 4386.59 kHz Spanish 500 watts
Man talking in what sounds like a large hall with an echo, man talking over local music at 0456 GMT. ID "La Voz de la Salvación" at 0458 GMT, sign-off at 0459 GMT. 500 watts.
Duration: 4:05 Filename: 20050131_0455_Radio-Imperio_Peru_4387.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Undercover Radio (Pirate) United States 2006-06-10 0107 GMT 6925 USB kHz English
ID, mention of 20th anniversary broadcast, email address as [email protected] and Merlin, Ontario maildrop. Formerly known as "Progressive Music Radio", and stories of the early days of his station. Maywoods.
Duration: 5:27 Filename: 20060610_0107_Undercover-Radio-(Pirate)_United-States_6925.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA
Radio Voice of the People Talata Volonondry, Madagascar 2008-06-21 0453 GMT 11610 kHz Vernacular 250 kW
Telephone interview with manager of Zimbabwe soccer team. Sign-off announcements including web site address This English portion of the program followed programming in a vernacular language, broadcast to Zimbabwe from Radio Nederland transmitters in Madagascar. Maywoods.
Duration: 3:07 Filename: 20080621_0453_Radio-Voice-of-the-People_Madagascar_11610.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Maywoods Environmental Laboratory DXpedition, Crab Orchard, Kentucky, USA
United States Air Force Global High Frequency System (GHFS) Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, United States 2013-03-03 1620 GMT 11175 USB kHz English
"Skyking, Skyking, do not answer" followed by short code group once. Ending with "This is Offutt out". Originating from Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska.
Duration: 0:23 Filename: 20130303_1620_USAF-Global-High-Frequency-System-(GHFS)_United-States_11175.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
PPE (Time Station) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2015-11-12 2229 GMT 10000 kHz Portuguese 1 kW
Under WWV, man announcing time every 10 seconds: "Observatório Nacional, 20 horas, 29 minutos, 10 segundos." Time given in Rio de Janeiro local time. Best in USB.
Duration: 2:20 Filename: 20151112_2229_PPE-(Time-Station)_Brazil_10000.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: joint stereo Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Pee Wee Radio (Pirate) United States 2017-04-15 0133 GMT 6950 USB kHz English
Old recorded talk on radio modulation, 0133 "Uneasy Rider" by Charlie Daniels Band. Then 0140 cut of blues music "Black Coffee" by Guy Davis and Fabrizio Poggi, Morse Code "Pee Wee was here" over music starting at 0141. Only Morse Code at 0141, "Black Coffee" started back up at 0142, 0144 "Three Headed Lobster Boy" by The Deviants, with Morse Code "This is not Pee Wee" and "Bullshit Pee Wee was here".
Duration: 5:49 Filename: 20170415_0133_Pee-Wee-Radio-(Pirate)_United-States_6950.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
X-FM (Pirate) United States 2019-06-30 0259 GMT 6295 kHz English
DJ talk, song by Halestorm. AM mode. Announced email as [email protected], reception report sent via email and heard them read on air a few minutes later!
Duration: 4:02 Filename: 20190630_0259_X-FM-(Pirate)_United-States_6295.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
HM01 Cuba Spy Numbers Station Cuba? 2019-08-18 1618 GMT 11433 kHz Spanish
Woman reading 5-digit number groups in Spanish, alternating with digital transmissions. AM mode. Believed to be operated by the Cuban intelligence directorate, Dirección de Inteligencia (DI).
Duration: 2:18 Filename: 20190818_1618_HM01-Cuba-Spy-Numbers-Station_Cuba_11433.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Greek music and talk. Beaming to North America. Likely one of the last broadcasts as external service scheduled to be shut down in March 2022. Strong signal, but worsened as it got closer to 0802 sign-off due to local sunrise in Greece around 0500 UTC.
Duration: 4:58:29 Filename: 20220226_0304_Voice-of-Greece_Greece_9420.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Piss Ant Radio (Pirate) United States 2022-04-10 0236 GMT 6935 USB kHz English 10 watts
At 0236 SSTV transmission with station name and ant logo (using Scottie 1 mode). At 0238 a man said "Piss Ant Radio is leaving the air with this tune." Into "Weiss Heim" by Rainbow. Another SSTV image of a woman with guitar at 0243. Off at 0245.
Duration: 8:52 Filename: 20220410_0236_Piss-Ant-Radio-(Pirate)_United-States_6935.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Adventist World Radio (AWR) Dushanbe-Orzu, Tajikistan 2022-05-06 0228 GMT 15515 kHz English 100 kW
0228 GMT cut of woman reading and discussing scripture. The 0257 GMT cut of music, woman with ID "You're listening to Adventist World Radio." and immediate sign-off at 0259*.
Duration: 4:09 Filename: 20220506_0228_Adventist-World-Radio-(AWR)_Tajikistan_15515.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
CHIL World Radio (Pirate) United States 2022-06-21 0225 GMT 6932 USB kHz English
"Ride Like the Wind" by Christopher Cross, ID by man "You are tuned to CHIL World Radio". Long pauses in between songs and breaks in songs. Then 0230 GMT cut of man talking about drug use experiences. Very strong signal.
Duration: 5:39 Filename: 20220621_0225_CHIL-World-Radio-(Pirate)_United-States_6932.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
WWV Fort Collins, Colorado, United States 2022-10-08 2029 GMT 25000 kHz English 2.5 kW
Time pips, announcement, and full ID by man giving 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20 MHz frequencies. 25 MHz was not mentioned but this broadcast was on 25 MHz. Then 2108 GMT cut of a test signal used to assist in ionospheric research, consisting of various tones, chirps, and Gaussian noise bursts. WWV and WWVH started broadcasting the test signal on November 15, 2021.
Duration: 4:16 Filename: 20221008_2029_WWV_United-States_25000.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
China Radio International Xianyang, China 2022-10-19 2355 GMT 9470 kHz Mongolian 500 kW
Talk, CRI jingle, ID's in Mandarin (man) and Mongolian (woman), into talk. Beamed at 354 degrees, coming over North Pole into North America with polar flutter present.
Duration: 6:50 Filename: 20221019_2355_China-Radio-International_China_9470.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Voice of America Tinang / Agignan Point, Philippines / Northern Mariana Islands 2022-11-19 1357 GMT 11570 kHz Korean 250 kW / 100 kW
In Korean language, playing classical music with announcements. Beaming 21 degrees with 250KW from Tinang, Philippines until 1359 then 1 minute of dead air until 1400 when resumed broadcasting from Agignan Point, Northern Mariana Islands beaming 325 degrees with 100KW.
Duration: 9:17 Filename: 20221119_1357_Voice-of-America_Philippines-Northern-Mariana-Islands_11570.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Black Swan Radio Network (Pirate) United States 2022-11-20 1418 GMT 6925 USB kHz English
Music "Tangerine" and "Space Ghost Coast to Coast" by Glass Animals, recorded ID at 1422 by woman over music "The Black Swan Radio Network of ??? music. Good morning." repeated three times. This recorded ID played every 10 minutes or so, but no other announcements heard. Strong signal.
Duration: 5:01 Filename: 20221120_1418_Black-Swan-Radio-Network-(Pirate)_United-States_6925.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
World Music Radio Marslet, Denmark 2023-01-28 1420 GMT 25799.92 kHz Spanish 2 kW
Weak, AM mode but best in LSB on 25799.92. Faded up at 1420 in time for YL ID "Transmitimos la 24 horas en dia, los siete dias de la semana, esta as W-M-R, World Music Radio". Pop music, much QRN.
Duration: 3:02 Filename: 20230128_1420_World-Music-Radio_Denmark_25800.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Crapola Pirate Radio (Pirate) United States 2023-03-18 0111 GMT 6925 USB kHz English
"Hound Dog" by Elvis Presley, ID by man at 0112 "You are listening to Crapola Pirate Radio, all free, all the time.", into "Chantilly Lace" by The Big Bopper and other 50's music. Very strong S9+10db. Full ID and off at 0123.
Duration: 12:20 Filename: 20230318_0111_Crapola-Pirate-Radio-(Pirate)_United-States_6925..mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Dilligaf Radio (Pirate) United States 2023-03-18 0145 GMT 6930 USB kHz English
Old program about marijuana and LSD, old Coke commercial, old program about pressure and drug use, SSTV at 0157 ("6930 usb DILLIGAF RADIO" white text in white oval), "Cocaine Blues" by Johnny Cash.
Duration: 16:48 Filename: 20230318_0145_Dilligaf-Radio-(Pirate)_United-States_6930.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Thunder Chicken Radio (Pirate) United States 2023-04-07 2352 GMT 6935 USB kHz English
"22 Memory Lane" and "Desolation" by Joe Satriani, closing announcement by man, music and SSTV image of Thunder Chicken logo, chicken clucking with ID and thunder roll, and off at 0002*. Very strong.
Duration: 9:42 Filename: 20230407_2352_Thunder-Chicken-Radio-(Pirate)_United-States_6935.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Radio Vixen International (Pirate) United States 2023-05-06 0120 GMT 6935 USB kHz English
"They Don't Know About Us" by Tracey Ullman, "She Don't Love Nobody" by Nick Lowe, "Mad About You" by Belinda Carlisle. ID by woman at 0128: "Radio Vixen International".
Duration: 7:52 Filename: 20230506_0120_Radio-Vixen-International-(Pirate)_United-States_6935.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Alcaraván Radio Puerto Lleras, Colombia 2023-10-13 0933 GMT 5909.96 kHz Spanish 1 kW
Talk, promos, possible ID at 0935:30. Man and woman talking, bridge music at various points in program. Mentions of Alcaravan. Reception report and MP3 recording sent by email to [email protected].
Duration: 1:00:00 Filename: 20231013_0933_Alcaravan-Radio_Colombia_5910.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Ifrikya FM Ouargla, Algeria 2023-11-11 2155 GMT 13790 kHz French 300 kW
Contemporary African music. Strong with flutter fading. Talk by man and woman at 2201. Into continuous talk by man. Music again at around 2210. Delayed sync with feed at
Duration: 20:00 Filename: 20231111_2155_Ifrikya-FM_Algeria_13790.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
WENO (Pirate) United States 2023-11-12 2352 GMT 6935 USB kHz English
Ambient music with vocals, ID at 2353 "You are listening to the voice of WENO, W-E-N-O, shortwave", into "There Were Bells" by Brian Eno. Strong signal.
Duration: 4:25 Filename: 20231112_2352_WENO-(Pirate)_United-States_6935.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Carrier off until 1209, then multiple CW ID's "R-W-M" starting at precisely 1209 GMT. Time pips start at 1210 GMT. CW mode. WWV/WWVH not heard on 10 MHZ this morning.
Duration: 2:06 Filename: 20231212_1209_RWM-(Time-Station)_Russia_9996.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
KNLS Anchor Point, Alaska, United States 2024-06-02 1000 GMT 9580 kHz English 100 kW
ID by woman "From the top of the world, this is your new life station, broadcast on KNLS, Anchor Point, Alaska, United States of America. An English language transmission starts in one minute." Then interval signal, into multi-topic program, song "Illusion" by Dua Lipa.
Duration: 4:02 Filename: 20240602_1000_KNLS_United-States_9580.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Radio New Zealand International Rangitaiki, New Zealand 2024-08-26 0559 GMT 9700 kHz English 100 kW
IS, ID, into BBC news. Entire broadcast of 7 hours recorded, strongest from approximately 0800-1100 UTC when Lexington, KY to New Zealand signal path was in full darkness, fading rapidly after Lexington sunrise at 1100 UTC. English scheduled 0600-1300.
Duration: 6:59:10 Filename: 20240826_0559_Radio-New-Zealand-International_New-Zealand_9700.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Wolverine Radio (Pirate) United States 2024-09-21 2359 GMT 6950 USB kHz English
Interval Signal was part of song "Testing 1, 2, 3" by the Barenaked Ladies, then ID "Wolverine Radio" by man and into "No Regrets" by Billie Holiday, followed by "Just a Little Fond Affection" by Louis Prima and his Orchestra, and then "I'm So Happy I could Jump and Shout" by Lester Williams. Good signal and audio. First time that I remember hearing an interval signal used by a pirate radio station.
Duration: 7:11 Filename: 20240921_2359_Wolverine-Radio-(Pirate)_United-States_6950.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Nippon no Kaze'il bon ue Paochung, Taiwan 2024-10-21 1325 GMT 9940 kHz Korean 300 kW
Vocal music, talk by woman. Sudden off at 1328*. Scheduled in Korean from 1300-1328. Japanese government shortwave radio broadcast aimed at Japanese citizens abducted by DPRK (North Korea) between 1977 and 1983. The Japanese government says at least 17 of its citizens were abducted by North Korean agents in the 1970s and 1980s. Five returned in 2002, but the other 12 remain unaccounted for.
Duration: 2:59 Filename: 20241021_1325_Nippon-no-Kaze_Taiwan_9940.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Women talking, bridge music and into interview program at 1245. Good with polar flutter fading. Off at 1300*. Burmese to Myanmar 1200-1300 daily. Anti-regime broadcaster in exile, established by Mizzima Media Group after last coup.
Duration: 19:39 Filename: 20241231_1240_Mizzima-Radio-(Clandestine)_Uzbekistan_11830.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
WDOG (Pirate) United States 2025-03-07 0137 GMT 6950 USB kHz English
80's rock, song "The Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades" by Timbuk 3, jingle ID "WDOG" at 0140, into "Still In Hollywood" by Concrete Blonde with dog howling, then "Addicted to Love" by Robert Palmer.
Duration: 8:49 Filename: 20250307_0137_WDOG-(Pirate)_United-States_6950.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Radio Appalachia (Pirate) United States 2025-03-23 0053 GMT 6974.6 kHz English
Song "Will the Circle Be Unbroken" by June Carter Cash, full ID at 0057 with location given as West Virginia, into "I'm Blue, I'm Lonesome" by David Grisman, Herb Pedersen, James Kerwin, Jerry Garcia, Jim Buchanan and Red Allen. Good signal in AM mode.
Duration: 7:57 Filename: 20250323_0053_Radio-Appalachia-(Pirate)_United-States_6974.mp3 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channel Mode: mono Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Received By: Jerry Johnston Receiving Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA